#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/transaction/report' describe Puppet::Transaction::Report do include PuppetSpec::Files before do Puppet::Util::Storage.stubs(:store) end it "should set its host name to the node_name_value" do Puppet[:node_name_value] = 'mynode' Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply").host.should == "mynode" end it "should return its host name as its name" do r = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") r.name.should == r.host end it "should create an initialization timestamp" do Time.expects(:now).returns "mytime" Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply").time.should == "mytime" end it "should take a 'kind' as an argument" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("inspect").kind.should == "inspect" end it "should take a 'configuration_version' as an argument" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("inspect", "some configuration version", "some environment").configuration_version.should == "some configuration version" end it "should be able to set configuration_version" do report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("inspect") report.configuration_version = "some version" report.configuration_version.should == "some version" end it "should take 'environment' as an argument" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("inspect", "some configuration version", "some environment").environment.should == "some environment" end it "should be able to set environment" do report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("inspect") report.environment = "some environment" report.environment.should == "some environment" end it "should not include whits" do Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.stubs(:save) filename = tmpfile('whit_test') file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => filename) catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.add_resource(file) report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") catalog.apply(:report => report) report.finalize_report report.resource_statuses.values.any? {|res| res.resource_type =~ /whit/i}.should be_false report.metrics['time'].values.any? {|metric| metric.first =~ /whit/i}.should be_false end describe "when accepting logs" do before do @report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") end it "should add new logs to the log list" do @report << "log" @report.logs[-1].should == "log" end it "should return self" do r = @report << "log" r.should equal(@report) end end describe "when accepting resource statuses" do before do @report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") end it "should add each status to its status list" do status = stub 'status', :resource => "foo" @report.add_resource_status status @report.resource_statuses["foo"].should equal(status) end end describe "when using the indirector" do it "should redirect :save to the indirection" do Facter.stubs(:value).returns("eh") @indirection = stub 'indirection', :name => :report Puppet::Transaction::Report.stubs(:indirection).returns(@indirection) report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") @indirection.expects(:save) Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.save(report) end it "should default to the 'processor' terminus" do Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.terminus_class.should == :processor end it "should delegate its name attribute to its host method" do report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") report.expects(:host).returns "me" report.name.should == "me" end end describe "when computing exit status" do it "should produce 2 if changes are present" do report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") report.add_metric("changes", {"total" => 1}) report.add_metric("resources", {"failed" => 0}) report.exit_status.should == 2 end it "should produce 4 if failures are present" do report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") report.add_metric("changes", {"total" => 0}) report.add_metric("resources", {"failed" => 1}) report.exit_status.should == 4 end it "should produce 6 if both changes and failures are present" do report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") report.add_metric("changes", {"total" => 1}) report.add_metric("resources", {"failed" => 1}) report.exit_status.should == 6 end end describe "before finalizing the report" do it "should have a status of 'failed'" do report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") report.status.should == 'failed' end end describe "when finalizing the report" do before do @report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new("apply") end def metric(name, value) if metric = @report.metrics[name.to_s] metric[value] else nil end end def add_statuses(count, type = :file) count.times do |i| status = Puppet::Resource::Status.new(Puppet::Type.type(type).new(:title => make_absolute("/my/path#{i}"))) yield status if block_given? @report.add_resource_status status end end [:time, :resources, :changes, :events].each do |type| it "should add #{type} metrics" do @report.finalize_report @report.metrics[type.to_s].should be_instance_of(Puppet::Transaction::Metric) end end describe "for resources" do it "should provide the total number of resources" do add_statuses(3) @report.finalize_report metric(:resources, "total").should == 3 end Puppet::Resource::Status::STATES.each do |state| it "should provide the number of #{state} resources as determined by the status objects" do add_statuses(3) { |status| status.send(state.to_s + "=", true) } @report.finalize_report metric(:resources, state.to_s).should == 3 end it "should provide 0 for states not in status" do @report.finalize_report metric(:resources, state.to_s).should == 0 end end it "should mark the report as 'failed' if there are failing resources" do add_statuses(1) { |status| status.failed = true } @report.finalize_report @report.status.should == 'failed' end end describe "for changes" do it "should provide the number of changes from the resource statuses and mark the report as 'changed'" do add_statuses(3) { |status| 3.times { status << Puppet::Transaction::Event.new(:status => 'success') } } @report.finalize_report metric(:changes, "total").should == 9 @report.status.should == 'changed' end it "should provide a total even if there are no changes, and mark the report as 'unchanged'" do @report.finalize_report metric(:changes, "total").should == 0 @report.status.should == 'unchanged' end end describe "for times" do it "should provide the total amount of time for each resource type" do add_statuses(3, :file) do |status| status.evaluation_time = 1 end add_statuses(3, :exec) do |status| status.evaluation_time = 2 end add_statuses(3, :tidy) do |status| status.evaluation_time = 3 end @report.finalize_report metric(:time, "file").should == 3 metric(:time, "exec").should == 6 metric(:time, "tidy").should == 9 end it "should add any provided times from external sources" do @report.add_times :foobar, 50 @report.finalize_report metric(:time, "foobar").should == 50 end it "should have a total time" do add_statuses(3, :file) do |status| status.evaluation_time = 1.25 end @report.add_times :config_retrieval, 0.5 @report.finalize_report metric(:time, "total").should == 4.25 end end describe "for events" do it "should provide the total number of events" do add_statuses(3) do |status| 3.times { |i| status.add_event(Puppet::Transaction::Event.new :status => 'success') } end @report.finalize_report metric(:events, "total").should == 9 end it "should provide the total even if there are no events" do @report.finalize_report metric(:events, "total").should == 0 end Puppet::Transaction::Event::EVENT_STATUSES.each do |status_name| it "should provide the number of #{status_name} events" do add_statuses(3) do |status| 3.times do |i| event = Puppet::Transaction::Event.new event.status = status_name status.add_event(event) end end @report.finalize_report metric(:events, status_name).should == 9 end end end end describe "when producing a summary" do before do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:name => "testing") catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new catalog.add_resource resource catalog.version = 1234567 trans = catalog.apply @report = trans.report @report.finalize_report end %w{changes time resources events version}.each do |main| it "should include the key #{main} in the raw summary hash" do @report.raw_summary.should be_key main end end it "should include the last run time in the raw summary hash" do Time.stubs(:now).returns(Time.utc(2010,11,10,12,0,24)) @report.raw_summary["time"]["last_run"].should == 1289390424 end it "should include all resource statuses" do resources_report = @report.raw_summary["resources"] Puppet::Resource::Status::STATES.each do |state| resources_report.should be_include(state.to_s) end end %w{total failure success}.each do |r| it "should include event #{r}" do events_report = @report.raw_summary["events"] events_report.should be_include(r) end end it "should include config version" do @report.raw_summary["version"]["config"].should == 1234567 end it "should include puppet version" do @report.raw_summary["version"]["puppet"].should == Puppet.version end %w{Changes Total Resources Time Events}.each do |main| it "should include information on #{main} in the textual summary" do @report.summary.should be_include(main) end end end describe "when outputting yaml" do it "should not include @external_times" do report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new('apply') report.add_times('config_retrieval', 1.0) report.to_yaml_properties.should_not include('@external_times') end end end