# Copyright (c) 2021 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details. # frozen_string_literal: true return unless RUBY_VERSION < '2.6.0' # TODO: RUBY-714 remove guard w/ EOL of 2.5 require 'contrast/agent/patching/policy/patch_status' require 'contrast/agent/module_data' require 'contrast/agent/rewriter' require 'contrast/components/logger' require 'contrast/utils/object_share' module Contrast module Agent module Assess module Policy # This is our interface from the Patcher to the Rewriter # functionality # # TODO: RUBY-714 remove w/ EOL of 2.5 # @deprecated Changes to this class are discouraged as this approach is # being phased out with support for those language versions. module RewriterPatch extend Contrast::Components::Logger::InstanceMethods class << self def rewrite_interpolations return unless agent_should_rewrite? logger.debug_with_time('Running Assess interpolation rewrite') do ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) do |mod| rewrite_interpolation(mod) end end end def rewrite_interpolation mod, redo_rewrite = false return unless should_rewrite?(mod) status = Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::PatchStatus.get_status(mod) return if (status&.rewritten? || status&.rewriting?) && !redo_rewrite module_name = mod.cs__name return unless module_name if module_name.start_with?(Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::CONTRAST_MODULE_START, Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::ANONYMOUS_CLASS_MARKER) status.no_rewrite! return end module_data = Contrast::Agent::ModuleData.new(mod, module_name) logger.trace_with_time('Rewriting module', module: module_name) do Contrast::Agent::Rewriter.rewrite_class(module_data, redo_rewrite) end rescue StandardError => e logger.error('Unable to patch for assess', e, module: mod) end private # Rails is being a jerk, again. It passes in a class before it is # done being defined. There is a state where the files have been # loaded, but the class definition is not complete, so the # methods of the class are not defined despite the class existing # # To get around this, we have those methods tell us the class # isn't ready def mid_defining? mod mod.instance_variable_defined?(:@cs__defining_class) && mod.instance_variable_get(:@cs__defining_class) end def agent_should_rewrite? return false unless ::Contrast::ASSESS.enabled? return false unless ::Contrast::AGENT.rewrite_interpolation? return false unless ::Contrast::AGENT.interpolation_enabled? true end def should_rewrite? mod return false unless agent_should_rewrite? return false if ::Contrast::AGENT.skip_instrumentation? mod.cs__name return false if mod.cs__frozen? return false if mod.singleton_class? return false if mid_defining?(mod) true end end end end end end end