{ "type": "item", "version": "4.1.2", "basic": { "rune": { "type": "red", "tier": 1, "isrune": false }, "gold": { "base": 0, "total": 0, "sell": 0, "purchasable": false }, "colloq": ";", "consumed": false, "stacks": 1, "depth": 1, "consumeOnFull": false, "specialRecipe": 0, "inStore": true, "hideFromAll": false, "stats": { "rFlatHPModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatMPModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatHPRegenModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatMPRegenModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatArmorModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatArmorPenetrationMod": 0, "rFlatArmorPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentArmorPenetrationMod": 0, "rPercentArmorPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatPhysicalDamageModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatMagicDamageModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatMovementSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentMovementSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentAttackSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatDodgeMod": 0, "rFlatDodgeModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatCritChanceModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatCritDamageModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatSpellBlockModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentCooldownMod": 0, "rPercentCooldownModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatTimeDeadMod": 0, "rFlatTimeDeadModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentTimeDeadMod": 0, "rPercentTimeDeadModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatGoldPer10Mod": 0, "rFlatMagicPenetrationMod": 0, "rFlatMagicPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentMagicPenetrationMod": 0, "rPercentMagicPenetrationModPerLevel": 0 }, "maps": { "1": true, "8": true, "10": true, "12": true } }, "data": { "1001": { "name": "Boots of Speed", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Movement Speed", "group": "BootsNormal" }, "1004": { "name": "Faerie Charm", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Mana Regen" }, "1006": { "name": "Rejuvenation Bead", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Health Regen" }, "1011": { "name": "Giant's Belt", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health" }, "1018": { "name": "Cloak of Agility", "plaintext": "Moderately increases Critical Strike Chance" }, "1026": { "name": "Blasting Wand", "plaintext": "Moderately increases Ability Power" }, "1027": { "name": "Sapphire Crystal", "plaintext": "Increases Mana" }, "1028": { "name": "Ruby Crystal", "plaintext": "Increases Health" }, "1029": { "name": "Cloth Armor", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Armor" }, "1031": { "name": "Chain Vest", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Armor" }, "1033": { "name": "Null-Magic Mantle", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Magic Resist" }, "1036": { "name": "Long Sword", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Attack Damage" }, "1037": { "name": "Pickaxe", "plaintext": "Moderately increases Attack Damage" }, "1038": { "name": "B. F. Sword", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Attack Damage" }, "1039": { "name": "Hunter's Machete", "plaintext": "Slightly increases damage dealt to neutral monsters" }, "1042": { "name": "Dagger", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Attack Speed" }, "1043": { "name": "Recurve Bow", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Attack Speed" }, "1051": { "name": "Brawler's Gloves", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Critical Strike Chance" }, "1052": { "name": "Amplifying Tome", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Ability Power" }, "1053": { "name": "Vampiric Scepter", "plaintext": "Basic attacks restore Health" }, "1054": { "name": "Doran's Shield", "plaintext": "Good defensive starting item" }, "1055": { "name": "Doran's Blade", "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers" }, "1056": { "name": "Doran's Ring", "plaintext": "Good starting item for casters" }, "1057": { "name": "Negatron Cloak", "plaintext": "Moderately increases Magic Resist" }, "1058": { "name": "Needlessly Large Rod", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Ability Power" }, "1062": { "name": "Prospector's Blade", "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers" }, "1063": { "name": "Prospector's Ring", "plaintext": "Good starting item for casters" }, "1074": { "name": "Doran's Shield (Showdown)", "plaintext": "Good defensive starting item", "group": "DoransShowdown" }, "1075": { "name": "Doran's Blade (Showdown)", "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers", "group": "DoransShowdown" }, "1076": { "name": "Doran's Ring (Showdown)", "plaintext": "Good starting item for casters", "group": "DoransShowdown" }, "1080": { "name": "Spirit Stone", "plaintext": "Moderately increases damage dealt to neutral monsters" }, "2003": { "name": "Health