class Module # # Dynamically enables cache in :production and disables in another environments. # If no environment given uses non-cached version. # def cache_method_with_params_in_production method method_with_cache, method_without_cache = "#{method}_with_cache", "#{method}_without_cache" iv = "@#{method}_cache" raise "Method '#{method}' already defined!" if instance_methods.include?(method) raise "Can't cache the '#{method}' twice!" if instance_methods.include?(method_with_cache) # create cached method define_method method_with_cache do |*args| unless results = instance_variable_get(iv) results = instance_variable_set iv, results end result = results[args] if result.equal? NotDefined result = send als, *args results[args] = result end result end # listen to environment events crystal.after :config do |config| if config.production? alias_method method, method_with_cache else alias_method method, method_without_cache end end # by default uses non-cached version alias_method method, method_without_cache end end