begin require "topolys/version" rescue LoadError require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'version.rb') end require 'json' require 'securerandom' require 'set' # Topology represents connections between geometry in a model. # # Class structure inspired from Topologic's RCH (Rigorous Class Hierarchy) # (excerpts from # Topology: Abstract superclass holding constructors, properties and # methods used by other subclasses that extend it. # Vertex: 1D entity equivalent to a geometry point. # Edge: 1D entity defined by two vertices. # Wire: Contiguous collection of Edges where adjacent Edges are # connected by shared Vertices. # Face: 2D region defined by a collection of closed Wires. # Shell: Contiguous collection of Faces, where adjacent Faces are # connected by shared Edges. # Cell: 3D region defined by a collection of closed Shells. # CellComplex: Contiguous collection of Cells where adjacent Cells are # connected by shared Faces. # Cluster: Collection of any topologic entities. # TODO : start integrating warning logs à la raise ... module Topolys @@normal_tol = 0.000001 @@planar_tol = 0.01 ## Tolerance for normal vector checks def Topolys.normal_tol @@normal_tol end ## Tolerance for planarity checks def Topolys.planar_tol @@planar_tol end ## # Checks if one array of objects is the same as another array of objects. # The order of objects must be the same but the two arrays may start at different indices. # # @param [Array] objects1 Array # @param [Array] objects2 Array # # @return [Integer] Returns offset between objects2 and objects1 or nil def Topolys.find_offset(objects1, objects2) n = objects1.size return nil if objects2.size != n offset = objects2.index{|obj| objects1[0].id ==} return nil if !offset objects1.each_index do |i| return nil if objects1[i].id != objects2[(offset+i)%n].id end return offset end # The Topolys Model contains many Topolys Objects, a Topolys Object can only be # connected to other Topolys Objects in the same Topolys Model. To enforce this # Topolys Objects should not be constructed directly, they should be retrieved using # the Topolys Model get_* object methods. class Model attr_reader :vertices, :edges, :directed_edges, :wires, :faces, :shells, :cells attr_reader :tol, :tol2 def initialize(tol=nil) # changing tolerance on a model after construction would be very complicated # you would have to go through and regroup points, etc if !tol.is_a?(Numeric) tol = 0.01 end @tol = tol @tol2 = @tol**2 @vertices = [] @edges = [] @directed_edges = [] @wires = [] @faces = [] @shells = [] @cells = [] end def all_objects @vertices + @edges + @directed_edges + @wires + @faces + @shells + @cells end def to_json result= { vertices: { |v| v.to_json }, edges: { |e| e.to_json }, directed_edges: { |de| de.to_json }, wires: { |w| w.to_json }, faces: { |f| f.to_json }, shells: { |s| s.to_json }, cells: { |c| c.to_json } } return result end def self.from_json(obj) model = id_map = {} obj[:vertices].each do |v| p = v[:point] point =[:x], p[:y], p[:z]) vertex = model.get_vertex(point) set_id(vertex, v[:id]) vertex.attributes = v[:attributes] if v[:attributes] id_map[v[:id]] = vertex end obj[:edges].each do |e| v0 = id_map[e[:v0]] v1 = id_map[e[:v1]] edge = model.get_edge(v0, v1) set_id(edge, e[:id]) edge.attributes = e[:attributes] if e[:attributes] id_map[e[:id]] = edge end obj[:directed_edges].each do |de| edge = id_map[de[:edge]] inverted = de[:inverted] directed_edge = nil if inverted directed_edge = model.get_directed_edge(edge.v1, edge.v0) else directed_edge = model.get_directed_edge(edge.v0, edge.v1) end set_id(directed_edge, de[:id]) directed_edge.attributes = de[:attributes] if de[:attributes] id_map[de[:id]] = directed_edge end obj[:wires].each do |w| vertices = [] w[:directed_edges].each do |id| directed_edge = id_map[id] vertices << directed_edge.v0 end wire = model.get_wire(vertices) set_id(wire, w[:id]) wire.attributes = w[:attributes] if w[:attributes] id_map[w[:id]] = wire end obj[:faces].each do |f| outer = id_map[f[:outer]] holes = [] f[:holes].each do |id| holes << id_map[id] end face = model.get_face(outer, holes) set_id(face, f[:id]) face.attributes = f[:attributes] if f[:attributes] id_map[f[:id]] = face end obj[:shells].each do |s| faces = [] s[:faces].each do |id| faces << id_map[id] end shell = model.get_shell(faces) set_id(shell, s[:id]) shell.attributes = s[:attributes] if s[:attributes] id_map[s[:id]] = shell end return model end def self.schema_file return File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "./schema/topolys.json") end def self.schema s = return JSON.parse(s) end def to_s JSON.pretty_generate(to_json) end def save(file), 'w') do |file| file.puts self.to_s end end def to_graphviz result = "digraph model {\n" result += " rankdir=LR\n" all_objects.each do |obj| obj.children.each { |child| result += " #{child.short_name} -> #{obj.short_name}\n" } #obj.parents.each { |parent| result += " #{parent.short_name} -> #{obj.short_name}\n" } end result += " }" return result end def save_graphviz(file), 'w') do |file| file.puts to_graphviz end end # @param [Vertex] vertex # @param [Edge] edge # @return [Point3D] Point3D of vertex projected on edge or nil def vertex_intersect_edge(vertex, edge) if == || == return nil end # new_point, length - length unused here new_point, _ = project_point_on_edge(edge.v0.point, edge.v1.point, vertex.point) return new_point end # @param [Point3D] point # @return [Vertex] Vertex def get_vertex(point) # search for point and return corresponding vertex if it exists v = find_existing_vertex(point) return v if v # otherwise create new vertex v = @vertices << v # check if this vertex needs to be inserted on any edge updated = false @edges.each do |edge| if new_point = vertex_intersect_edge(v, edge) # point might need to be added to multiple edges # point can be updated to project it onto edge, don't update multiple times if !updated # simulate friend access to set point on vertex v.instance_variable_set(:@point, new_point) v.recalculate updated = true end # now split the edge with this vertex split_edge(edge, v) end end return v end # @param [Point3D] point # @return [Vertex] Vertex or nil def find_existing_vertex(point) # search for point and return corresponding vertex if it exists # otherwise create new vertex @vertices.each do |v| p = v.point ## L1 norm #if ((p.x-point.x).abs < @tol) && # (p.y-point.y).abs < @tol) && # (p.z-point.z).abs < @tol)) # return v #end # L2 norm if ((p.x-point.x)**2 + (p.y-point.y)**2 + (p.z-point.z)**2) < @tol2 return v end end return nil end # @param [Array] points Array of Point3D # @return [Array] Array of Vertex def get_vertices(points) {|p| get_vertex(p)} end # @param [Vertex] v0 # @param [Vertex] v1 # @return [Edge] Edge def get_edge(v0, v1) # search for edge and return if it exists e = find_existing_edge(v0, v1) return e if e # otherwise create new edge @vertices << v0 if !@vertices.find {|v| ==} @vertices << v1 if !@vertices.find {|v| ==} edge =, v1) @edges << edge return edge end # @param [Vertex] v0 # @param [Vertex] v1 # @return [Edge] Edge or nil def find_existing_edge(v0, v1) @edges.each do |e| if ( == && ( == return e elsif ( == && ( == return e end end return nil end # @param [Vertex] v0 # @param [Vertex] v1 # @return [DirectedEdge] DirectedEdge def get_directed_edge(v0, v1) # search for directed edge and return if it exists de = find_existing_directed_edge(v0, v1) return de if de # otherwise create new directed edge edge = get_edge(v0, v1) inverted = false if ( != inverted = true end directed_edge =, inverted) @directed_edges << directed_edge return directed_edge end # @param [Vertex] v0 # @param [Vertex] v1 # @return [DirectedEdge] DirectedEdge def find_existing_directed_edge(v0, v1) # search for directed edge and return if it exists @directed_edges.each do |de| if ( == && ( == return de end end return nil end # @param [Array] vertices Array of Vertex, assumes closed wire (e.g. first vertex is also last vertex) # @return [Wire] Wire def get_wire(vertices) # search for wire and return if exists # otherwise create new wire # insert any existing model vertices that should be inserted on the edges in vertices vertices = insert_vertices_on_edges(vertices) n = vertices.size directed_edges = [] vertices.each_index do |i| directed_edges << get_directed_edge(vertices[i], vertices[(i+1)%n]) end # see if we already have this wire @wires.each do |wire| if wire.circular_equal?