Potion", "plaintext": "Consume to restore Health over time", "group": "HealthPotion" }, "2004": { "name": "Mana Potion", "plaintext": "Consume to restore Mana over time", "group": "ManaPotion" }, "2009": { "name": "Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_2009" }, "2010": { "name": "Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_2010", "group": "HealthPotion" }, "2037": { "name": "Elixir of Fortitude", "plaintext": "Temporarily increases Attack Damage and Health" }, "2039": { "name": "Elixir of Brilliance", "plaintext": "Temporarily increases Ability Power and Cooldown Reduction" }, "2040": { "name": "Ichor of Rage", "plaintext": "Temporarily increases Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and increases damage to turrets" }, "2041": { "name": "Crystalline Flask", "plaintext": "Restores Health and Mana over time, refills at shop" }, "2043": { "name": "Vision Ward", "plaintext": "Use to temporarily provide vision and stealth detection in an area", "group": "PinkWards" }, "2044": { "name": "Stealth Ward", "plaintext": "Use to temporarily provide vision in an area", "group": "GreenWards" }, "2045": { "name": "Ruby Sightstone", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health and provides Sight Wards over time" }, "2047": { "name": "Oracle's Extract", "plaintext": "Allows champion to see invisible units" }, "2048": { "name": "Ichor of Illumination", "plaintext": "Temporarily increases Ability Power, Cooldown Reduction, Mana and Energy Regeneration" }, "2049": { "name": "Sightstone", "plaintext": "Increases Health and provides Sight Wards over time" }, "2050": { "name": "Explorer's Ward", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_2050" }, "2051": { "name": "Guardian's Horn", "plaintext": "Activate for Movement Speed and a defensive boost" }, "2052": { "name": "Poro-Snax", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_2052", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3001": { "name": "Abyssal Scepter", "plaintext": "Reduces Magic Resist of nearby enemies" }, "3003": { "name": "Archangel's Staff", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power based on maximum Mana" }, "3004": { "name": "Manamune", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage based on maximum Mana" }, "3005": { "name": "Atma's Impaler", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage based on maximum Health" }, "3006": { "name": "Berserker's Greaves", "plaintext": "Enhances Movement Speed and Attack Speed" }, "3007": { "name": "Archangel's Staff (Crystal Scar)", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power based on maximum Mana" }, "3008": { "name": "Manamune (Crystal Scar)", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage based on maximum Mana" }, "3009": { "name": "Boots of Swiftness", "plaintext": "Enhances Movement Speed and reduces the effect of slows" }, "3010": { "name": "Catalyst the Protector", "plaintext": "Restores Health and Mana upon leveling up" }, "3020": { "name": "Sorcerer's Shoes", "plaintext": "Enhances Movement Speed and magic damage" }, "3022": { "name": "Frozen Mallet", "plaintext": "Basic attacks slow enemies" }, "3023": { "name": "Twin Shadows", "plaintext": "Summon wraiths to slow and reveal enemy champions" }, "3024": { "name": "Glacial Shroud", "plaintext": "Increases Armor and Cooldown Reduction" }, "3025": { "name": "Iceborn Gauntlet", "plaintext": "Basic attacks create a slow field after spell cast" }, "3026": { "name": "Guardian Angel", "plaintext": "Periodically revives champion upon death" }, "3027": { "name": "Rod of Ages", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health, Mana, and Ability Power" }, "3028": { "name": "Chalice of Harmony", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Mana Regen" }, "3029": { "name": "Rod of Ages (Crystal Scar)", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health, Mana, and Ability Power" }, "3031": { "name": "Infinity Edge", "plaintext": "Massively enhances critical strikes" }, "3035": { "name": "Last Whisper", "plaintext": "Increases physical damage" }, "3040": { "name": "Seraph's Embrace", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3040" }, "3041": { "name": "Mejai's Soulstealer", "plaintext": "Grants Ability Power for kills and assists" }, "3042": { "name": "Muramana", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3042" }, "3043": { "name": "Muramana", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3043" }, "3044": { "name": "Phage", "plaintext": "Attacks and kills give a small burst of speed" }, "3046": { "name": "Phantom Dancer", "plaintext": "Champion attacks faster and can move through units" }, "3047": { "name": "Ninja Tabi", "plaintext": "Enhances Movement Speed and reduces incoming basic attack damage" }, "3048": { "name": "Seraph's Embrace", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3048" }, "3050": { "name": "Zeke's Herald", "plaintext": "Grants nearby allies Life Steal and Attack Damage" }, "3056": { "name": "Ohmwrecker", "plaintext": "Temporarily disables enemy