## ActAsTextcaptcha
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ActsAsTextcaptcha provides spam protection for your Rails models using logic
questions from the excellent [TextCaptcha](http://textcaptcha.com/) web service
(by [Rob Tuley](https://twitter.com/robtuley). It is also possible to configure your
own captcha questions (instead, or as a fallback in the event of any API
This gem is actively maintained, has good test coverage and is compatible with
Rails >= 3 (including Rails 4 & 5) and Ruby >= 2.1. If you have issues
please report them
Logic questions from the web service are aimed at a child's age of 7, so they
can be solved easily by even the most cognitively impaired users. As they
involve human logic, questions cannot be solved by a robot. There are both
advantages and disadvantages in using logic questions over image based
captchas, find out more at [TextCaptcha](http://textcaptcha.com/).
## Demo
Try a [working demo here](https://acts-as-textcaptcha-demo.herokuapp.com)!
**Or** click below to deploy your own example Rails app to Heroku (already
configured with acts_as_textcaptcha). See
[here](https://github.com/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha_demo) for more
## Installing
First add the following to your Gemfile, then `bundle install`;
gem 'acts_as_textcaptcha'
Add the following code to models you would like to protect;
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
# (this is the simplest way to configure the gem)
acts_as_textcaptcha :api_key => 'TEXTCAPTCHA_API_IDENTITY'
Your `TEXTCAPTCHA_API_IDENTITY` should be some reference to yourself (e.g. an
email address, domain or similar where if there are problems with your usage you
can be contacted).
Next, in your controller's *new* action generate and assign the logic question
for the record, like so;
def new
@comment = Comment.new
Finally, in the view add the textcaptcha question and answer fields to your form
using the `textcaptcha_fields` helper. Feel free to arrange the HTML within this
block as you like;
<%= textcaptcha_fields(f) do %>
<%= f.label :textcaptcha_answer, @comment.textcaptcha_question %>
<%= f.text_field :textcaptcha_answer, :value => '' %>
<% end %>
*NOTE:* If you'd rather NOT use this helper and prefer to write your own form
elements, take a look at the HTML produced from this helper method
*NOTE:* The defaults for [cache
changed with Rails 5 and this gem **requires** a working Rails.cache store to
*NOTE:* These installation steps changed with v4.0.0 of this gem. If you are
having problems please refer to the 3.0 [upgrade
### Toggling TextCaptcha
You can toggle textcaptcha on/off for your models by overriding the
`perform_textcaptcha?` method. If it returns false, no questions will be fetched
from the web service and captcha validation is disabled.
This is useful for writing your own custom logic for toggling spam protection
on/off e.g. for logged in users. By default the `perform_textcaptcha?` method
[checks if the object is a new (unsaved)
So out of the box, spam protection is only enabled for creating new records (not
updating). Here is a typical example showing how to overwrite the
`perform_textcaptcha?` method, while maintaining the new record check.
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
acts_as_textcaptcha :api_key => 'TEXTCAPTCHA_API_IDENTITY'
def perform_textcaptcha?
super && user.admin?
### Configuration options
You can configure captchas with the following options;
* *api_key* (_required_) - reference to yourself (e.g. your email - to identify calls to the textcaptcha.com API)
* *questions* (_optional_) - array of question and answer hashes (see below) A random question from this array will be asked if the web service fails OR if no `api_key` has been set. Multiple answers to the same question are comma separated (e.g. 2,two). Don't use commas in your answers!
* *cache_expiry_minutes* (_optional_) - minutes for answers to persist in the cache (default 10 minutes), see [below for details](https://github.com/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha#what-does-the-code-do)
* *http_read_timeout* (_optional_) - Net::HTTP option, seconds to wait for one block to be read from the remote API
* *http_open_timeout* (_optional_) - Net::HTTP option, seconds to wait for the connection to open to the remote API
For example;
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
acts_as_textcaptcha :api_key => 'TEXTCAPTCHA_API_IDENTITY',
:http_read_timeout => 60,
:http_read_timeout => 10,
:cache_expiry_minutes => 10,
:questions => [{ 'question' => '1+1', 'answers' => '2,two' },
{ 'question' => 'The green hat is what color?', 'answers' => 'green' }]
#### YAML config
The gem can be configured for models individually (as shown above) or with a
config/textcaptcha.yml file. The config file must have an `api_key` defined
and/or an array of questions and answers. Any options defined inline in model
classes take preference over the global configuration in textcaptcha.yml.
