require 'clamp' module AssLauncher # AssLauncher command-line untils # @example # $ass-launcher --help # @api private # module Cmd # Colorize string for console output # It's stupid wrapper for ColorizedString # @api private module Colorize require 'colorized_string' # rubocop:disable Style/MethodMissing def self.method_missing(m, s) colorized(s).send(m) end # rubocop:enable Style/MethodMissing def self.colorized(mes) ColorizedString[mes] end end # @api private module Support # Mixin # @api private module SrvStrParser # Parse string like +user:password@host:port+ # @param s [String] # @return [Array] ['host:port', 'user', 'password'] def parse_srv_str(s) split = s.split('@') fail ArgumentError if split.size > 2 host = split.pop return [host, nil, nil] if split = split[0].split(':') fail ArgumentError if split.size > 2 user = split.shift pass = split.shift [host, user, pass] end end # Mixin for validate version # @api private module VersionValidator include AssLauncher::Enterprise::CliDefsLoader def validate_version return known_version.sort.last if version.to_s.empty? unless known_version.include? version signal_usage_error "Unknown 1C:Enterprise v#{version}\n"\ "Execute `ass-launcher show-version' command" end version end def known_version @known_version ||= defs_versions.sort end end # Mixin for cli reporters # @api private module AcceptedValuesGet def accepted_values_get xxx_list_keys(:switch, param) + xxx_list_keys(:chose, param) end def xxx_list_keys(list, p) list = p.send("#{list}_list".to_sym) return list.keys if list [] end end end # @api private # Abstract things module Abstract # Abstarct subcommand # @api private class SubCommand < Clamp::Command # :nodoc: module Declaration def subcommand_(klass) subcommand(klass.command_name, klass._banner, klass) end def declare_subcommands self::SubCommands.constants.each do |c| subcommand_ self::SubCommands.const_get(c) end end end extend Declaration # :nocov: def self.command_name fail 'Abstract' end def self._banner fail 'Abstract' end # :nocov: end # Mixin # @api private module ClientMode def parrent_command invocation_path.to_s.split[1] end def client case parrent_command when 'designer' then :thick when 'thick' then :thick when 'thin' then :thin when 'web' then :web when 'makeib' then :thick end end def mode case parrent_command when 'designer' then :designer when 'thick' then :enterprise when 'thin' then :enterprise when 'web' then :webclient when 'makeib' then :createinfobase end end end # Mixin # @api private module BinaryWrapper include AssLauncher::Api include ClientMode def binary_wrapper binary_get || (fail Clamp::ExecutionError .new(not_inst_message, invocation_path, 1)) end def not_inst_message "1C:Enterprise #{client} v #{vrequrement} not installed" end private :not_inst_message def vrequrement return '' unless version case version.segments.size when 3 then "~> #{version}.0" when 2 then "~> #{version}.0" else "= #{version}" end end def binary_get case client when :thick then thicks(vrequrement).last when :thin then thins(vrequrement).last end end private :binary_get # rubocop:disable all def dry_run(cmd) r = "#{cmd.cmd.gsub(' ', '\\ ')} " if mode == :createinfobase r << cmd.args.join(' ') else r << do |a| unless a =~ %r{^(/|-|'|"|DESIGNER|ENTERPRISE)} "\'#{a}\'" unless a.to_s.empty? else a end end.join(' ') end end def run_enterprise(cmd) if respond_to?(:dry_run?) && dry_run? puts Colorize.yellow(dry_run(cmd)) else begin! rescue AssLauncher::Support::Shell::RunAssResult::RunAssError => e raise, invocation_path, cmd.process_holder.result.exitstatus) end end cmd end # rubocop:enable all end # @api private module Option # Mixin # Command option module SearchPath def self.included(base) base.option %w[--search-path -I], 'PATH', 'specify 1C:Enterprise installation path' do |s| AssLauncher.config.search_path = s s end end end # Mixin # Command option module Version def self.included(base) base.option %w[--version -v], 'VERSION', "specify 1C:Enterprise version requiremet.