(directed_edges) return wire end end wire = nil begin wire = @wires << wire rescue => exception puts exception end return wire end # @param [Wire] outer Outer wire # @param [Array] holes Array of Wire # @return [Face] Face Returns Face or nil if wires are not in model def get_face(outer, holes) # search for face and return if exists # otherwise create new face hole_ids ={|h|}.sort @faces.each do |face| if == if{|h|}.sort == hole_ids return face end end end # all the wires have to be in the model return nil if @wires.index{|w| ==}.nil? holes.each do |hole| return nil if @wires.index{|w| ==}.nil? end face = nil begin face =, holes) @faces << face rescue => exception puts exception end return face end # @param [Array] faces Array of Face # @return [Shell] Returns Shell or nil if faces are not in model or not connected def get_shell(faces) # all the faces have to be in the model faces.each do |face| return nil if @faces.index{|f| ==}.nil? end # check if we already have this shell face_ids ={|f|}.sort @shells.each do |shell| if{|f|}.sort == face_ids return shell end end # create a new shell shell = nil begin shell = @shells << shell rescue => exception puts exception end return shell end # @param [Object] object Object # @return [Object] Returns reversed object def get_reverse(object) if object.is_a?(Vertex) return object elsif object.is_a?(Edge) return object elsif object.is_a?(DirectedEdge) return get_directed_edge(object.v1, object.v0) elsif object.is_a?(Wire) return get_wire(object.vertices.reverse) elsif object.is_a?(Face) reverse_outer = get_wire(object.outer.vertices.reverse) reverse_holes = [] object.holes.each do |hole| reverse_holes << get_wire(hole.vertices.reverse) end return get_face(reverse_outer, reverse_holes) elsif object.is_a?(Shell) # can't reverse a shell return nil end return nil end private ## # Set id on an object, used in deserialization # # @param [Object] obj Object to modify # @param [String] id New id def self.set_id(obj, id) # simulate friend access to set id on object obj.instance_variable_set(:@id, id) end ## # Inserts existing model vertices that should be included in vertices # # @param [Array] Array of original vertices # @return [Array] Array with inserted model vertices def insert_vertices_on_edges(vertices) bb = ids = vertices.each do |vertex| bb.add_point(vertex.point) ids.add( end # find vertices that might be inserted vertices_to_check = [] @vertices.each do |vertex| next if ids.include?( if bb.include?(vertex.point) vertices_to_check << vertex end end # temporarily close vertices vertices << vertices[0] # check if any vertices need to be inserted on this edge new_vertices = [] (0...vertices.size-1).each do |i| v_this = vertices[i] v_next = vertices[i+1] new_vertices << v_this vertices_to_add = [] vertices_to_check.each do |vertex| new_point, length = project_point_on_edge(v_this.point, v_next.point, vertex.point) if new_point vertices_to_add << {vertex: vertex, new_point: new_point, length: length} end end vertices_to_add.sort! { |x, y| x[:length] <=> y[:length] } vertices_to_add.each { |vs| new_vertices << vs[:vertex] } end new_vertices << vertices[-1] # pop the last vertex vertices.pop new_vertices.pop # DLM: it's possible that inserting the vertices on the edge would make the face non-planar # but if we move the vertices that could break other surfaces #if vertices.size != new_vertices.size # puts "old vertices" # puts {|v| v.point.to_s } # puts "new vertices" # puts {|v| v.point.to_s } #end return new_vertices end # @param [Point3D] p0 Point3D at beginning of edge # @param [Point3D] p1 Point3D at end of edge # @param [Point3D] p Point3D to project onto edge # @return [Point3D] new point projected onto edge or nil # @return [Numeric] length of new point projected along edge or nil def project_point_on_edge(p0, p1, p) vector1 = (p1 - p0) edge_length = vector1.magnitude vector1.normalize! vector2 = (p - p0) length = if length < 0 || length > edge_length return nil, nil end new_point = p0 + (vector1*length) distance = (p - new_point).magnitude if distance > @tol return nil, nil end return new_point, length end ## # Adds new vertex between edges's v0 and v1, edge now goes from # v0 to new vertex and a new_edge goes from new vertex to v1. # Updates directed edges which reference edge. # # @param [Edge] edge Edge to modify # @param [Vertex] new_vertex Vertex to add def split_edge(edge, new_vertex) v1 = edge.v1 # simulate friend access to set v1 on edge edge.instance_variable_set(:@v1, new_vertex) edge.recalculate # make a new edge new_edge = get_edge(new_vertex, v1) # update the directed edges referencing this edge parents = edge.parents.dup parents.each do |directed_edge| split_directed_edge(directed_edge, new_edge) end end ## # Creates a new directed edge in same direction for the new edge. # Updates wires which reference directed edge. # # @param [DirectedEdge] directed_edge Existing directed edge # @param [Edge] new_edge New edge def split_directed_edge(directed_edge, new_edge) # directed edge is pointing to the new updated edge directed_edge.recalculate # make a new directed edge for the new edge offset = nil new_directed_edge = nil if directed_edge.inverted offset = 0 new_directed_edge = get_directed_edge(new_edge.v1, new_edge.v0) else offset = 1 new_directed_edge = get_directed_edge(new_edge.v0, new_edge.v1) end # update the wires referencing this directed edge parents = directed_edge.parents.dup parents.each do |wire| split_wire(wire, directed_edge, offset, new_directed_edge) end end ## # Inserts new directed edge after directed edge in wire # # @param [Wire] wire Existing wire # @param [DirectedEdge] directed_edge Existing directed edge # @param [Integer] offset 0 to insert new_directed_edge edge before directed_edge, 1 to insert after # @param [DirectedEdge] directed_edge New directed edge to insert def split_wire(wire, directed_edge, offset, new_directed_edge) directed_edges = wire.directed_edges index = directed_edges.index{|de| ==} return nil if !index directed_edges.insert(index + offset, new_directed_edge) # simulate friend access to set directed_edges on wire wire.instance_variable_set(:@directed_edges, directed_edges) wire.recalculate # no need to update faces referencing this wire end end # Model class Object # @return [-] attribute linked to a pre-speficied key (e.g. keyword) attr_accessor :attributes # a [k,v] hash of properties required by a parent # app, but of no intrinsic utility to Topolys. # e.g. a thermal bridge PSI type # "attribute[:bridge] = :balcony # e.g. air leakage crack type (ASHRAE Fund's) # "attribute[:crack] = :sliding # e.g. LCA $ element type # "attribute[$lca] = :parapet" # @return [String] Unique string id attr_reader :id # @return [Array] Array of parent Objects attr_reader :parents # @return [Array] Array of child Objects attr_reader :children ## # Initialize the object with read only attributes. # If read only attributes are changed externally, must call recalculate. # def initialize @attributes = {} @id = SecureRandom.uuid @parents = [] @children = [] end ## # Must be called when read only attributes are updated externally. # Recalculates cached attribute values and links children with parents. # Throws if a class invariant is violated. # def recalculate end # @return [String] Unique string id def hash @id end # @return [Hash] Hash containing JSON serialized fields def to_json result = { id: @id} result[:attributes] = @attributes if !@attributes.empty? return result end # @return [String] Short id used for Graphviz def short_id @id.slice(0,6) end # @return [String] Short name used for Graphviz def short_name "#{self.class.to_s.gsub('Topolys::','').gsub('DirectedEdge', 'DEdge')}_#{short_id}" end # @return [String] To string def to_s short_name end def debug(str) #puts "#{str}#{self.class} #{short_id} has [#{{|p| p.short_id}.join(', ')}] parents and [#{{|c| c.short_id}.join(', ')}] children" end # @return [Class] Class of Parent objects def parent_class NilClass end # @return [Class] Class of Child objects def child_class NilClass end ## # Links a parent with a child object # # @param [Object] parent A parent object to link # @param [Object] child A child object to link def, child) child.link_parent(parent) parent.link_child(child) end ## # Unlinks a parent from a child object # # @param [Object] parent A parent object to unlink # @param [Object] child A child object to unlink def Object.unlink(parent, child) child.unlink_parent(parent) parent.unlink_child(child) end ## # Links a parent object # # @param [Object] object A parent object to link def link_parent(object) #puts "link parent #{object.short_id} with child #{self.short_id}" if object && object.is_a?