<%= f.input :omit_text, label: "add a choice for", hint: "will uncheck all other choices", placeholder: "none of the above", as: :string, wrapper_html: {class: 'omit_text fl'} %>: <%= f.input_field :omit, label: false, as: :boolean %>

<%= f.input :other_text, label: "add a choice for", hint: "user determines choice", placeholder: "Other", as: :string, wrapper_html: {class: 'other_text fl'} %>: <%= f.input_field :other, label: false, as: :boolean %>

<%= f.input :comments_text, label: "at the bottom of questions, add", hint: "box for notes/comments", placeholder: "Comments", as: :string, wrapper_html: {class: 'comments_text fl'} %>: <%= f.input_field :comments, label: false, as: :boolean %>