require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[spec_helper]) describe TireSwing::NodeCreator do before(:all) do SomeNode = end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, "SomeNode") end describe "#initialize" do it "takes a node name and a node class as arguments" do nc =, SomeNode) end end describe "#new" do before(:each) do @nc =, SomeNode) end it "takes parameters as if it were a treetop syntax node" do"what", 0..3) end it "returns a treetop syntax node" do node ="what", 0..3) node.should be_an_instance_of(Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode) end it "defines a build method on the syntax node" do node ="what", 0..3) node.methods.should include("build") end it "defines a node_to_build method on the syntax node that returns the kind of ast node it's going to build" do node ="what", 0..3) node.node_to_build.should == :some_node end it "creates an instance of the defined class when build is called on the resulting syntax node" do node ="what", 0..3) mock_node = mock("node") SomeNode.should_receive(:new).with(node).and_return(mock_node) == mock_node end end end