module Euston module AggregateRoot extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def applies event, version, &consumer define_method "__consume__#{event}__v#{version}" do |*args| instance_exec *args, &consumer end end def consumes *arguments, &consumer #*args is an array of symbols plus an optional options hash at the end commands, options = [], {} while (arg = arguments.shift) do commands << arg if arg.is_a?(Symbol) options = arg if arg.is_a?(Hash) end commands.each do |command| define_method "__consume__#{command}" do |*args| instance_exec *args, &consumer end map_command :map_command_as_aggregate_method, self, command, options end end def created_by command, options = {}, &consumer define_method "__consume__#{command}" do |*args| instance_exec *args, &consumer end map_command :map_command_as_aggregate_constructor, self, command, options end def hydrate(stream) instance = instance.send :reconstitute_from_history, stream instance end private def map_command(entry_point, type, command, opts) id = opts.has_key?(:id) ? opts[:id] : :id to_i = opts.key?(:to_i) ? opts[:to_i] : [] Euston::AggregateCommandMap.send entry_point, type, command, id, to_i end end module InstanceMethods def initialize aggregate_id = nil @aggregate_id = aggregate_id unless aggregate_id.nil? end attr_reader :aggregate_id def initial_version @initial_version ||= 0 end def has_uncommitted_changes? !uncommitted_events.empty? end def committed_commands @committed_commands ||= [] end def uncommitted_events @uncommitted_events ||= [] end def consume_command(headers, command) headers = Euston::CommandHeaders.from_hash(headers) if headers.is_a?(Hash) return if committed_commands.include? @current_headers = headers @current_command = command handle_command headers, command self end def replay_event(headers, event) headers = Euston::EventHeaders.from_hash(headers) if headers.is_a?(Hash) command = headers.command committed_commands << command[:id] unless command.nil? || committed_commands.include?(command[:id]) handle_event headers, event @initial_version = initial_version + 1 end def version initial_version + uncommitted_events.length end protected def apply_event(type, version, body = {}) event = ? body : body.marshal_dump) event.headers.merge! :id => Euston.uuid.generate, :type => type, :version => version, :timestamp => unless @current_headers.nil? event.headers.merge! :command => @current_headers.to_hash.merge(:body => @current_command) end handle_event Euston::EventHeaders.from_hash(event.headers), event.body uncommitted_events << event end def handle_command(headers, command) name = "__consume__#{headers.type}" method(name).call end def handle_event(headers, event) name = "__consume__#{headers.type}__v#{headers.version}" if respond_to? name.to_sym method(name).call else raise "Couldn't find an event handler for #{headers.type} (v#{headers.version}) on #{self.class}. Did you forget an 'applies' block?" end end def reconstitute_from_history(stream) events = stream.committed_events return if events.empty? raise "This aggregate cannot apply a historical event stream because it is not empty." unless uncommitted_events.empty? && initial_version == 0 @aggregate_id = stream.stream_id events.each_with_index do |event, i| replay_event Euston::EventHeaders.from_hash(event.headers), event.body end end end end end