(parent_class) @parents << object if !@parents.find {|obj| == } end end ## # Unlinks a parent object # # @param [Object] object A parent object to unlink def unlink_parent(object) #puts "unlink parent #{object.short_id} from child #{self.short_id}" @parents.reject!{ |obj| == } end ## # Links a child object # # @param [Object] object A child object to link def link_child(object) #puts "link child #{object.short_id} with parent #{self.short_id}" if object && object.is_a?(child_class) @children << object if !@children.find {|obj| == } end end ## # Unlinks a child object # # @param [Object] object A child object to unlink def unlink_child(object) #puts "unlink child #{object.short_id} from parent #{self.short_id}" @children.reject!{ |obj| == } end end # Object class Vertex < Object # @return [Point3D] Point3D geometry attr_reader :point ## # Initializes a Vertex object, use Model.get_point instead # # Throws if point is incorrect type # # @param [Point3D] point def initialize(point) super() @point = point recalculate end def to_json result = super result[:point] = { x: @point.x, y: @point.y, z: @point.z } return result end def recalculate super() end def parent_class Edge end def child_class NilClass end def edges @parents end end # Vertex class Edge < Object # @return [Vertex] the initial vertex, the edge origin attr_reader :v0 # @return [Vertex] the second vertex, the edge terminal point attr_reader :v1 # @return [Numeric] the length of this edge attr_reader :length alias magnitude length ## # Initializes an Edge object, use Model.get_edge instead # # Throws if v0 or v1 are incorrect type or refer to same vertex # # @param [Vertex] v0 The origin Vertex # @param [Vertex] v1 The terminal Vertex def initialize(v0, v1) super() @v0 = v0 @v1 = v1 recalculate end def to_json result = super result[:v0] = result[:v1] = return result end def recalculate super() # TODO: should catch if 'origin' or 'terminal' are not Vertex objects # TODO: should also catch if 'origin' or 'terminal' refer to same object or are within tol of each other debug("before: ") # unlink from any previous vertices @children.reverse_each {|child| Object.unlink(self, child)} # link to current vertices, @v0), @v1) debug("after: ") # recompute cached properties and check invariants vector = @v1.point - @v0.point @length = vector.magnitude end def parent_class DirectedEdge end def child_class Vertex end def forward_edge @parents.first{|de| !de.inverted} end def reverse_edge @parents.first{|de| de.inverted} end def directed_edges @parents end def vertices @children end end # Edge class DirectedEdge < Object # @return [Vertex] the initial vertex, the directed edge origin attr_reader :v0 # @return [Vertex] the second vertex, the directed edge terminal point attr_reader :v1 # @return [Edge] the edge this directed edge points to attr_reader :edge # @return [Boolean] true if this is a forward directed edge, false otherwise attr_reader :inverted # @return [Numeric] the length of this edge attr_reader :length # @return [Vector3D] the vector of this directed edge attr_reader :vector ## # Initializes a DirectedEdge object, use Model.get_directed_edge instead # # Throws if edge or inverted are incorrect type # # @param [Edge] edge The underlying edge # @param [Boolean] inverted True if this is a forward DirectedEdge, false otherwise def initialize(edge, inverted) super() @edge = edge @inverted = inverted recalculate end def to_json result = super result[:edge] = result[:inverted] = @inverted return result end def recalculate super() debug("before: ") # unlink from any previous edges @children.reverse_each {|child| Object.unlink(self, child)} # link