# Changelog ## 2.0.0 (27-Jan-22) * `export!` method is now taking advantage of multi-threading (as Lokalise API allows to send requests in parallel since January 2022) * Test with Ruby 3.1.0 * Other minor fixes ## 1.2.1 (26-Nov-21) * Use refinements instead of monkey patching to add hash methods * Don't use `OpenStruct` anymore to store config opts * Minor fixes ## 1.2.0 (26-Oct-21) * Add a new option `:silent_mode` which is `false` by default. When silent mode is enabled, no debug info will be printed out to `$stdout`. The only exception are the "safe mode" messages — you'll still be prompted to continue if the target directory is not empty. * Use `#deep_merge` instead of a simple merge when processing options. ## 1.1.0 (25-Oct-21) * Add a new option `:use_oauth2_token` which is `false` by default. When enabled, you'll be able to provide a token obtained via [OAuth 2 flow](https://docs.lokalise.com/en/articles/5574713-oauth-2) rather than generated via Lokalise profile. The token should still be provided via the `:api_token` option: ```ruby importer = LokaliseManager.importer api_token: 'TOKEN_VIA_OAUTH2', project_id: '123.abc', use_oauth2_token: true ``` ## 1.0.0 (14-Oct-21) * Initial release