module RDF ## # A {Vocabulary} represents an RDFS or OWL vocabulary. # # ### Vocabularies: # # The following vocabularies are pre-defined for your convenience: # # * {RDF::CC} - Creative Commons (CC) # * {RDF::CERT} - W3 Authentication Certificate (CERT) # * {RDF::DC} - Dublin Core (DC) # * {RDF::DC11} - Dublin Core 1.1 (DC11) _deprecated_ # * {RDF::DOAP} - Description of a Project (DOAP) # * {RDF::EXIF} - Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) # * {RDF::FOAF} - Friend of a Friend (FOAF) # * {RDF::GEO} - WGS84 Geo Positioning (GEO) # * {RDF::HTTP} - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) # * {RDF::OWL} - Web Ontology Language (OWL) # * {RDF::RDFS} - RDF Schema (RDFS) # * {RDF::RSA} - W3 RSA Keys (RSA) # * {RDF::RSS} - RDF Site Summary (RSS) # * {RDF::SIOC} - Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC) # * {RDF::SKOS} - Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) # * {RDF::WOT} - Web of Trust (WOT) # * {RDF::XHTML} - Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) # * {RDF::XSD} - XML Schema (XSD) # # @example Using pre-defined RDF vocabularies # include RDF # # DC.title #=> RDF::URI("") # FOAF.knows #=> RDF::URI("") # RDFS.seeAlso #=> RDF::URI("") # RSS.title #=> RDF::URI("") # OWL.sameAs #=> RDF::URI("") # XSD.dateTime #=> RDF::URI("") # # @example Using ad-hoc RDF vocabularies # foaf ="") # foaf.knows #=> RDF::URI("") # foaf[:name] #=> RDF::URI("") # foaf['mbox'] #=> RDF::URI("") # # @see # @see class Vocabulary extend ::Enumerable ## # Enumerates known RDF vocabulary classes. # # @yield [klass] # @yieldparam [Class] klass # @return [Enumerator] def self.each(&block) if self.equal?(Vocabulary) # This is needed since all vocabulary classes are defined using # Ruby's autoloading facility, meaning that `@@subclasses` will be # empty until each subclass has been touched or require'd. RDF::VOCABS.each { |v| require "rdf/vocab/#{v}" unless v == :rdf } @@subclasses.each(&block) else # TODO: should enumerate vocabulary-specific defined properties. end end ## # Defines a vocabulary term called `property`. # # @param [Symbol] # @return [void] def metaclass = class << self; self; end metaclass.send(:define_method, property) { self[property] } # class method end ## # Returns the URI for the term `property` in this vocabulary. # # @param [#to_s] property # @return [URI] def self.[](property) RDF::URI.intern([to_s, property.to_s].join('')) end ## # Returns the base URI for this vocabulary class. # # @return [URI] def self.to_uri RDF::URI.intern(to_s) end ## # Returns a string representation of this vocabulary class. # # @return [String] def self.to_s @@uris.has_key?(self) ? @@uris[self].to_s : super end ## # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this vocabulary class. # # @return [String] def self.inspect if self == Vocabulary self.to_s else sprintf("%s(%s)", superclass.to_s, to_s) end end class << self # Preserve the class name so that it can be obtained even for # vocabularies that define a `name` property: alias_method :__name__, :name end # Undefine all superfluous instance methods: undef_method(*( - [:__id__, :__send__, :__class__, :__eval__, :object_id, :instance_eval, :inspect, :class, :is_a?])) ## # @param [URI, String, #to_s] def initialize(uri) @uri = case uri when RDF::URI then uri.to_s else RDF::URI.parse(uri.to_s) ? uri.to_s : nil end end ## # Returns the URI for the term `property` in this vocabulary. # # @param [#to_s] property # @return [URI] def [](property) RDF::URI.intern([to_s, property.to_s].join('')) end ## # Returns the base URI for this vocabulary. # # @return [URI] def to_uri RDF::URI.intern(to_s) end ## # Returns a string representation of this vocabulary. # # @return [String] def to_s @uri.to_s end ## # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this vocabulary. # # @return [String] def inspect sprintf("#<%s:%#0x(%s)>",, __id__, to_s) end protected def self.create(uri) # @private @@uri = uri self end def self.inherited(subclass) # @private @@subclasses << subclass unless @@uri.nil? subclass.send(:private_class_method, :new) @@uris[subclass] = @@uri @@uri = nil end super end def self.method_missing(property, *args, &block) if args.empty? && @@uris.has_key?(self) self[property] else super end end def method_missing(property, *args, &block) if args.empty? self[property] else raise"wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for 0)") end end private @@subclasses = [::RDF] # @private @@uris = {} # @private @@uri = nil # @private end end