turrets" }, "3057": { "name": "Sheen", "plaintext": "Grants a bonus to next attack after spell cast" }, "3060": { "name": "Banner of Command", "plaintext": "Promotes a siege minion to a more powerful unit" }, "3065": { "name": "Spirit Visage", "plaintext": "Increases Health and healing effects" }, "3067": { "name": "Kindlegem", "plaintext": "Increases Health and Cooldown Reduction" }, "3068": { "name": "Sunfire Cape", "plaintext": "Constantly deals damage to nearby enemies" }, "3069": { "name": "Talisman of Ascension", "plaintext": "Increases Health and Cooldown Reduction, activate to speed up nearby allies", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3070": { "name": "Tear of the Goddess", "plaintext": "Increases maximum Mana as Mana is spent" }, "3071": { "name": "The Black Cleaver", "plaintext": "Dealing physical damage to enemy champions reduces their Armor" }, "3072": { "name": "The Bloodthirster", "plaintext": "Grants massive Attack Damage and Life Steal" }, "3073": { "name": "Tear of the Goddess (Crystal Scar)", "plaintext": "Increases maximum Mana as Mana is spent" }, "3074": { "name": "Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only)", "plaintext": "Melee attacks hit nearby enemies, dealing damage and restoring Health" }, "3075": { "name": "Thornmail", "plaintext": "Returns damage taken from basic attacks as magic damage" }, "3077": { "name": "Tiamat (Melee Only)", "plaintext": "Melee attacks hit nearby enemies" }, "3078": { "name": "Trinity Force", "plaintext": "Tons of Damage" }, "3082": { "name": "Warden's Mail", "plaintext": "Slows Attack Speed of enemy champions when receiving basic attacks" }, "3083": { "name": "Warmog's Armor", "plaintext": "Grants massive Health and Health Regen" }, "3084": { "name": "Overlord's Bloodmail", "plaintext": "Restores Health on kill or assist" }, "3085": { "name": "Runaan's Hurricane (Ranged Only)", "plaintext": "Ranged attacks fire two bolts at nearby enemies" }, "3086": { "name": "Zeal", "plaintext": "Slight bonuses to Critical Strike Chance, Movement Speed and Attack Speed" }, "3087": { "name": "Statikk Shiv", "plaintext": "Movement builds charges that release chain lightning on basic attack" }, "3089": { "name": "Rabadon's Deathcap", "plaintext": "Massively increases Ability Power" }, "3090": { "name": "Wooglet's Witchcap", "plaintext": "Massively increases Ability Power and can be activated to enter stasis" }, "3091": { "name": "Wit's End", "plaintext": "Deals bonus magic damage on basic attacks" }, "3092": { "name": "Frost Queen's Claim", "plaintext": "Chills target opponent, dealing damage and slowing Movement Speed", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3093": { "name": "Avarice Blade", "plaintext": "Grants gold over time and additional gold on kill" }, "3096": { "name": "Nomad's Medallion", "plaintext": "Grants gold when nearby enemy minions die, Health Regen and Mana Regen", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3097": { "name": "Targon's Brace", "plaintext": "Periodically kill enemy minions to heal and grant gold to a nearby ally", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3098": { "name": "Frostfang", "plaintext": "Grants gold when you damage an enemy with a Spell or Attack", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3100": { "name": "Lich Bane", "plaintext": "Grants a bonus to next attack after spell cast" }, "3101": { "name": "Stinger", "plaintext": "Increased Attack Speed and Cooldown Reduction" }, "3102": { "name": "Banshee's Veil", "plaintext": "Periodically blocks enemy abilities" }, "3104": { "name": "Lord Van Damm's Pillager", "plaintext": "Massively enhances critical strikes" }, "3105": { "name": "Aegis of the Legion", "plaintext": "Improves defenses for nearby allies" }, "3106": { "name": "Madred's Razors", "plaintext": "Basic attacks kill minions and monsters quickly" }, "3108": { "name": "Fiendish Codex", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and Cooldown Reduction" }, "3110": { "name": "Frozen Heart", "plaintext": "Massively increases Armor and slows enemy basic attacks" }, "3111": { "name": "Mercury's Treads", "plaintext": "Increases Movement Speed and reduces duration of disabling effects" }, "3112": { "name": "Orb of Winter", "plaintext": "Grants a shield when out of combat" }, "3115": { "name": "Nashor's Tooth", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Speed, Ability Power, and Cooldown Reduction" }, "3116": { "name": "Rylai's Crystal Scepter", "plaintext": "Abilities slow enemies" }, "3117": { "name": "Boots of Mobility", "plaintext": "Greatly enhances Movement Speed when out of combat" }, "3122": { "name": "Wicked Hatchet", "plaintext": "Critical Strikes cause your target to bleed." }, "3123": { "name": "Executioner's Calling", "plaintext": "Basic attacks reduce enemy healing and Health Regen" }, "3124": { "name": "Guinsoo's Rageblade", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and Attack Damage" }, "3128": { "name": "Deathfire Grasp", "plaintext": "Activate to increase all magic damage dealt to an enemy champion" }, "3131": { "name": "Sword of