require_relative '../../helper' Tk.init describe Tk::Winfo do root = Tk.root entry = it 'gives info about an atom' do root.winfo_atom('STRING').should == 31 end it 'gives name of an atom' do root.winfo_atomname(31).should == 'STRING' end it 'gives info about cells' do root.winfo_cells.should >= 2 end it 'gives info about children' do root.winfo_children.should.include?(entry.tk_pathname) end it 'gives class name of window' do root.winfo_class.should == 'Tk' entry.winfo_class.should == 'Entry' end it 'tell us whether colormap is full' do root.winfo_colormapfull.should == false end should 'not contain any coordinates yet' do root.winfo_containing(0, 0).should == nil end it 'tells us the depth of the window' do root.winfo_depth.should >= 8 root.winfo_depth.should.even? end it 'tells us whether the window exists' do root.winfo_exists.should == true end it 'gives us the amount of pixels for a given distance' do @fpixels = root.winfo_fpixels('1c') @fpixels.class.should == Float @fpixels.should > 0 end it 'knows distance in pixels' do root.winfo_pixels('1c').should == @fpixels.round end it 'gives us the window geometry' do @geometry = root.winfo_geometry @geometry.width.should == 1 @geometry.height.should == 1 @geometry.x.should == 0 @geometry.y.should == 0 end it 'gives us the window height' do root.winfo_height.should == @geometry.height end it 'gives us the window id' do end it 'lists interps' do root.winfo_interps.should.include?('tk') end it "knows whether it's mapped" do root.winfo_ismapped.should == false end it 'knows the manager' do root.winfo_manager.should == 'wm' end it "knows its name" do root.winfo_name.should =~ /^tk/ end it 'knows its parent' do root.winfo_parent.should == nil entry.winfo_parent.should == root.tk_pathname end it 'knows pathname of given id' do root.winfo_pathname(entry.winfo_id).should == entry.tk_pathname end it 'knows location of pointer x coordinate' do root.winfo_pointerx.class.should == Fixnum end it 'knows location of pointer y coordinate' do root.winfo_pointery.class.should == Fixnum end # NOTE: hold still while the specs are running ;) it 'lists location of pointer x/y coordinates' do root.winfo_pointerxy.should == [root.winfo_pointerx, root.winfo_pointery] end it 'shows requested height of window' do root.winfo_reqheight.should == 200 end it 'shows requested width of window' do root.winfo_reqwidth.should == 200 end it 'gives r,g,b values of a color' do root.winfo_rgb('red').should == [65535, 0, 0] root.winfo_rgb('green').should == [0, 65535, 0] root.winfo_rgb('blue').should == [0, 0, 65535] end it 'knows x coordinate of root window' do entry.winfo_rootx.should == 0 end it 'knows y coordinate of root window' do entry.winfo_rooty.should == 0 end it 'knows which screen it is on' do root.winfo_screen.should.match(/\:(.+)\.\d/) # :0.0 end it 'knows the number of cells in the default color map' do root.winfo_screencells.should >= 2 end it 'knows the depth of the screen' do root.winfo_screendepth.should >= 2 end it 'knows the height of the screen' do root.winfo_screenheight.should >= 200 end it 'knows the width of the screen' do root.winfo_screenwidth.should >= 320 end it 'knows the height of the screen in millimeter' do root.winfo_screenmmheight.should >= 2 end it 'knows the width of the screen in millimeter' do root.winfo_screenmmwidth.should >= 2 end it 'shows the default visual class for the screen' do root.winfo_screenvisual.should == :truecolor end it 'knows its server' do end it 'knows its toplevel window' do root.winfo_toplevel.should == '.' entry.winfo_toplevel.should == '.' end it "knows whether it's viwable" do root.winfo_viewable.should == false end it 'knows the visual class of the window' do root.winfo_visual.should == :truecolor end it 'knows the visualid of the window' do end it 'knows some stuff about visualavailable' do root.winfo_visualsavailable(:directcolor) end it 'knows the height of the virtual root window' do root.winfo_vrootheight.should >= 200 end it 'knows the width of the virtual root window' do root.winfo_vrootwidth.should >= 320 end it 'knows the x coordinate of the virtual root window' do root.winfo_vrootx.should == 0 end it 'knows the y coordinate of the virtual root window' do root.winfo_vrooty.should == 0 end it 'knows the height of the window' do root.winfo_width.should == 1 end it 'knows the x coordinate of the window' do root.winfo_x.should == 0 end it 'knows the y coordinate of the window' do root.winfo_y.should == 0 end # TODO check real screen values? (xrandr only) # For now it checks for a minimum of 320 x 200 # # matcher = /Screen (.+?)\: (.+), current (.+) x (.+), / # %x{xrandr -q}.scan(matcher).collect{|i| # {name: i[0], width: i[2].to_i, height: i[3].to_i} # }.first end