require 'shrine' # Gem "F(x)" or `fx` gem will get schema.rb to include locally-defined custom postgres functions # and triggers, like we use. So apps can keep using schema.rb instead of structure.sql, # and still have our custom functions preserved. We need to require it explicitly # since it'll be an indirect dependency of the end app. # # But we need to patch it to create functions first so we can use them as default values # # require 'fx' require 'kithe/patch_fx' # not auto-loaded, let's just load it for backwards compat though require "kithe/config_base" module Kithe class Engine < ::Rails::Engine config.generators do |g| g.test_framework :rspec, :fixture => false g.fixture_replacement :factory_bot, :dir => 'spec/factories' g.assets false g.helper false end end end