require 'em-http-request' require 'restclient/payload' require 'rest-core/engine/future/future' require 'rest-core/middleware' class RestCore::EmHttpRequest include RestCore::Middleware def call env, &k future = Future.create(env, k, env[ASYNC]) # eventmachine is not thread-safe, so... # ::EventMachine.schedule{ request(future, env) } env.merge(RESPONSE_BODY => future.proxy_body, RESPONSE_STATUS => future.proxy_status, RESPONSE_HEADERS => future.proxy_headers, FUTURE => future) end def request future, env payload, headers = Payload.generate_with_headers(env[REQUEST_PAYLOAD], env[REQUEST_HEADERS]) args = if payload.nil? {} else tmpfile = payload2file(payload) if tmpfile.respond_to?(:path) {:file => tmpfile.path} else {:body => tmpfile} end end.merge(:head => headers) client = send(env[REQUEST_METHOD], args) client.callback{ close_tmpfile(tmpfile) future.on_load(client.response, client.response_header.status, client.response_header)} client.errback{ close_client(client) close_tmpfile(tmpfile) future.on_error(client.error)} env[TIMER].on_timeout{ close_client(client) close_tmpfile(tmpfile) future.on_error(env[TIMER].error) } if env[TIMER] end def payload2file payload if # already a file elsif payload.size == 0 || # probably a socket, buffer to disc payload.size >= 81920 # probably too large, buffer to disc create_tmpfile( else # probably not worth buffering to disc end end def create_tmpfile io tempfile ="rest-core.em-http-request.#{rand(1_000_000)}") IO.copy_stream(io, tempfile) tempfile end def close_client client (client.instance_variable_get(:@callbacks)||[]).clear (client.instance_variable_get(:@errbacks )||[]).clear client.close end def close_tmpfile tmpfile if tmpfile.respond_to?(:close!) # tempfile tmpfile.close! elsif tmpfile.respond_to?(:close) # regular IO tmpfile.close end end end