#!/usr/bin/env ruby begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError # got no gems end require 'test/unit' require 'rake' require 'test/rake_test_setup' require 'test/capture_stdout' require 'test/in_environment' TESTING_REQUIRE = [ ] ###################################################################### class TestApplication < Test::Unit::TestCase include CaptureStdout include InEnvironment include TestMethods def setup @app = Rake::Application.new @app.options.rakelib = [] end def test_constant_warning err = capture_stderr do @app.instance_eval { const_warning("Task") } end assert_match(/warning/i, err) assert_match(/deprecated/i, err) assert_match(/Task/i, err) end def test_display_tasks @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.last_description = "COMMENT" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out = capture_stdout do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t/, out) assert_match(/# COMMENT/, out) end def test_interactive_task flexmock(@app) @app.should_receive(:readline).and_return(0).once @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.options.interactive = true @app.last_description = "COMMENT" test_task = Rake::Task flexmock(test_task) test_task.new_instances.should_receive(:invoke).once @app.define_task(test_task, "t") out = capture_stdout do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^0\) rake t/, out) assert_match(/# COMMENT/, out) end def test_display_tasks_with_long_comments in_environment('RAKE_COLUMNS' => '80') do @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.last_description = "1234567890" * 8 @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out = capture_stdout do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t/, out) assert_match(/# 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345\.\.\./, out) end end def test_display_tasks_with_task_name_wider_than_tty_display in_environment('RAKE_COLUMNS' => '80') do @app.options.show_task_pattern = // description = "something short" task_name = "task name" * 80 @app.last_description = "something short" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, task_name ) out = capture_stdout do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end # Ensure the entire task name is output and we end up showing no description assert_match(/rake #{task_name} # .../, out) end end def test_display_tasks_with_very_long_task_name_to_a_non_tty_shows_name_and_comment @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.tty_output = false description = "something short" task_name = "task name" * 80 @app.last_description = "something short" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, task_name ) out = capture_stdout do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end # Ensure the entire task name is output and we end up showing no description assert_match(/rake #{task_name} # #{description}/, out) end def test_display_tasks_with_long_comments_to_a_non_tty_shows_entire_comment @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.tty_output = false @app.last_description = "1234567890" * 8 @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out = capture_stdout do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t/, out) assert_match(/# #{@app.last_description}/, out) end def test_display_tasks_with_long_comments_to_a_non_tty_with_columns_set_truncates_comments in_environment("RAKE_COLUMNS" => '80') do @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.tty_output = false @app.last_description = "1234567890" * 8 @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out = capture_stdout do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t/, out) assert_match(/# 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345\.\.\./, out) end end def test_display_tasks_with_full_descriptions @app.options.show_task_pattern = // @app.options.full_description = true @app.last_description = "COMMENT" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "t") out = capture_stdout do @app.instance_eval { display_tasks_and_comments } end assert_match(/^rake t$/, out) assert_match(/^ {4}COMMENT$/, out) end def test_finding_rakefile assert_match(/Rakefile/i, @app.instance_eval { have_rakefile }) end def test_not_finding_rakefile @app.instance_eval { @rakefiles = ['NEVER_FOUND'] } assert( ! @app.instance_eval do have_rakefile end ) assert_nil @app.rakefile end def test_load_rakefile in_environment("PWD" => "test/data/unittest") do @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true load_rakefile end assert_equal "rakefile", @app.rakefile.downcase assert_match(%r(unittest$), Dir.pwd) end end def test_load_rakefile_from_subdir in_environment("PWD" => "test/data/unittest/subdir") do @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true load_rakefile end assert_equal "rakefile", @app.rakefile.downcase assert_match(%r(unittest$), Dir.pwd) end end def test_load_rakefile_not_found in_environment("PWD" => "/", "RAKE_SYSTEM" => 'not_exist') do @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true end ex = assert_exception(RuntimeError) do @app.instance_eval do raw_load_rakefile end end assert_match(/no rakefile found/i, ex.message) end end def test_load_from_system_rakefile in_environment('RAKE_SYSTEM' => 'test/data/sys') do @app.options.rakelib = [] @app.instance_eval do handle_options options.silent = true options.load_system = true options.rakelib = [] load_rakefile end assert_equal "test/data/sys", @app.system_dir assert_nil @app.rakefile end end def test_windows assert ! (@app.windows? && @app.unix?) end def test_loading_imports mock = flexmock("loader") mock.should_receive(:load).with("x.dummy").once @app.instance_eval do add_loader("dummy", mock) add_import("x.dummy") load_imports end end def test_building_imported_files_on_demand mock = flexmock("loader") mock.should_receive(:load).with("x.dummy").once mock.should_receive(:make_dummy).with_no_args.once @app.instance_eval do intern(Rake::Task, "x.dummy").enhance do mock.make_dummy end add_loader("dummy", mock) add_import("x.dummy") load_imports end end def test_handle_options_should_strip_options_from_ARGV assert !