module Alchemy::Custom::Model::ElFinder class Connector VERSION = 2.1 # Valid commands to run. # @see #run VALID_COMMANDS = %w[open tree file paste upload search rm ls dim resize duplicate] #%w[archive duplicate edit extract mkdir mkfile open parents paste ping read rename resize rm tmb upload] # Default options for instances. # @see #initialize DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :mime_handler => ::ElFinder::MimeType, # :image_handler => ElFinder::Image, :original_filename_method => lambda {|file| file.original_filename.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? file.original_filename.force_encoding('utf-8') : file.original_filename}, :disabled_commands => [], :allow_dot_files => true, :upload_max_size => '50M', # :upload_file_mode => 0644, # :archivers => {}, # :extractors => {}, :home => 'Home', :default_perms => {:read => true, :write => true, :rm => true, :hidden => false}, :perms => [], :thumbs => false, :thumbs_directory => '.thumbs', :thumbs_size => 48, :thumbs_at_once => 5, # :tree_sub_folders => true, # list sub/sub folders in the tree } # Initializes new instance. # @param [Hash] options Instance options. :url and :root options are required. # @option options [String] :url Entry point of ElFinder router. # @option options [String] :root Root directory of ElFinder directory structure. # @see DEFAULT_OPTIONS def initialize(options) @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @options[:disabled_commands] += ['mkdir', 'rename'] raise(ArgumentError, "Missing required :volumes option") unless @options.key?(:volumes) # raise(ArgumentError, "Missing required :url option") unless @options.key?(:url) # raise(ArgumentError, "Missing required :root option") unless @options.key?(:root) raise(ArgumentError, "Mime Handler is invalid") unless mime_handler.respond_to?(:for) # raise(ArgumentError, "Image Handler is invalid") unless image_handler.nil? || ([:size, :resize, :thumbnail].all? {|m| image_handler.respond_to?(m)}) @volumes = options[:volumes] @root =[:root]) @headers = {} @response = {} end # of initialize # Runs request-response cycle. # @param [Hash] params Request parameters. :cmd option is required. # @option params [String] :cmd Command to be performed. # @see VALID_COMMANDS def run(params) @params = params.dup @headers = {} @response = {} @response[:errorData] = {} @file = nil if VALID_COMMANDS.include?(@params[:cmd]) if @options[:thumbs] @thumb_directory = @root + @options[:thumbs_directory] @thumb_directory.mkdir unless @thumb_directory.exist? raise(RuntimeError, "Unable to create thumbs directory") unless end @current = @params[:current] ? from_hash(@params[:current]) : nil @volume, @target = (@params[:target] and !@params[:target].empty?) ? from_hash(@params[:target]) : [nil, nil] if params[:targets] @targets = @params[:targets].map {|t| from_hash(t)} end send("_#{@params[:cmd]}") else invalid_request end @response.delete(:errorData) if @response[:errorData].empty? return @headers, @response, @file end # of run # def to_hash(pathname) # note that '=' are removed Base64.urlsafe_encode64(pathname.path.to_s)"=\n", "") end # of to_hash # def from_hash(hash) volume = @volumes.find {|v| v.contains?(hash)} if volume [volume, volume.decode(hash)] else @response[:error] = 'errFileNotFound' nil end # restore missing '=' # len = hash.length % 4 # hash += '==' if len == 1 or len == 2 # hash += '=' if len == 3 # decoded_hash = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(hash) # decoded_hash = decoded_hash.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? decoded_hash.force_encoding('utf-8') : decoded_hash # pathname = @root + decoded_hash # rescue ArgumentError => e # if e.message != 'invalid base64' # raise # end # nil end # of from_hash # @!attribute [w] options # Options setter. # @param value [Hash] Options to be merged with instance ones. # @return [Hash] Updated options. def options=(value = {}) value.each_pair do |k, v| @options[k.to_sym] = v end @options end # of options= ################################################################################ protected def _file if @volume && @target path = @volume.pathname(@target) @file = {path: path} end end def _search type = @params.delete(:type) {"full_search"} q = @params.delete(:q) if @params[:mimes] type = 'mimes' q = @params[:mimes] end @response[:files] = type, q: q) end ## # Funzione lanciata praticamente all'upload dei file, dato che non abbiamo problemi di duplicati # dato che sono tutti in database, inviamo sempre un vuoto # nel caso dobbiamo implementare invece questo: def _ls @response[:list] = [] end # def _open(volume = nil, target = nil, payload: {}) if @params[:init] _open_init return end volume ||= @volume target ||= @target if volume.nil? _open(@volumes[0], nil, payload: payload) return end if target.nil? _open(volume, '.', payload: payload) return end # if perms_for(target)[:read] == false # @response[:error] = 'Access Denied' # return # end if target.file? command_not_implemented elsif @response[:cwd] = volume.cwd(target) @response[:files] = volume.files(target) @response.merge!