WebsocketRails.setup do |config| # Uncomment to override the default log level. The log level can be # any of the standard Logger log levels. By default it will mirror the # current Rails environment log level. # config.log_level = :debug # Uncomment to change the default log file path. # config.log_path = "#{Rails.root}/log/websocket_rails.log" # Set to true if you wish to log the internal websocket_rails events # such as the keepalive `websocket_rails.ping` event. # config.log_internal_events = false # Change to true to enable standalone server mode # Start the standalone server with rake websocket_rails:start_server # * Requires Redis config.standalone = false # Change to true to enable channel synchronization between # multiple server instances. # * Requires Redis. config.synchronize = false # Prevent Thin from daemonizing (default is true) # config.daemonize = false # Uncomment and edit to point to a different redis instance. # Will not be used unless standalone or synchronization mode # is enabled. # config.redis_options = {:host => 'localhost', :port => '6379'} # By default, all subscribers in to a channel will be removed # when that channel is made private. If you don't wish active # subscribers to be removed from a previously public channel # when making it private, set the following to true. # config.keep_subscribers_when_private = false # Set to true if you wish to broadcast channel subscriber_join and # subscriber_part events. All subscribers of a channel will be # notified when other clients join and part the channel. If you are # using the UserManager, the current_user object will be sent along # with the event. # config.broadcast_subscriber_events = true # Used as the key for the WebsocketRails.users Hash. This method # will be called on the `current_user` object in your controller # if one exists. If `current_user` does not exist or does not # respond to the identifier, the key will default to `connection.id` # config.user_identifier = :id # Uncomment and change this option to override the class associated # with your `current_user` object. This class will be used when # synchronization is enabled and you trigger events from background # jobs using the WebsocketRails.users UserManager. # config.user_class = User # Supporting HTTP streaming on Internet Explorer versions 8 & 9 # requires CORS to be enabled for GET "/websocket" request. # List here the origin domains allowed to perform the request. # config.allowed_origins = ['http://localhost:3000'] # Uncomment this option to change the default behavior when # trigger_success or trigger_failure are not called in the action # of the WebsocketController. (default is true) # confid.trigger_success_by_default = false end