# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'cinch' require 'cinch/toolbox' require 'cinch/cooldown' require 'cinch/storage' require 'time-lord' module Cinch module Plugins # Cinch Plugin to allow dice rolling. class Dicebag include Cinch::Plugin enforce_cooldown attr_accessor :storage self.help = 'Roll a random bag of dice with .dicebag, you can also ' \ 'use .roll (dice count)d(sides) to roll specific dice ' \ '(e.g. .roll 4d6 3d20)' match(/dicebag\z/, method: :dicebag) match(/dicebag stats/, method: :stats) match /roll(?:\s(.*))/, method: :roll match /roll\z/, method: :roll def initialize(*args) super @storage = Cinch::Storage.new(config[:filename] || 'yaml/dice.yml') @bag = Bag.new(4 => 250, 6 => 750, 10 => 1200, 20 => 1000) end # Roll a random assortment of dice, total the rolls, and record the score. # @param [String] nick Nickname of the user rolling. # @param [Cinch::Channel] channel The Channel object where the roll took # place. # @return [String] A description of the roll that took place def dicebag(m) return if Cinch::Toolbox.sent_via_private_message?(m) @bag.roll user = m.user.nick.downcase channel = m.channel.name m.reply "#{m.user.nick} rolls a #{@bag.size} bag of dice totalling " \ "#{@bag.score}. #{score_check(user, channel, @bag.score)}" end def stats(m) return if Cinch::Toolbox.sent_via_private_message?(m) m.user.send 'Top ten dicebag rolls:' top10 = top_ten_rolls(m.channel.name) top10.each_with_index do |r, i| m.user.send "#{i + 1} - #{r.first} [#{r.last}]" end end # Roll a specific set of dice and return the pretty result # @param [String] nick Nickname of the user rolling. # @param [String] dice Space delimited string of dice to role. # (i.e. '6d12 4d20 d10' # @return [String] String describing the dice that were rolled def roll(m, dice = '1d20') result = Die.roll(dice.split(' ')) if result.is_a?(Integer) result = "#{m.user.nick} rolls #{dice} totalling #{result}" end m.reply result end private def top_ten_rolls(channel) scores = @storage.data[channel].dup scores.sort { |a, b| b[1][:score] <=> a[1][:score] } .map { |s| [s.first, s.last[:score]] }[0..9] end # Score checker for Dicebag rolls. Checks a given user/channel/score # against the current high score for that user. # @param [String] nick Nickname of the user who rolled the score. # @param [String] channel Name of the channel where the roll was made. # @param [Fixnum] score The score from the bag. # @return [String] If the new score is higher, returns an announcement # to that effect, otherwise returns a blank string. def score_check(nick, channel, score) # If the chennel or nick are not already initialized, spin them up @storage.data[channel] ||= {} @storage.data[channel][nick] ||= { score: score, time: Time.now } # Check and see if this is a higher score. old = @storage.data[channel][nick] return '' unless @storage.data[channel][nick][:score] < score @storage.data[channel][nick] = { score: score, time: Time.now } @storage.synced_save(@bot) "A new high score! Their old high roll was #{old[:score]}, " \ "#{old[:time].ago.to_words}." end end end end