the Divine", "plaintext": "Activate to gain 100% Critical Strike Chance for a short duration" }, "3134": { "name": "The Brutalizer", "plaintext": "Increases physical damage and Cooldown Reduction" }, "3135": { "name": "Void Staff", "plaintext": "Increases magic damage" }, "3136": { "name": "Haunting Guise", "plaintext": "Increases magic damage" }, "3139": { "name": "Mercurial Scimitar", "plaintext": "Activate to remove all debuffs and grant massive Movement Speed" }, "3140": { "name": "Quicksilver Sash", "plaintext": "Activate to remove all debuffs" }, "3141": { "name": "Sword of the Occult", "plaintext": "Grants Attack Damage for kills and assists" }, "3142": { "name": "Youmuu's Ghostblade", "plaintext": "Activate to greatly increase Movement Speed and Attack Speed" }, "3143": { "name": "Randuin's Omen", "plaintext": "Greatly increases defenses, activate to slow nearby enemies" }, "3144": { "name": "Bilgewater Cutlass", "plaintext": "Activate to deal magic damage and slow target champion" }, "3145": { "name": "Hextech Revolver", "plaintext": "Increases Spell Vamp and Ability Power" }, "3146": { "name": "Hextech Gunblade", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage and Ability Power, activate to slow a target" }, "3151": { "name": "Liandry's Torment", "plaintext": "Spell damage burns enemies for a portion of their Health" }, "3152": { "name": "Will of the Ancients", "plaintext": "Grants Spell Vamp and Ability Power" }, "3153": { "name": "Blade of the Ruined King", "plaintext": "Deals damage based on target's Health, can steal Health and Movement Speed" }, "3154": { "name": "Wriggle's Lantern", "plaintext": "Kills monsters quickly and gain more gold, activate to place a ward", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3155": { "name": "Hexdrinker", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage and Magic Resist" }, "3156": { "name": "Maw of Malmortius", "plaintext": "Grants bonus Attack Damage when Health is low" }, "3157": { "name": "Zhonya's Hourglass", "plaintext": "Activate to become invincible but unable to take actions" }, "3158": { "name": "Ionian Boots of Lucidity", "plaintext": "Increases Movement Speed and Cooldown Reduction" }, "3159": { "name": "Grez's Spectral Lantern", "plaintext": "Activate to reveal a nearby area of the map" }, "3165": { "name": "Morellonomicon", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Ability Power and Cooldown Reduction" }, "3166": { "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "plaintext": "Grants Rengar bonus effects on kill or assist" }, "3167": { "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3167" }, "3168": { "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3168" }, "3169": { "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3169" }, "3170": { "name": "Moonflair Spellblade", "plaintext": "Improves defense and reduces duration of disabling effects" }, "3171": { "name": "Bonetooth Necklace", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3171" }, "3172": { "name": "Zephyr", "plaintext": "Improves offense and reduces duration of disabling effects" }, "3174": { "name": "Athene's Unholy Grail", "plaintext": "Restores maximum Mana on kill or assist" }, "3175": { "name": "Head of Kha'Zix", "plaintext": "game_item_plaintext_3175" }, "3180": { "name": "Odyn's Veil", "plaintext": "Improves defense, activate for area magic damage" }, "3181": { "name": "Sanguine Blade", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Attack Damage and Life Steal" }, "3184": { "name": "Entropy", "plaintext": "Attacks and kills give a small burst of speed, activate to slow enemies" }, "3185": { "name": "The Lightbringer", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Speed and grants vision of attacked enemies" }, "3187": { "name": "Hextech Sweeper", "plaintext": "Activate to reveal a nearby area of the map" }, "3188": { "name": "Blackfire Torch", "plaintext": "Activate to increase all magic damage dealt to an enemy champion" }, "3190": { "name": "Locket of the Iron Solari", "plaintext": "Activate to shield nearby allies from damage" }, "3191": { "name": "Seeker's Armguard", "plaintext": "Increases Armor and Ability Power" }, "3196": { "name": "Augment: Power", "plaintext": "Improves Viktor's Power Transfer and increases Health" }, "3197": { "name": "Augment: Gravity", "plaintext": "Improves Viktor's Gravity Field and increases Cooldown Reduction" }, "3198": { "name": "Augment: Death", "plaintext": "Improves Viktor's Death Ray and increases Ability Power" }, "3200": { "name": "The Hex Core", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and can be upgraded to improve Viktor's abilities" }, "3206": { "name": "Spirit of the Spectral Wraith", "plaintext": "Greatly increases damage dealt to monsters and gains Health and Mana from monsters", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3207": { "name": "Spirit of the Ancient Golem", "plaintext": "Greatly increases damage dealt to monsters and reduces duration of disabling effects", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3209": { "name": "Spirit