require 'spec_helper' describe 'querying' do describe '.first' do it 'returns the first country' do country = Country.first expect( be == 1 end it 'can be called on any scope' do country = Country.where(name: 'France').first expect( be == 2 end end describe '.first!' do it 'raises if no record found' do expect { Country.where(name: 'not existing').first! }.to raise_error(FrozenRecord::RecordNotFound) end it 'doesn\'t raise if record found' do expect { Country.first! }.to_not raise_error end end describe '.last' do it 'returns the last country' do country = Country.last expect( be == 3 end it 'can be called on any scope' do country = Country.where(name: 'Canada').last expect( be == 1 end end describe '.last!' do it 'raises if no record found' do expect { Country.where(name: 'not existing').last! }.to raise_error(FrozenRecord::RecordNotFound) end it 'doesn\'t raise if record found' do expect { Country.last! }.to_not raise_error end end describe '.find' do it 'allow to find records by id' do country = Country.find(1) expect( be == 1 expect( be == 'Canada' end it 'raises a FrozenRecord::RecordNotFound error if the id do not exist' do expect { Country.find(42) }.to raise_error(FrozenRecord::RecordNotFound) end it 'raises a FrozenRecord::RecordNotFound error if the id exist but do not match criterias' do expect { Country.where.not(id: 1).find(1) }.to raise_error(FrozenRecord::RecordNotFound) end it 'is not restricted by :limit and :offset' do country = Country.offset(100).limit(1).find(1) expect(country).to be == Country.first end end describe '.find_by_id' do it 'allow to find records by id' do country = Country.find_by_id(1) expect( be == 1 expect( be == 'Canada' end it 'returns nil if the id do not exist' do country = Country.find_by_id(42) expect(country).to be_nil end end describe 'dynamic_matchers' do it 'returns the first matching record' do country = Country.find_by_name_and_density('France', 116) expect( be == 'France' end it 'returns nil if no records match' do country = Country.find_by_name_and_density('England', 116) expect(country).to be_nil end it 'hook into respond_to?' do expect(Country).to respond_to :find_by_name_and_density end it 'do not respond to unknown attributes' do expect(Country).to_not respond_to :find_by_name_and_unknown_attribute end end describe 'dynamic_matchers!' do it 'returns the first matching record' do country = Country.find_by_name_and_density!('France', 116) expect( be == 'France' end it 'returns nil if no records match' do expect { Country.find_by_name_and_density!('England', 116) }.to raise_error(FrozenRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe '.where' do it 'returns the records that match given criterias' do countries = Country.where(name: 'France') expect(countries.length).to be == 1 expect( be == 'France' end it 'is chainable' do countries = Country.where(name: 'France').where(id: 1) expect(countries.length).to be == 0 end it 'can be used with arrays' do countries = Country.where(id: [1,2]) expect(countries.length).to be == 2 end it 'can be used with ranges' do countries = Country.where(id: (1..2)) expect(countries.length).to be == 2 end end describe '.where.not' do it 'returns the records that do not mach given criterias' do countries = Country.where.not(name: 'France') expect(countries.length).to be == 2 expect( be == %w(Canada Austria) end it 'is chainable' do countries = Country.where.not(name: 'France').where(id: 1) expect(countries.length).to be == 1 expect( be == %w(Canada) end end describe '.order' do context 'when pased one argument' do it 'reorder records by given attribute in ascending order' do countries = Country.order(:name).pluck(:name) expect(countries).to be == %w(Austria Canada France) end end context 'when passed multiple arguments' do it 'reorder records by given attributes in ascending order' do countries = Country.order(:updated_at, :name).pluck(:name) expect(countries).to be == %w(Austria France Canada) end end context 'when passed a hash' do it 'records records by given attribute and specified order' do countries = Country.order(name: :desc).pluck(:name) expect(countries).to be == %w(France Canada Austria) end end end describe '.limit' do it 'retuns only the amount of required records' do countries = Country.limit(1) expect(countries.length).to be == 1 expect(countries.to_a).to be == [Country.first] end end describe '.offset' do it 'skip the amount of required records' do countries = Country.offset(1) expect(countries.length).to be == 2 expect(countries.to_a).to be == [Country.find(2), Country.find(3)] end end describe '.pluck' do context 'when called with a single argument' do it 'returns an array of values' do names = Country.pluck(:name) expect(names).to be == %w(Canada France Austria) end end context 'when called with multiple arguments' do it 'returns an array of arrays' do names = Country.pluck(:id, :name) expect(names).to be == [[1, 'Canada'], [2, 'France'], [3, 'Austria']] end end context 'when called with multiple arguments' do it 'returns an array of arrays' do names = Country.pluck(:id, :name) expect(names).to be == [[1, 'Canada'], [2, 'France'], [3, 'Austria']] end end context 'when called without arguments' do pending 'returns an array of arrays containing all attributes in order' end context 'when called on a scope' do it 'returns only the attributes of matching records' do names = Country.where(id: 1).pluck(:name) expect(names).to be == %w(Canada) end end end describe '.exists?' do it 'returns true if query match at least one record' do scope = Country.where(name: 'France') expect(scope).to exist end it 'returns true if query match no records' do scope = Country.where(name: 'France', id: 42) expect(scope).to_not exist end end describe '.sum' do it 'returns the sum of the column argument' do sum = Country.sum(:population) expect(sum).to be == 108.04200000000002 end end describe '.average' do it 'returns the average of the column argument' do average = Country.average(:density) expect(average).to be == 73.26666666666667 end end describe '.minimum' do it 'returns the average of the column argument' do minimum = Country.minimum(:density) expect(minimum).to be == 3.5 end end describe '.maximum' do it 'returns the average of the column argument' do maximum = Country.maximum(:density) expect(maximum).to be == 116 end end describe '.to_json' do it 'serialize the results' do json = Country.all.to_json expect(json).to be == Country.all.to_a.to_json end end describe '.as_json' do it 'serialize the results' do json = Country.all.as_json expect(json).to be == Country.all.to_a.as_json end end describe '.to_xml' do it 'serialize the results' do json = Country.all.to_json expect(json).to be == Country.all.to_a.to_json end end describe 'class methods delegation' do it 'can be called from a scope' do ids = Country.where(name: 'France').republics.pluck(:id) expect(ids).to be == [2] end end end