# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the lazier gem. Copyright (C) 2012 and above Shogun . # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # module Lazier # Extensions for all objects. module Object include ::ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern # Normalizes a number for conversion. Basically this methods removes all separator and ensures that `.` is used for decimal separator. # # @return [String] The normalized number. def normalize_number rv = "" if self == true then rv = "1" elsif !self then rv = "0" else rv = self.ensure_string.strip rv = rv.split(/[\.,]/) rv[-1] = "." + rv[-1] if rv.length > 1 rv = rv.join("") end rv end # Checks if the object is a valid number. # # @return [Boolean] `true` is a valid number, `false` otherwise. def is_number? self.is_float? end # Checks if the object is a valid integer. # # @return [Boolean] `true` is a valid integer, `false` otherwise. def is_integer? self.is_a?(::Integer) || /^([+-]?)(\d+)$/.match(self.normalize_number) end # Checks if the object is a valid float. # # @return [Boolean] `true` is a valid float, `false` otherwise. def is_float? self.is_a?(::Float) || /^([+-]?)(\d+)([.,]\d+)?$/.match(self.normalize_number) end # Checks if the object is a valid boolean value. # # @return [Boolean] `true` is a valid boolean value, `false` otherwise. def is_boolean? self.is_a?(::TrueClass) || self.is_a?(::FalseClass) || self.is_a?(::NilClass) || (self.ensure_string.strip =~ /^(1|0|true|false|yes|no|t|f|y|n)$/i) end # Makes sure that the object is an array. For non array objects, return a single element array containing the object. # # @return [Array] If the object is an array, then the object itself, a single element array containing the object otherwise. def ensure_array self.is_a?(::Array) ? self : [self] end # Makes sure that the object is a string. For `nil`, it returns "". # # @return [String] The string representation of the object. def ensure_string if self.is_a?(::String) then self else self.present? ? self.to_s : "" end end # Converts the object to a float. # # @param default_value [Float] The value to return if the conversion is not possible. # @return [Float] The float representation of the object. def to_float(default_value = 0.0) if self.is_a?(::Float) self elsif self.is_a?(::Integer) self.to_f else self.is_float? ? ::Kernel.Float(self.normalize_number) : default_value end end # Converts the object to a integer. # # @param default_value [Fixnum] The value to return if the conversion is not possible. # @return [Fixnum] The integer representation of the object. def to_integer(default_value = 0) if self.is_a?(::Integer) self elsif self.is_a?(::Float) self.to_i else self.is_integer? ? ::Kernel.Integer(self.normalize_number) : default_value end end # Converts the object to a boolean. # # @return [Boolean] The boolean representation of the object. def to_boolean rv = self rv = rv.to_i if rv.is_a?(::Float) (rv.is_a?(TrueClass) || /^(1|on|true|yes|t|y)$/i.match(rv.ensure_string.strip)) ? true : false end # Returns the rounded float representaton of the object. # # @param prec [Fixnum] The precision to keep. # @return [Float] The rounded float representaton of the object. def round_to_precision(prec = 2) (self.is_number? && prec >= 0) ? number_with_precision(self, :precision => prec) : nil end # Formats a number. # @see Settings#setup_format_number # # @param prec [Fixnum] The precision to show. # @param decimal_separator [String] The string to use as decimal separator. # @param add_string [String] The string to append to the number. # @param k_separator [String] The string to use as thousands separator. # @return [String] The string representation of the object. def format_number(prec = nil, decimal_separator = nil, add_string = nil, k_separator = nil) prec = ::Lazier.settings.format_number[:prec] if prec.nil? decimal_separator = ::Lazier.settings.format_number[:decimal_separator] if decimal_separator.nil? add_string = ::Lazier.settings.format_number[:add_string] if add_string.nil? k_separator = ::Lazier.settings.format_number[:k_separator] if k_separator.nil? (self.is_number? && prec >= 0) ? number_to_currency(self, {:precision => prec, :separator => decimal_separator, :delimiter => k_separator, :format => add_string.blank? ? "%n" : "%n %u", :unit => add_string.blank? ? "" : add_string.strip}) : nil end # Formats a boolean. # @see Settings#setup_boolean_names # # @param true_name [String] The string representation of `true`. Defaults to `Yes`. # @param false_name [String] The string representation of `false`. Defaults to `No`. # @return [String] The string representation of the object. def format_boolean(true_name = nil, false_name = nil) names = { true => true_name || ::Lazier.settings.boolean_names[true], false => false_name || ::Lazier.settings.boolean_names[false] } names[self.to_boolean] end # Inspects an object. # # @param format The format to use. # @param must_raise [Boolean] If raise a Dump exception. # @return [String] The object inspected and formatted. def debug_dump(format = :yaml, must_raise = true) rv = "" begin if format == :pretty_json then rv = ::JSON.pretty_generate(self) else rv = self.send("to_#{format}") end rescue rv = self.inspect end must_raise ? raise(::Lazier::Exceptions::Dump.new(rv)) : rv end end end