with current edge, @edge) debug("after: ") # recompute cached properties and check invariants if @inverted @v0 = edge.v1 @v1 = edge.v0 else @v0 = edge.v0 @v1 = edge.v1 end @vector = @v1.point - @v0.point @length = @vector.magnitude end def parent_class Wire end def child_class Edge end def wires @parents end def edges @children end end # DirectedEdge class Wire < Object # @return [Array] array of directed edges attr_reader :directed_edges # @return [Plane3D] plane of this wire attr_reader :plane # @return [Vector3D] outward normal of this wire's plane attr_reader :normal ## # Initializes a Wire object # # Throws if directed_edges is incorrect type or if not sequential, not planar, or not closed # # @param [Edge] edge The underlying edge # @param [Boolean] inverted True if this is a forward DirectedEdge, false otherwise def initialize(directed_edges) super() @directed_edges = directed_edges recalculate end def to_json result = super result[:directed_edges] = { |de| } return result end def recalculate super() # unlink from any previous directed edges @children.reverse_each {|child| Object.unlink(self, child)} # link with current directed edges @directed_edges.each {|de|, de)} # recompute cached properties and check invariants raise "Empty edges" if @directed_edges.empty? raise "Not sequential" if !sequential? raise "Not closed" if !closed? @normal = nil largest = 0 (0...@directed_edges.size-1).each do |i| temp = @directed_edges[i].vector.cross(@directed_edges[i+1].vector) if temp.magnitude > largest largest = temp.magnitude @normal = temp end end raise "Cannot compute normal" if @normal.nil? raise "Normal has 0 length" if largest == 0 @normal.normalize! @plane =[0].v0.point, @normal) @directed_edges.each do |de| raise "Point not on plane" if (de.v0.point - @plane.project(de.v0.point)).magnitude > Topolys.planar_tol raise "Point not on plane" if (de.v1.point - @plane.project(de.v1.point)).magnitude > Topolys.planar_tol end end def parent_class Face end def child_class DirectedEdge end def faces @parents end ## # @return [Array] Array of Edge def edges {|de| de.edge} end ## # @return [Array] Array of Vertex def vertices {|de| de.v0} end ## # @return [Array] Array of Point3D def points {|v| v.point} end ## # Validates if directed edges are sequential # # @return [Bool] Returns true if sequential def sequential? n = @directed_edges.size @directed_edges.each_index do |i| break if i == n-1 # e.g. check if first edge v0 == last edge v # check if each intermediate, nieghbouring v0 & v are equal # e.g. by relying on 'inverted?' # 'answer = true' if all checks out return false if @directed_edges[i] != @directed_edges[i+1] end return true end ## # Validates if directed edges are closed # # @return [Bool] Returns true if closed def closed? n = @directed_edges.size return false if n < 3 return @directed_edges[n-1] == @directed_edges[0] end ## # Checks if this Wire's directed edges are the same as another array of directed edges. # The order of directed edges must be the same but the two arrays may start at different indices. # # @param [Array] directed_edges Array of DirectedEdge # # @return [Bool] Returns true if the wires are circular_equal, false otherwise def circular_equal?(directed_edges) if !Topolys::find_offset(@directed_edges, directed_edges).nil? return true end return false end ## # Checks if this Wire is reverse equal to another Wire. # The order of directed edges must be the same but the two arrays may start at different indices. # # @param [Wire] other Other Wire # # @return [Bool] Returns true if the wires are reverse_equal, false otherwise def reverse_equal?(other) # TODO: implement return false end # TODO : deleting an edge, inserting a sequential edge, etc. ## # Gets 3D wire perimeter length # # @return [Float] Returns perimeter of 3D wire def perimeter @directed_edges.inject(0){|sum, de| sum + de.length } end ## # Gets shared edges with another wire # # @return [Array] Returns array of shared edges def shared_edges(other) return nil unless other.is_a?