(payload) # @response[:cdc] = target.children. # reject{ |child| perms_for(child)[:hidden]}. # sort_by{|e| e.basename.to_s.downcase}.map{|e| cdc_for(e)}.compact # if @params[:tree] # @response[:tree] = { # :name => @options[:home], # :hash => to_hash(@root), # :dirs => tree_for(@root), # }.merge(perms_for(@root)) # end @response[:options] = {} if @params[:init] @response = init_request(@response, volume: volume) else #se non siamo in init, allora inseriamo l'elenco dei comandi che il volume aperto non supporta @response[:options][:disabled] = init_request(@response.dup, volume: volume)[:options][:disabled] end else @response[:error] = "Directory does not exist" _open(@root) if end end # of open def _dim if @target.is_a? ElFinder::Paths::Image @response[:dim] = @target.dim else @response[:error] = "Operazione non supportata" end end def _tree(volume = nil, target = nil) volume ||= @volume target ||= @target @response[:api] = VERSION @response[:tree] = volume.tree(target) end def init_request(payload, volume:) payload[:api] = VERSION # payload[:disabled] = @options[:disabled_commands] payload[:options] = { :dotFiles => @options[:allow_dot_files], :uplMaxSize => @options[:upload_max_size], :uploadMaxConn => -1, #configurazione per cui non deve spezzare in chucks i files :archives => [], #@options[:archivers].keys, :extract => [], #@options[:extractors].keys, :url => @options[:url], disabled: @options[:disabled_commands] + volume.disabled_commands } payload end def _open_init @response[:cwd] = @volumes[0].cwd files = [] @volumes.each {|v| files.concat(v.files)} @response[:files] = files @response = init_request(@response, volume: @volumes[0]) end # of open_init def _paste moved_files = [] @targets.to_a.each do |src_v, src_f| #scopro il volume di destinazione dst_v, dst_f = from_hash(@params[:dst]) if dst_v.is_a?(Volumes::ComponentAttribute) moved_files << dst_v.copy(src_f) else @response[:error] ||= 'Copia non consentita' end end @params[:tree] = true # dest_vlm = @targets.first[0] dest_vlm = from_hash(@params[:dst])[0] dest_target = dest_vlm.decode(dest_vlm.encode('.')) _open(dest_vlm, dest_target, payload: {moved_files: moved_files.collect {|v| dest_vlm.path_info(v)}}) end # of paste def _rm @response[:removed] = @targets.to_a.collect do |src_v, src_f| src_v.rm(src_f) src_v.encode(src_f.path.to_s) end end # def _resize if @target.is_image? file = @target.file case @params[:mode] when 'resize' file = file.thumb("#{@params[:width]}x#{@params[:height]}!") when 'crop' file = file.thumb("#{@params[:width]}x#{@params[:height]}+#{@params[:x]}+#{@params[:y]}") when 'rotate' command = [] command << "-background #{@params[:bg]}" unless @params[:bg].blank? command << "-rotate #{@params[:degree]}" file = file.convert(command.join(' ')) else @response[:error] = "Mode:#{@params[:mode]} not implemented" return end file = file.convert("-quality #{@params[:quality]}") if @params[:quality].to_i < 100 @target.file = file @response[:changed] = [to_hash(@target)] _open(@volume, @volume.root_path) else @response[:error] = "Unable to resize file. It does not exist" end end # of resize def _duplicate @targets.each do |v, f| unless f.is_image? @response[:error] = "#{} non è un'immagine" return end end @targets.each do |v, f| unless v.duplicable?(f) @response[:error] = "#{} non può essere duplicato" return end end added = @targets.collect do |v, t| v.path_info(v.duplicate(t)) end @response[:added] = added # _open(@targets.first[0], @targets.first[0].root_path) end # of duplicate # def _upload if @volume && @target response = @volume.upload(@target, @params[:upload]) @response.merge!(response) # _open(@volume, @target) else @response[:error] = "errUploadCommon" end # if perms_for(@current)[:write] == false # @response[:error] = 'Access Denied' # return # end # select = [] # @params[:upload].to_a.each do |file| # if file.respond_to?(:tempfile) # the_file = file.tempfile # else # the_file = file # end # if upload_max_size_in_bytes > 0 && File.size(the_file.path) > upload_max_size_in_bytes # @response[:error] ||= "Some files were not uploaded" # @response[:errorData][@options[:original_filename_method].call(file)] = 'File exceeds the maximum allowed filesize' # else # dst = @current + @options[:original_filename_method].call(file) # the_file.close # src = the_file.path #, dst.fullpath) # FileUtils.chmod @options[:upload_file_mode], dst # select << to_hash(dst) # end # end # @response[:select] = select unless select.empty? # _open(@current) end # of upload private def mime_handler @options[:mime_handler] end # # def image_handler # @options[:image_handler] # end # def invalid_request @response[:error] = "Invalid command '#{@params[:cmd]}'" end # of invalid_request # def command_not_implemented @response[:error] = "Command '#{@params[:cmd]}' not yet implemented" end # of command_not_implemented end end