module Tapyrus module RPC # RPC server's request handler. module RequestHandler # Returns an object containing various state info regarding blockchain processing. def getblockchaininfo h = {} h[:chain] = best_block = node.chain.latest_block h[:headers] = best_block.height h[:bestblockhash] = best_block.header.block_id h[:chainwork] = h[:mediantime] = node.chain.mtp(best_block.block_hash) h end # shutdown node def stop node.shutdown end # get block header information. # @param [String] block_id block hash(big endian) def getblockheader(block_id, verbose) block_hash = block_id.rhex entry = node.chain.find_entry_by_hash(block_hash) raise'Block not found') unless entry if verbose { hash: block_id, height: entry.height, features: entry.header.features, featuresHex: entry.header.features.to_even_length_hex, merkleroot: entry.header.merkle_root.rhex, time: entry.header.time, mediantime: node.chain.mtp(block_hash), nonce: entry.header.nonce, bits: entry.header.bits.to_even_length_hex, previousblockhash: entry.prev_hash.rhex, nextblockhash: node.chain.next_hash(block_hash).rhex } else entry.header.to_hex end end # Returns connected peer information. def getpeerinfo do |peer| local_addr = "#{peer.remote_version.remote_addr.ip}:18333" { id:, addr: "#{}:#{peer.port}", addrlocal: local_addr, services:, '0'), relaytxes: peer.remote_version.relay, lastsend: peer.last_send, lastrecv: peer.last_recv, bytessent: peer.bytes_sent, bytesrecv: peer.bytes_recv, conntime: peer.conn_time, pingtime: peer.ping_time, minping: peer.min_ping, version: peer.remote_version.version, subver: peer.remote_version.user_agent, inbound: !peer.outbound?, startingheight: peer.remote_version.start_height, best_hash: peer.best_hash, best_height: peer.best_height } end end # broadcast transaction def sendrawtransaction(hex_tx) tx = Tapyrus::Tx.parse_from_payload(hex_tx.htb) # TODO check wether tx is valid node.broadcast(tx) tx.txid end # decode tx data. def decoderawtransaction(hex_tx) begin Tapyrus::Tx.parse_from_payload(hex_tx.htb).to_h rescue Exception raise'TX decode failed') end end # decode script data. def decodescript(hex_script) begin script = Tapyrus::Script.parse_from_payload(hex_script.htb) h = script.to_h h.delete(:hex) h[:p2sh] = script.to_p2sh.addresses.first unless script.p2sh? h rescue Exception raise'Script decode failed') end end # wallet api # create wallet def createwallet(wallet_id = 1, wallet_path_prefix = Tapyrus::Wallet::Base.default_path_prefix) wallet = Tapyrus::Wallet::Base.create(wallet_id, wallet_path_prefix) node.wallet = wallet unless node.wallet {wallet_id: wallet.wallet_id, mnemonic: wallet.master_key.mnemonic} end # get wallet list. def listwallets(wallet_path_prefix = Tapyrus::Wallet::Base.default_path_prefix) Tapyrus::Wallet::Base.wallet_paths(wallet_path_prefix) end # get current wallet information. def getwalletinfo node.wallet ? node.wallet.to_h : {} end # get the list of current Wallet accounts. def listaccounts return {} unless node.wallet accounts = {} node.wallet.accounts.each do |a| accounts[] = node.wallet.get_balance(a) end accounts end # encrypt wallet. def encryptwallet(passphrase) return nil unless node.wallet node.wallet.encrypt(passphrase) "The wallet 'wallet_id: #{node.wallet.wallet_id}' has been encrypted." end # create new tapyrus address for receiving payments. def getnewaddress(account_name) node.wallet.generate_new_address(account_name) end end end end