(Wire) result = [] @directed_edges.each do |de| other.directed_edges.each do |other_de| result << de.edge if == end end return result end end # Wire class Face < Object # @return [Wire] outer polygon attr_reader :outer # @return [Array] Array of Wire attr_reader :holes ## # Initializes a Face object # # Throws if outer or holes are incorrect type or if holes have incorrect winding # # @param [Wire] outer The outer boundary # @param [Array] holes Array of inner wires def initialize(outer, holes) super() @outer = outer @holes = holes recalculate end def to_json result = super result[:outer] = result[:holes] = { |h| } return result end def recalculate super() # unlink from any previous wires @children.reverse_each {|child| Object.unlink(self, child)} # link with current wires, outer) @holes.each {|hole|, hole)} # recompute cached properties and check invariants # check that holes have same normal as outer normal = @outer.normal @holes.each do |hole| raise "Hole does not have correct winding, #{}" if < 1 - Topolys.normal_tol end # check that holes are on same plane as outer plane = @outer.plane @holes.each do |hole| hole.points.each do |point| raise "Point not on plane" if (point - plane.project(point)).magnitude > Topolys.planar_tol end end # TODO: check that holes are contained within outer end def parent_class Shell end def child_class Wire end def shells @parents end def wires @children end def shared_outer_edges(other) return nil unless other.is_a?(Face) result = [] @outer.directed_edges.each do |de| other.outer.directed_edges.each do |other_de| # next if == result << de.edge if == end end return result end end # Face class Shell < Object # @return [Array] Array of all edges from outer faces attr_reader :all_edges # @return [Array] Array of shared edges from outer faces attr_reader :shared_edges # @return [Hash] Map edges to array of outer faces attr_reader :edge_to_face_map # @return [Matrix] Matrix of level 1 face to face connections attr_reader :connection_matrix ## # Initializes a Shell object # # Throws if faces are not connected # # @param [Array] faces Array of Face def initialize(faces) super() @faces = faces @all_edges = [] @shared_edges = [] @edge_to_face_map = {} @connection_matrix = Matrix.identity(faces.size) recalculate end def to_json result = super result[:faces] = { |h| } return result end def recalculate # unlink from any previous faces @children.reverse_each {|child| Object.unlink(self, child)} # link with current faces @faces.each {|face|, face)} # recompute cached properties and check invariants n = @faces.size # can't have duplicate faces face_ids ={|face|}.uniq.sort raise "Duplicate faces in shell" if face_ids.size != n @all_edges = [] @shared_edges = [] @edge_to_face_map = {} @connection_matrix = Matrix.identity(faces.size) (0...n).each do |i| # populate edge_to_face_map and all_edges @faces[i].outer.edges.each do |edge| @edge_to_face_map[] = [] if @edge_to_face_map[].nil? @edge_to_face_map[] << @faces[i] @all_edges << edge end # loop over other edges (i+1...n).each do |j| shared_edges = @faces[i].shared_outer_edges(@faces[j]) #puts "#{i}, #{j}, [#{{|e| e.short_name}.join(', ')}]" @shared_edges.concat(shared_edges) if !shared_edges.empty? @connection_matrix[i,j] = @connection_matrix[j,i] = 1 end end end @shared_edges.uniq! {|e|} @shared_edges.sort_by! {|e|} @all_edges.uniq! {|e|} @all_edges.sort_by! {|e|} temp_last = @connection_matrix temp = normalize_connection_matrix(temp_last * @connection_matrix) i = 0 while temp_last != temp temp_last = temp temp = normalize_connection_matrix(temp * @connection_matrix) i += 1 break if i > 100 end # check that every face is connected to every other faces temp.each {|connection| raise "Faces not connected in shell" if connection == 0} end def normalize_connection_matrix(m) n = faces.size result = Matrix.identity(n) (0...n).each do |i| (i+1...n).each do |j| result[i,j] = result[j,i] = (m[i,j] > 0 ? 1 : 0) end end return result end ## # Checks if faces form a closed Shell # # @return [Bool] Returns true if closed def closed? @edge_to_face_map.each_value do |faces| return false if faces.size != 2 end return @all_edges == @shared_edges end def parent_class NilClass end def child_class Face end def faces @children end end # Shell end # TOPOLYS