@app.options.trace valid_option = '--trace' ARGV.clear ARGV << valid_option @app.handle_options assert !ARGV.include?(valid_option) assert @app.options.trace end def test_good_run ran = false ARGV.clear ARGV << '--rakelib=""' @app.options.silent = true @app.instance_eval do intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { ran = true } end in_environment("PWD" => "test/data/default") do @app.run end assert ran end def test_display_task_run ran = false ARGV.clear ARGV << '-f' << '-s' << '--tasks' << '--rakelib=""' @app.last_description = "COMMENT" @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "default") out = capture_stdout { @app.run } assert @app.options.show_tasks assert ! ran assert_match(/rake default/, out) assert_match(/# COMMENT/, out) end def test_display_prereqs ran = false ARGV.clear ARGV << '-f' << '-s' << '--prereqs' << '--rakelib=""' @app.last_description = "COMMENT" t = @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "default") t.enhance([:a, :b]) @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "a") @app.define_task(Rake::Task, "b") out = capture_stdout { @app.run } assert @app.options.show_prereqs assert ! ran assert_match(/rake a$/, out) assert_match(/rake b$/, out) assert_match(/rake default\n( *(a|b)\n){2}/m, out) end def test_bad_run @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail } ARGV.clear ARGV << '-f' << '-s' << '--rakelib=""' assert_exception(SystemExit) { err = capture_stderr { @app.run } assert_match(/see full trace/, err) } ensure ARGV.clear end def test_bad_run_with_trace @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail } ARGV.clear ARGV << '-f' << '-s' << '-t' assert_exception(SystemExit) { err = capture_stderr { capture_stdout { @app.run } } assert_no_match(/see full trace/, err) } ensure ARGV.clear end def test_run_with_bad_options @app.intern(Rake::Task, "default").enhance { fail } ARGV.clear ARGV << '-f' << '-s' << '--xyzzy' assert_exception(SystemExit) { err = capture_stderr { capture_stdout { @app.run } } } ensure ARGV.clear end end ###################################################################### class TestApplicationOptions < Test::Unit::TestCase include CaptureStdout include TestMethods def setup clear_argv RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag = false RakeFileUtils.nowrite_flag = false TESTING_REQUIRE.clear end def teardown clear_argv RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag = false RakeFileUtils.nowrite_flag = false end def clear_argv while ! ARGV.empty? ARGV.pop end end def test_default_options opts = command_line assert_nil opts.classic_namespace assert_nil opts.dryrun assert_nil opts.full_description assert_nil opts.ignore_system assert_nil opts.load_system assert_nil opts.nosearch assert_equal ['rakelib'], opts.rakelib assert_nil opts.show_prereqs assert_nil opts.show_task_pattern assert_nil opts.show_tasks assert_nil opts.silent assert_nil opts.trace assert_equal ['rakelib'], opts.rakelib assert ! RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag assert ! RakeFileUtils.nowrite_flag end def test_dry_run flags('--dry-run', '-n') do |opts| assert opts.dryrun assert opts.trace assert RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag assert RakeFileUtils.nowrite_flag end end def test_describe flags('--describe') do |opts| assert opts.full_description assert opts.show_tasks assert_equal(//.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s) end end def test_describe_with_pattern flags('--describe=X') do |opts| assert opts.full_description assert opts.show_tasks assert_equal(/X/.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s) end end def test_execute $xyzzy = 0 flags('--execute=$xyzzy=1', '-e $xyzzy=1') do |opts| assert_equal 1, $xyzzy assert_equal :exit, @exit $xyzzy = 0 end end def test_execute_and_continue $xyzzy = 0 flags('--execute-continue=$xyzzy=1', '-E $xyzzy=1') do |opts| assert_equal 1, $xyzzy assert_not_equal :exit, @exit $xyzzy = 0 end end def test_execute_and_print $xyzzy = 0 flags('--execute-print=$xyzzy="pugh"', '-p $xyzzy="pugh"') do |opts| assert_equal 'pugh', $xyzzy assert_equal :exit, @exit assert_match(/^pugh$/, @out) $xyzzy = 0 end end def test_help flags('--help', '-H', '-h') do |opts| assert_match(/\Arake/, @out) assert_match(/\boptions\b/, @out) assert_match(/\btargets\b/, @out) assert_equal :exit, @exit assert_equal :exit, @exit end end def test_libdir flags(['--libdir', 'xx'], ['-I', 'xx'], ['-Ixx']) do |opts| $:.include?('xx') end ensure $:.delete('xx') end def test_rakefile flags(['--rakefile', 'RF'], ['--rakefile=RF'], ['-f', 'RF'], ['-fRF']) do |opts| assert_equal ['RF'], @app.instance_eval { @rakefiles } end end def test_rakelib flags(['--rakelibdir', 'A:B:C'], ['--rakelibdir=A:B:C'], ['-R', 'A:B:C'], ['-RA:B:C']) do |opts| assert_equal ['A', 'B', 'C'], opts.rakelib end end def test_require flags(['--require', 'test/reqfile'], '-rtest/reqfile2', '-rtest/reqfile3') do |opts| end assert TESTING_REQUIRE.include?