require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' def valid_<%=rule_name%>_rule_data '["Rule Title"]' end describe RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%> do def valid_attributes { :<%=rule_name%>_title => 'Rule Title' } end it "should be discoverable" do RulesEngine::Discovery.rule_class("RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>").should == RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%> end describe "the expected class options" do it "should be in the 'General' group" do RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.options[:group].should == "Twitter" end it "should have the diplay name of '<%=rule_class%>'" do RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.options[:display_name].should == "Tweet Word Splitter" end it "should have the help template of '/re_rules/<%=rule_name%>/help'" do RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.options[:help_partial].should == '/re_rules/<%=rule_name%>/help' end it "should have the new template of '/re_rules/<%=rule_name%>/new'" do RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.options[:new_partial].should == '/re_rules/<%=rule_name%>/new' end it "should have the edit view partial template of '/re_rules/<%=rule_name%>/edit'" do RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.options[:edit_partial].should == '/re_rules/<%=rule_name%>/edit' end end describe "setting the rule data" do before(:each) do @<%=rule_name%> = RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.new @<%=rule_name%>.data = valid_<%=rule_name%>_rule_data end describe "the data is valid" do it "should be valid" do @<%=rule_name%>.should be_valid end it "should set the title" do @<%=rule_name%>.title.should == "Rule Title" end end describe "the data is nil" do it "should set the title to nil" do @<%=rule_name%>.title.should_not be_nil @<%=rule_name%>.data = nil @<%=rule_name%>.title.should be_nil end end end describe "the summary" do it "should not be blank" do <%=rule_name%> = RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.new <%=rule_name%>.summary.should_not == be_blank end end describe "the data" do it "should be converted to a json string" do <%=rule_name%> = RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.new <%=rule_name%>.should_receive(:title).and_return("mock title") <%=rule_name%>.data.should == '["mock title"]' end end describe "the expected_outcomes" do it "should be outcome next" do <%=rule_name%> = RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.new <%=rule_name%>.expected_outcomes[0][:outcome].should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT end end describe "setting the rule attributes" do before(:each) do @<%=rule_name%> = RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.new end it "should be valid with valid attributes" do @<%=rule_name%>.attributes = valid_attributes @<%=rule_name%>.should be_valid end describe "setting the <%=rule_name%>_title" do it "should set the title" do @<%=rule_name%>.attributes = valid_attributes @<%=rule_name%>.title.should == 'Rule Title' end it "should not be valid if the '<%=rule_name%>_title' attribute is missing" do @<%=rule_name%>.attributes = valid_attributes.except(:<%=rule_name%>_title) @<%=rule_name%>.should_not be_valid @<%=rule_name%>.errors.should include(:<%=rule_name%>_title) end it "should not be valid if the '<%=rule_name%>_title' attribute is blank" do @<%=rule_name%>.attributes = valid_attributes.merge(:<%=rule_name%>_title => "") @<%=rule_name%>.should_not be_valid @<%=rule_name%>.errors.should include(:<%=rule_name%>_title) end end end describe "before a rule is created" do # xit "There is nothing to do here" end describe "before a rule is updated" do # xit "There is nothing to do here" end describe "before a rule is destroyed" do # xit "There is nothing to do here" end describe "processing the rule" do before(:each) do @<%=rule_name%> = RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>.new end it "should return outcome NEXT" do @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, {}).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT end it "should split the words into an array" do data = {:tweet => "Test Tweet Word Splitter "} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should == ["test", "tweet", "word", "splitter"] end it "should keep urls" do data = {:tweet => ""} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should == [""] end it "should split any puntuated words" do data = {:tweet => "Test's Tweet Word Splitter"} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should == ["test", "tweet", "word", "splitter"] end it "should keep hash tags" do data = {:tweet => "#one #two"} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should == ["#one", "#two"] end it "should keep at tags" do data = {:tweet => "@one @two"} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should == ["@one", "@two"] end describe "other word results" do it "should handle other words" do data = {:tweet => " one!s two-s three@s four#s "} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should == ["one", "two", "three", "four"] end it "should handle other words" do data = {:tweet => " one! two- three@ four# "} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should == ["one", "two", "three", "four"] end it "should remove noprinting" do data = {:tweet => " 1 two 3. four. ---"} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should == ["two", "four"] end it "should handle complex tweets" do data = {:tweet => "RT @fema: New photos up on - FEMA Ldrship at Nat'l Summit on Disability Policy #ada"} @<%=rule_name%>.process(1001, {:plan => "plan"}, data).outcome.should == RulesEngine::Rule::Outcome::NEXT data[:tweet_words].should include("nat") end end end end describe ReWorkflowRulesController do include RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup render_views describe "RulesEngine::Rule::TweetWordFilter" do before(:each) do controller.instance_eval { flash.stub!(:sweep) }! controller.stub!(:rules_engine_reader_access_required).and_return(true) controller.stub!(:rules_engine_editor_access_required).and_return(true) @re_workflow = ReWorkflow.create!(:code => "valid code", :title => 'Valid title', :description => 'Test Workflow') ReWorkflow.stub!(:find).and_return(@re_workflow) end describe "help" do it "should assign the <%=rule_name%> rule class" do get :help, :re_workflow_id =>, :rule_class_name => "RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>" assigns[:rule_class].should == RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%> end end describe "new" do it "show the new form" do get :new, :re_workflow_id =>, :rule_class_name => "RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>" response.should have_selector("form#re_rule_new_form") do |form| form.should have_selector("input#<%=rule_name%>_title") end end end describe "edit" do it "show the edit form" do re_rule = ReRule.create!(:re_workflow_id =>, :rule_class_name => "RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>", :data => valid_<%=rule_name%>_rule_data) ReRule.stub!(:find).and_return(re_rule) get :edit, :re_workflow_id =>, :id => 1001, :rule_class_name => "RulesEngine::Rule::<%=rule_class%>" response.should have_selector("form#re_rule_edit_form") do |form| form.should have_selector("input#<%=rule_name%>_title", :value => 'Rule Title') end end end end end