# Buildium::RentalOwnerPutMessage ## Properties | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **first_name** | **String** | First name of the rental owner. Required if `IsCompany` is `false`. The value cannot exceed 127 characters. | [optional] | | **last_name** | **String** | Last name of the rental owner. Required if `IsCompany` is `false`. The value cannot exceed 127 characters. | [optional] | | **is_company** | **Boolean** | Indicates whether the rental owner should be considered a company or person. | | | **company_name** | **String** | Company name of the rental owner. Required if `IsCompany` is `true`. The value cannot exceed 127 characters. | [optional] | | **date_of_birth** | **Date** | Date of birth of the rental owner. Must be formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD`. | [optional] | | **management_agreement_start_date** | **Date** | Start date of the management agreement with the rental owner. Must be formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD`. | [optional] | | **management_agreement_end_date** | **Date** | End date of the management agreement with the rental owner. Must be formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD`. | [optional] | | **email** | **String** | Email of the rental owner. | [optional] | | **alternate_email** | **String** | Alternate email of the rental owner. | [optional] | | **phone_numbers** | [**PhoneNumbersMessage**](PhoneNumbersMessage.md) | | [optional] | | **address** | [**SaveAddressMessage**](SaveAddressMessage.md) | | | | **comment** | **String** | Comments about the rental owner. The comments cannot exceed 65,535 characters. | [optional] | | **property_ids** | **Array<Integer>** | A list of rental property ID's to associate with this rental owner. At least one property ID must be provided. | | ## Example ```ruby require 'buildium-ruby' instance = Buildium::RentalOwnerPutMessage.new( first_name: null, last_name: null, is_company: null, company_name: null, date_of_birth: null, management_agreement_start_date: null, management_agreement_end_date: null, email: null, alternate_email: null, phone_numbers: null, address: null, comment: null, property_ids: null ) ```