of the Elder Lizard", "plaintext": "Greatly increases damage dealt to monsters and deals true damage on basic attacks", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3211": { "name": "Spectre's Cowl", "plaintext": "Improves defense and grants regeneration upon being damage" }, "3222": { "name": "Mikael's Crucible", "plaintext": "Activate to heal and remove all disabling effects from an allied champion" }, "3250": { "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3251": { "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3252": { "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3253": { "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3254": { "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3255": { "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3256": { "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3257": { "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3258": { "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3259": { "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3260": { "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3261": { "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3262": { "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3263": { "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3264": { "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3265": { "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3266": { "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3267": { "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3268": { "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3269": { "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3270": { "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3271": { "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3272": { "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3273": { "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3274": { "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3275": { "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3276": { "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3277": { "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3278": { "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3279": { "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3280": { "name": "Enchantment: Homeguard", "group": "BootsHomeguard" }, "3281": { "name": "Enchantment: Captain", "group": "BootsCaptain" }, "3282": { "name": "Enchantment: Furor", "group": "BootsFuror" }, "3283": { "name": "Enchantment: Distortion", "group": "BootsDistortion" }, "3284": { "name": "Enchantment: Alacrity", "group": "BootsAlacrity" }, "3290": { "name": "Twin Shadows", "plaintext": "Summon wraiths to slow and reveal enemy champions" }, "3301": { "name": "Ancient Coin", "plaintext": "Grants gold when nearby minions die that you didn't kill", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3302": { "name": "Relic Shield", "plaintext": "Kill minions periodically to heal and grant gold to a nearby ally", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3303": { "name": "Spellthief's Edge", "plaintext": "Grants gold when you attack enemies", "group": "GoldBase" }, "3340": { "name": "Warding Totem (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Periodically place a Stealth Ward", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3341": { "name": "Sweeping Lens (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Detects and disables nearby invisible wards and traps", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3342": { "name": "Scrying Orb (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Briefly reveals a targeted area", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3350": { "name": "Greater Totem (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Periodically place a Stealth Ward", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3351": { "name": "Greater Lens (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Detects and disables nearby invisible wards and traps", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3352": { "name": "Greater Orb (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Briefly reveals a targetted area", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3361": { "name": "Greater Stealth Totem (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Periodically place a Stealth Ward", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3362": { "name": "Greater Vision Totem (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Periodically place a Vision Ward", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3363": { "name": "Farsight Orb (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Disables nearby invisible wards and trap and grants true sight briefly", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3364": { "name": "Oracle's Lens (Trinket)", "plaintext": "Briefly reveals a targetted area", "group": "RelicBase" }, "3401": { "name": "Face of the Mountain", "plaintext": "Shield an ally from damage based on your Health", "group": "GoldBase" } } }