= Tuple Tuple provides fast, binary-sortable serialization for arrays of simple Ruby types. This means you do not have to deserialize your tuples to store them. This leads to significant performance benifits when using Tuples as keys for a BTree. A Tuple is just an Array of any number of simple Ruby types. The following types are supported (listed in ascending sort order): 1. NilClass 2. FalseClass 3. Integer (Fixnum or Bignum) 4. String 5. Symbol 6. True == Usage: require 'tuple' data = Tuple.dump([1, -43, :foo, "bar", true, false, nil]) => "\000\000\020\000\000\000\000\001..." Tuple.load(data) => [1, -43, :foo, "bar", true, false, nil] == Install: sudo gem install ninjudd-tuple -s http://gems.github.com == License: Copyright (c) 2009 Justin Balthrop, Geni.com; Published under The MIT License, see LICENSE