//= require "jax/prototype/class" (function() { /* Delegator is instantiated by the class method #delegate with _this_ and _arguments_ as arguments. It is effectively responsible for copying a set of methods into the destination object. @see Jax.Class.Methods#delegate */ var Delegator = Jax.Class.create({ initialize: function(target, methods) { this.methods = methods; this.target = target; }, into: function(destination, dest_klass) { /* yes, we're using eval in here. But as this method is only called during setup, it's probably OK for the most part. Note the caveat that if dest_klass is omitted and the dev is using regular expressions to match method names, we have no choice but to put an eval into the alias chain for this.target#initialize. Not ideal but I couldn't think of a better way to make it work. */ var methods = {}; var method_name; var alias_chain_regexps = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.methods.length; i++) { if (typeof(this.methods[i]) == "string") { /* it's not a regexp so this case is pretty straightforward */ method_name = this.methods[i]; methods[method_name] = eval("(function() { return this."+destination+"."+method_name+".apply(this."+destination+", arguments); })"); } else if (this.methods[i].test) { var method_regexp = this.methods[i]; /* regexp -- this is harder because we don't know what klass _destination_ points to. we have two choices: require an explicit klass argument, or assume the dev is prepared to pay the overhead price of testing regexps and calling #eval within #initialize. let's do both: if explicit klass was given, use it. Else, set up an alias chain for #initialize. */ if (dest_klass) { for (method_name in dest_klass.prototype) { if (method_regexp.test(method_name)) { methods[method_name] = eval("(function() { return this."+destination+"."+method_name+".apply(this."+destination+", arguments); })"); } } } else { alias_chain_regexps.push(method_regexp); } } } /* add known methods */ this.target.addMethods(methods); if (alias_chain_regexps.length > 0) { if (!this.target.alias_chain_regexps) { /* alias chain doesn't yet exist -- create it */ this.target.alias_chain_regexps = {}; var original_initialize_method = this.target.prototype.initialize; var fn = "(function(){" + "if (original_initialize_method) original_initialize_method.apply(this, arguments);" + "var i, j, method_name, destination, method_regexp, self = this;" + "destination = this."+destination+";" + "for (i = 0; i < this.klass.alias_chain_regexps['"+destination+"'].length; i++) {" + "method_regexp = this.klass.alias_chain_regexps['"+destination+"'][i];" + "for (j in destination) {" + "method_name = j;" + "if (method_regexp.test(method_name)) " + "this[method_name] = eval('(function(){return self."+destination+".'+method_name+" + "'.apply(self."+destination+", arguments);})');" + "}" + "}" + "})"; this.target.prototype.initialize = eval(fn); } /* else, alias chain exists; we only have to add method regexps */ this.target.alias_chain_regexps[destination] = this.target.alias_chain_regexps[destination] || []; for (i = 0; i < alias_chain_regexps.length; i++) { this.target.alias_chain_regexps[destination].push(alias_chain_regexps[i]); } } } }); /* Prototype doesn't seem to have a way to add instance methods to all classes (a generic base object would have been nice) so we have to hack it in by aliasing ::create and then replacing it. */ Jax.Class.InstanceMethods = { isKindOf: function(klass) { return(this instanceof klass); } }; var original_create = Jax.Class.create; Jax.Class.create = function() { var klass = original_create.apply(Jax.Class, arguments); klass.prototype.klass = klass; klass.addMethods(Jax.Class.InstanceMethods); Jax.Util.addRequestedHelpers(klass); return klass; }; /** * Jax.Class.delegate() -> undefined * * This is a class method of all Jax classes. * * Delegates one or more methods into properties of the class. For instance, * the following: * * MyClass.delegate("sayHello").into("person"); * * will create a +sayHello+ method in the +MyClass+ class that internally calls * * this.person.sayHello(...) * * and returns the results. * * There are several other variants: * * klass.delegate(/regular expression/).into("property_name"); * // delegates any method name in +property_name+ that matches the expression * * klass.delegate("one", "two").into("property_name"); * // delegates both 'one' and 'two' methods into +property_name+ * * **/ Jax.Class.Methods.delegate = function() { return new Delegator(this, arguments); }; })();