(1) assert TESTING_REQUIRE.include?(2) assert TESTING_REQUIRE.include?(3) assert_equal 3, TESTING_REQUIRE.size end def test_missing_require ex = assert_exception(LoadError) do flags(['--require', 'test/missing']) do |opts| end end assert_match(/no such file/, ex.message) assert_match(/test\/missing/, ex.message) end def test_prereqs flags('--prereqs', '-P') do |opts| assert opts.show_prereqs end end def test_quiet flags('--quiet', '-q') do |opts| assert ! RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag assert ! opts.silent end end def test_no_search flags('--nosearch', '--no-search', '-N') do |opts| assert opts.nosearch end end def test_silent flags('--silent', '-s') do |opts| assert ! RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag assert opts.silent end end def test_system flags('--system', '-g') do |opts| assert opts.load_system end end def test_no_system flags('--no-system', '-G') do |opts| assert opts.ignore_system end end def test_trace flags('--trace', '-t') do |opts| assert opts.trace assert RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag assert ! RakeFileUtils.nowrite_flag end end def test_trace_rules flags('--rules') do |opts| assert opts.trace_rules end end def test_tasks flags('--tasks', '-T') do |opts| assert opts.show_tasks assert_equal(//.to_s, opts.show_task_pattern.to_s) end flags(['--tasks', 'xyz'], ['-Txyz']) do |opts| assert opts.show_tasks assert_equal(/xyz/, opts.show_task_pattern) end end def test_verbose flags('--verbose', '-V') do |opts| assert RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag assert ! opts.silent end end def test_version flags('--version', '-V') do |opts| assert_match(/\bversion\b/, @out) assert_match(/\b#{RAKEVERSION}\b/, @out) assert_equal :exit, @exit end end def test_classic_namespace flags(['--classic-namespace'], ['-C', '-T', '-P', '-n', '-s', '-t']) do |opts| assert opts.classic_namespace assert_equal opts.show_tasks, $show_tasks assert_equal opts.show_prereqs, $show_prereqs assert_equal opts.trace, $trace assert_equal opts.dryrun, $dryrun assert_equal opts.silent, $silent end end def test_bad_option capture_stderr do ex = assert_exception(OptionParser::InvalidOption) do flags('--bad-option') end if ex.message =~ /^While/ # Ruby 1.9 error message assert_match(/while parsing/i, ex.message) else # Ruby 1.8 error message assert_match(/(invalid|unrecognized) option/i, ex.message) assert_match(/--bad-option/, ex.message) end end end def test_task_collection command_line("a", "b") assert_equal ["a", "b"], @tasks.sort end def test_default_task_collection command_line() assert_equal ["default"], @tasks end def test_environment_definition ENV.delete('TESTKEY') command_line("a", "TESTKEY=12") assert_equal ["a"], @tasks.sort assert '12', ENV['TESTKEY'] end private def flags(*sets) sets.each do |set| ARGV.clear @out = capture_stdout { @exit = catch(:system_exit) { opts = command_line(*set) } } yield(@app.options) if block_given? end end def command_line(*options) options.each do |opt| ARGV << opt end @app = Rake::Application.new def @app.exit(*args) throw :system_exit, :exit end @app.instance_eval do handle_options collect_tasks end @tasks = @app.top_level_tasks @app.options end end class TestTaskArgumentParsing < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @app = Rake::Application.new end def test_name_only name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name") assert_equal "name", name assert_equal [], args end def test_empty_args name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[]") assert_equal "name", name assert_equal [], args end def test_one_argument name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one]") assert_equal "name", name assert_equal ["one"], args end def test_two_arguments name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one,two]") assert_equal "name", name assert_equal ["one", "two"], args end def test_can_handle_spaces_between_args name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[one, two,\tthree , \tfour]") assert_equal "name", name assert_equal ["one", "two", "three", "four"], args end def test_keeps_embedded_spaces name, args = @app.parse_task_string("name[a one ana, two]") assert_equal "name", name assert_equal ["a one ana", "two"], args end end class TestTaskArgumentParsing < Test::Unit::TestCase include InEnvironment def test_terminal_width_using_env app = Rake::Application.new in_environment('RAKE_COLUMNS' => '1234') do assert_equal 1234, app.terminal_width end end def test_terminal_width_using_stty app = Rake::Application.new flexmock(app, :unix? => true, :dynamic_width_stty => 1235, :dynamic_width_tput => 0) in_environment('RAKE_COLUMNS' => nil) do assert_equal 1235, app.terminal_width end end def test_terminal_width_using_tput app = Rake::Application.new flexmock(app, :unix? => true, :dynamic_width_stty => 0, :dynamic_width_tput => 1236) in_environment('RAKE_COLUMNS' => nil) do assert_equal 1236, app.terminal_width end end def test_terminal_width_using_hardcoded_80 app = Rake::Application.new flexmock(app, :unix? => false) in_environment('RAKE_COLUMNS' => nil) do assert_equal 80, app.terminal_width end end def test_terminal_width_with_failure app = Rake::Application.new flexmock(app).should_receive(:unix?).and_throw(RuntimeError) in_environment('RAKE_COLUMNS' => nil) do assert_equal 80, app.terminal_width end end end