module IsoDoc class I18n def self.l10n(text, lang = @lang, script = @script, locale = @locale) l10n(text, lang, script, locale) end # function localising spaces and punctuation. def l10n(text, lang = @lang, script = @script, locale = @locale) %w(zh ja ko).include?(lang) and text = l10n_zh(text, script) lang == "fr" && text = l10n_fr(text, locale || "FR") bidiwrap(text, lang, script) end def bidiwrap(text, lang, script) my_script, my_rtl, outer_rtl = bidiwrap_vars(lang, script) if my_rtl && !outer_rtl mark = %w(Arab Aran).include?(my_script) ? "؜" : "‏" "#{mark}#{text}#{mark}" elsif !my_rtl && outer_rtl then "‎#{text}‎" else text end end def bidiwrap_vars(lang, script) my_script = script || Metanorma::Utils.default_script(lang) [my_script, Metanorma::Utils.rtl_script?(my_script), Metanorma::Utils.rtl_script?(@script || Metanorma::Utils .default_script(@lang))] end # CJK def l10n_zh(text, script = "Hans") xml = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(text) t = xml.xpath(".//text()") t.each_with_index do |n, i| prev, foll = l10n_context(t, i) text = cleanup_entities(n.text, is_xml: false) n.replace(l10_zh1(text, prev, foll, script)) end to_xml(xml).gsub(//, "").gsub("", "") .gsub(/<\?[^>]+>/, "") end # previous, following context of current text node: # do not use just the immediately adjoining text tokens for context # deal with spaces and empty text by just concatenating entire context def l10n_context(nodes, idx) prev = nodes[0...idx].map(&:text).join foll = nodes[(idx + 1)...(nodes.size)].map(&:text).join [prev, foll] end def l10n_fr(text, locale) xml = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(text) t = xml.xpath(".//text()") t.each_with_index do |n, i| prev, foll = l10n_context(t, i) text = cleanup_entities(n.text, is_xml: false) n.replace(l10n_fr1(text, prev, foll, locale)) end to_xml(xml) end ZH_CHAR = "(\\p{Han}|\\p{In CJK Symbols And Punctuation}|" \ "\\p{In Halfwidth And Fullwidth Forms})".freeze # note: we can't differentiate comma from enumeration comma 、 # def l10_zh1(text, _script) def l10_zh1(text, prev, foll, _script) # l10n_zh_dash(l10n_zh_remove_space(l10n_zh_punct(text))) r = l10n_zh_punct(text, prev, foll) r = l10n_zh_remove_space(r, prev, foll) l10n_zh_dash(r, prev, foll) end ZH1_PUNCT = /(#{ZH_CHAR}|^) # CJK character, or start of string (\s*)$ # Latin spaces optional /xo.freeze ZH2_PUNCT = /^\s* # followed by ignorable Latin spaces [:,.()\[\];?!-]* # Latin punct which will also convert to CJK (#{ZH_CHAR}|$) # CJK character, or end of string /xo.freeze # CJK punct if (^|CJK).($|CJK) def l10n_zh_punct(text, prev, foll) ["::", ",,", "..", "))", "]]", ";;", "??", "!!", "((", "[["].each do |m| text = l10n_gsub(text, prev, foll, [m[0], m[1]], [ZH1_PUNCT, ZH2_PUNCT]) end text end ZH1_DASH = /(#{ZH_CHAR}|^) # CJK character, or start of string (\d*) # optional digits $/xo.freeze ZH2_DASH = /^\d* # followed by optional digits (#{ZH_CHAR}|$) # CJK character, or end of string /xo.freeze def l10n_zh_dash(text, prev, foll) l10n_gsub(text, prev, foll, %w(– ~), [ZH1_DASH, ZH2_DASH]) end def l10n_gsub(text, prev, foll, delim, regex) context = l10n_gsub_context(text, prev, foll, delim) or return text (1...(context.size - 1)).each do |i| l10_context_valid?(context, i, delim, regex) and context[i] = delim[1].gsub("\\0", context[i]) # Full-width equivalent end context[1...(context.size - 1)].join end def l10n_gsub_context(text, prev, foll, delim) d = delim[0].is_a?(Regexp) ? delim[0] : Regexp.quote(delim[0]) context = text.split(/(#{d})/) # delim to replace context.size == 1 and return [prev, context, foll].flatten end def l10_context_valid?(context, idx, delim, regex) found_delim = if delim[0].is_a?(Regexp) # punct to convert delim[0].match?(context[idx]) else context[idx] == delim[0] end found_delim && regex[0].match?(context[0...idx].join) && # preceding context regex[1].match?(context[(idx + 1)..-1].join) # foll context end def l10n_zh_remove_space(text, prev, foll) text = l10n_gsub(text, prev, foll, [" ", ""], [/(#{ZH_CHAR}|\d)$/o, /^#{ZH_CHAR}/o]) l10n_gsub(text, prev, foll, [" ", ""], [/#{ZH_CHAR}$/o, /^(\d|[A-Za-z](#{ZH_CHAR}|$))/o]) end def l10n_fr1(text, prev, foll, locale) text = l10n_gsub(text, prev, foll, [/[»›;?!]/, "\u202f\\0"], [/\p{Alnum}$/, /^(\s|$)/]) text = l10n_gsub(text, prev, foll, [/[«‹]/, "\\0\u202f"], [/$/, /^./]) colonsp = locale == "CH" ? "\u202f" : "\u00a0" l10n_gsub(text, prev, foll, [":", "#{colonsp}\\0"], [/\p{Alnum}$/, /^(\s|$)/]) end def self.cjk_extend(text) cjk_extend(text) end def cjk_extend(title) @c.decode(title) do |n, i| if || !interleave_space_cjk?(title[i - 1] + title[i]) n else "\u3000#{n}" end end.join end def interleave_space_cjk?(text) text.size == 2 or return ["\u2014\u2014", "\u2025\u2025", "\u2026\u2026", "\u22ef\u22ef"].include?(text) || /\d\d|\p{Latin}\p{Latin}|[[:space:]]/.match?(text) || /^[\u2018\u201c(\u3014\[{\u3008\u300a\u300c\u300e\u3010\u2985\u3018\u3016\u00ab\u301d]/.match?(text) || /[\u2019\u201d)\u3015\]}\u3009\u300b\u300d\u300f\u3011\u2986\u3019\u3017\u00bb\u301f]$/.match?(text) || /[\u3002.\u3001,\u30fb:;\u2010\u301c\u30a0\u2013!?\u203c\u2047\u2048\u2049]/.match?(text) and return false true end def to_xml(node) node&.to_xml(encoding: "UTF-8", indent: 0, save_with: Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XML) end end end