\n"\ " Expected full version number or only major\n"\ ' part of version number' do |s| end end end # Mixin # Command option module Verbose def self.included(base) base.option '--verbose', :flag, 'show more information' end end # Mixin # Command option module Query def self.included(base) base.option %w[--query -q], 'REGEX', 'regular expression based filter' do |s| begin, Regexp::IGNORECASE) rescue RegexpError => e fail ArgumentError, e.message end end end end # Mixin # Command option module Dbms # rubocop:disable all def self.included(base) dbtypes = AssLauncher::Support::ConnectionString::DBMS_VALUES\ + ['File'] define_method :valid_db_types do dbtypes end base.option '--dbms', 'DB_TYPE', "db type: #{dbtypes}.\nValue \"File\""\ ' for make file infobase', default: 'File' do |s| raise ArgumentError, "valid values: [#{valid_db_types.join(' ')}]" unless\ valid_db_types.include? s s end end # rubocop:enable all end # Mixin # Command option module Dbsrv attr_reader :dbsrv_user, :dbsrv_pass, :dbsrv_host include Support::SrvStrParser def parse_dbsrv(s) @dbsrv_host, @dbsrv_user, @dbsrv_pass = parse_srv_str(s) end def self.included(base) base.option '--dbsrv', 'user:pass@dbsrv', 'db server address' do |s| parse_dbsrv s s end end end # Mixin # Command option module Esrv attr_reader :esrv_user, :esrv_pass, :esrv_host include Support::SrvStrParser def parse_esrv(s) @esrv_host, @esrv_user, @esrv_pass = parse_srv_str(s) end def self.included(base) base.option '--esrv', 'user:pass@esrv', 'enterprise server address' do |s| parse_esrv(s) s end end end # Mixin # Command option module User def self.included(base) base.option %w[--user -u], 'NAME', 'infobase user name' end end # Mixin # Command option module Password def self.included(base) base.option %w[--password -p], 'PASSWORD', 'infobase user password' end end # Mixin # Command option module Pattern def self.included(base) base.option %w[--pattern -P], 'PATH', 'Template for make infobase.'\ ' Path to .cf, .dt files' do |s| fail ArgumentError, "Path not exist: #{s}" unless File.exist?(s) s end end end # Mixin # Command option module Uc def self.included(base) base.option '--uc', 'LOCK_CODE', 'infobase lock code' end end # Mixin # Command option module DryRun def self.included(base) base.option %w[--dry-run], :flag, 'will not realy run 1C:Enterprise only puts cmd string' end end # Mixin # Command option module Raw def parse_raw(s) split = s.split(%r{(?=\s*#{version}/ else p.match_version?(version) unless appiared_only end end def match?(p) clients?(p) && modes?(p) && version?(p) end def not_filtred?(p) return true unless query coll_match?(:desc, p) || coll_match?(:parent, p) || \ coll_match?(:name, p) end def coll_match?(prop, p) !(p.send(prop).to_s =~ query).nil? end def groups AssLauncher::Enterprise::Cli::CliSpec.cli_def.parameters_groups end def grouped_rows r = {} groups.each do |gname, _| r[gname] = { |row| == gname } .sort_by { |row| row.param.full_name } end r end def rows @rows ||= execute end def select_parameters r = [] AssLauncher::Enterprise::Cli::CliSpec .cli_def.parameters.parameters.each do |p| if match?(p) && not_filtred?(p) r << p r << p.parent if p.parent && !r.include?(p.parent) end end r end def execute r = do |p| end r.sort_by { |row| row.param.full_name } end def max_col_width(col, rows) [ do |r| r.send(col).to_s.length end.max, col.to_s.length].max end require 'io/console' def term_width(trim = 0) IO.console.winsize[1] - trim end def eval_width(col, total, r, trim, rows) [(term_width(trim) - r.values.inject(0) { |i, o| o + i }) / total, max_col_width(col, rows)].min end # rubocop:disable Style/ConditionalAssignment def columns_width(columns, rows) total = columns.size + 1 columns.each_with_object({}) do |col, r| total -= 1 if [:usage, :parameter, :dsl_method].include? col r[col] = max_col_width(col, rows) else r[col] = eval_width(col, total, r, 4 + (columns.size - 1) * 3, rows) end end end def main_header if dev_mode r = 'DSL METHODS' else r = 'CLI PARAMETERS' end r << " AVAILABLE FOR: \"#{client}\" CLIENT V#{version}" r << " IN \"#{mode}\" RUNING MODE" if client == :thick r.upcase end # rubocop:enable Style/ConditionalAssignment def filter_header "FILTERED BY: #{query}" if