module Fog module AWS class Storage class Real require 'fog/storage/parsers/aws/get_bucket' # List information about objects in an S3 bucket # # ==== Parameters # * bucket_name<~String> - name of bucket to list object keys from # * options<~Hash> - config arguments for list. Defaults to {}. # * 'delimiter'<~String> - causes keys with the same string between the prefix # value and the first occurence of delimiter to be rolled up # * 'marker'<~String> - limits object keys to only those that appear # lexicographically after its value. # * 'max-keys'<~Integer> - limits number of object keys returned # * 'prefix'<~String> - limits object keys to those beginning with its value. # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'Delimeter'<~String> - Delimiter specified for query # * 'IsTruncated'<~Boolean> - Whether or not the listing is truncated # * 'Marker'<~String> - Marker specified for query # * 'MaxKeys'<~Integer> - Maximum number of keys specified for query # * 'Name'<~String> - Name of the bucket # * 'Prefix'<~String> - Prefix specified for query # * 'CommonPrefixes'<~Array> - Array of strings for common prefixes # * 'Contents'<~Array>: # * 'ETag'<~String>: Etag of object # * 'Key'<~String>: Name of object # * 'LastModified'<~String>: Timestamp of last modification of object # * 'Owner'<~Hash>: # * 'DisplayName'<~String> - Display name of object owner # * 'ID'<~String> - Id of object owner # * 'Size'<~Integer> - Size of object # * 'StorageClass'<~String> - Storage class of object # # ==== See Also # def get_bucket(bucket_name, options = {}) unless bucket_name raise'bucket_name is required') end request({ :expects => 200, :headers => {}, :host => "#{bucket_name}.#{@host}", :idempotent => true, :method => 'GET', :parser =>, :query => options }) end end class Mock # :nodoc:all def get_bucket(bucket_name, options = {}) unless bucket_name raise'bucket_name is required') end if options['delimiter'] Fog::Mock.not_implemented end response = if bucket = @data[:buckets][bucket_name] contents = bucket[:objects].values.sort {|x,y| x['Key'] <=> y['Key']}.reject do |object| (options['prefix'] && object['Key'][0...options['prefix'].length] != options['prefix']) || (options['marker'] && object['Key'] <= options['marker']) do |object| data = object.reject {|key, value| !['ETag', 'Key', 'StorageClass'].include?(key)} data.merge!({ 'LastModified' => Time.parse(object['Last-Modified']), 'Owner' => bucket['Owner'], 'Size' => object['Content-Length'].to_i }) data end max_keys = options['max-keys'] || 1000 size = [max_keys, 1000].min truncated_contents = contents[0...size] response.status = 200 response.body = { 'CommonPrefixes' => [], 'Contents' => truncated_contents, 'IsTruncated' => truncated_contents.size != contents.size, 'Marker' => options['marker'], 'MaxKeys' => max_keys, 'Name' => bucket['Name'], 'Prefix' => options['prefix'] } if options['max-keys'] && options['max-keys'] < response.body['Contents'].length response.body['IsTruncated'] = true response.body['Contents'] = response.body['Contents'][0...options['max-keys']] end else response.status = 404 raise(Excon::Errors.status_error({:expects => 200}, response)) end response end end end end end