module Conversions #:nodoc # Proxy class to contain the unit as well as reference the base value class Unit # Create a new Unit instance. # # * _value_: The value to convert from (ie. 4.92) # * _from_: The unit to convert from (ie. :miles) def initialize(value, from) @value = value @from = from end # Convert to a certain other unit. # # * _to_: The unit to convert to (ie. :kilometers) # * _scale_: The number of digits behind the decimal point to you want to keep (Optional) def to(to, scale=nil) value = @value * self.class.exchange_rate(@from, to) scale.nil? ? value : (value * (10 ** scale)).round / (10 ** scale).to_f end def self.exchange_rate(from_unit, to_unit) #:nodoc: return 1 if from_unit == to_unit from = conversion[from_unit] raise ArgumentError, "Can't convert from `#{from}', unknown unit" if from.nil? to = from[to_unit] raise ArgumentError, "Can't convert from `#{from_unit}' to `#{to_unit}', unknown unit" if to.nil? to end def self.conversion #:nodoc: if !defined? @@conversion @@conversion = {} CONVERSION.each do |from, conversion| conversion.each do |to, value| @@conversion[from] ||= {} @@conversion[from][to] = value @@conversion[to] ||= {} @@conversion[to][from] = 1.0 / value end end end @@conversion end end end