query end # rubocop:disable all # @doto: refactoring and tests require def to_table(columns) require 'command_line_reporter' extend CommandLineReporter header title: main_header, width: main_header.length, rule: true, align: 'center', bold: true, spacing: 0 header title: filter_header, width: filter_header.length, rule: true, align: 'center', bold: false, color: 'yellow', spacing: 0 if\ filter_header grouped_rows.each do |gname, rows| next if table(border: true, encoding: :ascii) do header title: "PARAMTERS GROUP: \"#{groups[gname][:desc]}\"", bold: true row header: true do columns_width(columns, rows).each do |col, width| column(col.upcase, width: width) end end rows.each do |row_| row do columns.each do |col| column(row_.send(col)) end end end end end nil end # rubocop:enable all def to_csv(columns) r = "#{columns.join(';')}\n" rows.each do |row| r << row.to_csv(columns) r << "\n" end r end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength def self.command_name 'cli-help' end def self._banner 'show help for 1C:Enterprise CLI parameters' end def columns cols = dev_mode? ? Report::DEVEL_COLUMNS : Report::USAGE_COLUMNS cols -= [:parent, :parameter, :group, :require] unless verbose? cols end def formating(report) return report.to_table(columns) if format == :ascii report.to_csv(columns) end def execute $stdout.puts formating, mode, validate_version, show_appiared_only?, query, dev_mode?) end end # Mixin # @api private module ParseIbPath include AssLauncher::Api require 'uri' def connection_string case ib_path when %r{https?://}i then cs_http(ws: ib_path) when %r{tcp://}i then parse_tcp_path else cs_file(file: ib_path) end end def parse_tcp_path u = URI(ib_path) cs_srv(srvr: "#{}:#{u.port}", ref: u.path.gsub(%r{^/}, '')) end end # Abstarct run command # @api private class Run < SubCommand include Option::Version include Option::DryRun include Option::SearchPath include Option::User include Option::Password include Option::Uc include Option::Raw include BinaryWrapper include ParseIbPath def self.command_name 'run' end def self._banner 'run 1C:Enterprise' end def command_(&block) if client == :thin binary_wrapper.command((raw_param.flatten || []), &block) else binary_wrapper.command(mode, (raw_param.flatten || []), &block) end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def make_command usr = user pass = password uc_ = uc cs = connection_string cmd = command_ do connection_string cs _N usr if usr _P pass if pass _UC uc_ if uc_ _AppAutoCheckVersion(:-) if'>= 8.3.8') .satisfied_by? binary_wrapper.version end cmd end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def execute cmd = run_enterprise(make_command) puts unless dry_run? end end end # @api private # Root of all subcommands class Main < Clamp::Command module SubCommands # show-version subcommand class ShowVersion < Abstract::SubCommand include AssLauncher::Enterprise::CliDefsLoader def self.command_name 'show-version' end def self._banner 'Show version of ass_launcher gem and'\ ' list of known 1C:Enterprise' end def known_versions_list " - v#{"\n - v")}" end def execute puts Colorize.yellow('ass_launcher:')\ +" v#{AssLauncher::VERSION}") puts Colorize.yellow('Known 1C:Enterprise:') puts end end # env subcommand class Env < Abstract::SubCommand include Abstract::Option::SearchPath include AssLauncher::Api def self.command_name 'env' end def self._banner 'Show 1C:Enterprise installations' end def list(clients) " - v#{"\n - v")}" end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def execute puts Colorize.yellow '1C:Enterprise installations was searching in:' puts Colorize .green " - #{AssLauncher::Enterprise.search_paths.join("\n - ")}" puts Colorize.yellow 'Thick client installations:' puts list(thicks) puts Colorize.yellow 'Thin client installations:' puts list(thins) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize end end # Main cmd invoker Dir.glob File.join(File.expand_path('../cmd', __FILE__), '*.rb') do |lib| require lib if File.basename(lib) != 'abstract.rb' end extend Abstract::SubCommand::Declaration declare_subcommands end end end