The gem comes with a handy rake task to copy over a
template to your config directory;
rake textcaptcha:config
#### Configuring _without_ the TextCaptcha web service
To use only your own logic questions, simply omit the `api_key` from the
configuration and define at least one logic question and answer (see above).
## Translations
The gem uses the standard Rails I18n translation approach (with a fall-back to
English). Unfortunately at present, the TextCaptcha web service only provides
logic questions in English.
incorrect: "is incorrect, try another question instead"
expired: "was not submitted quickly enough, try another question instead"
textcaptcha_answer: "TextCaptcha answer"
## Without ActiveRecord
It is possible to use this gem without ActiveRecord. As an example, take a look at the
model used in the test suite
## Testing and docs
In development you can run the tests and rdoc tasks like so;
* `rake test` (all tests)
* `rake test:coverage` (all tests with code coverage reporting)
* `appraisal rake test` (all tests with all gemfile variations)
* `appraisal rails-3 rake test` (all tests using a specific gemfile)
* `rake rdoc` (generate docs)
This gem uses [appraisal](https://github.com/thoughtbot/appraisal) to run the
test suite with multiple versions of Rails.
## What does the code do?
The gem contains two parts, a module for your ActiveRecord models, and a single
view helper method. The ActiveRecord module makes use of two futher classes,
A call to `@model.textcaptcha` in your controller will query the TextCaptcha web
service. A GET request is made with Net::HTTP and parsed using the default Rails
`ActiveSupport::XMLMini` backend. A textcaptcha_question and a random cache key
are assigned to the record. An array of possible answers is also stored in the
TextcaptchaCache with this random key. The cached answers have (by default) a 10
minute TTL in your cache. If your forms take more than 10 minutes to be
completed you can adjust this value setting the `cache_expiry_minutes` option.
Internally TextcaptchaCache wraps
and all cache keys are name spaced.
On saving, `validate_textcaptcha` is called on @model.validate checking that the
`@model.textcaptcha_answer` matches one of the possible answers (retrieved from
the cache). By default, this validation is _only_ carried out on new records,
i.e. never on update, only on create. All attempted answers are case-insensitive
and have trailing/leading white-space removed.
Regardless of a correct, or incorrect answer the possible answers are cleared
from the cache and a new random key is generated and assigned. An incorrect
answer will cause a new question to be prompted. After one correct answer, the
answer and a mutating key are sent on further form requests, and no question is
presented in the form.
If an error or timeout occurs during API fetching, ActsAsTextcaptcha will fall
back to choose a random logic question defined in your options (see above). If
the web service fails or no API key is specified AND no alternate questions are
configured, the @model will not require textcaptcha checking and will pass as
For more details on the code please check the
Tests are written with [MiniTest](https://rubygems.org/gems/minitest). Pull
requests and bug reports are welcome.
## Requirements
What do you need?
* [Rails](http://github.com/rails/rails) >= 3 (including Rails 4 & 5)
* [Rails.cache](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/caching_with_rails.html#cache-stores) - a basic cache configuration is necessary
* [Ruby](http://ruby-lang.org/) >= 2.1
*NOTE:* The built-in
class directly wraps the
An alternative TextcaptchaCache implementation will be necessary if
`Rails.cache` is not available.
## Rails 2 Support
Support for Rails 2 was dropped with the release of `v4.1.0`. If you would like
to continue to use this gem with an older version of Rails (>= 2.3.8), please
lock your Gemfile with version `4.0.0`. Like so;
# in your Gemfile
gem 'acts_as_textcaptcha', '=4.0.0'
# or in config/environment.rb
config.gem 'acts_as_textcaptcha', :version => '=4.0.0'
Check out the
[README](https://github.com/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha/tree/v4.0.0) for
this release for further instructions.
## Links
* [Demo](https://acts-as-textcaptcha-demo.herokuapp.com)
* [Travis CI](http://travis-ci.org/#!/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha)
* [Test Coverage](https://coveralls.io/r/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha?branch=master)
* [Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha)
* [RDoc](http://rdoc.info/projects/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha)
* [Wiki](http://wiki.github.com/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha/)
* [Issues](http://github.com/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha/issues)
* [Report a bug](http://github.com/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha/issues/new)
* [Gem](http://rubygems.org/gems/acts_as_textcaptcha)
* [GitHub](http://github.com/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha)
## Who's who?
* [ActsAsTextcaptcha](http://github.com/matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha) and [little robot drawing](http://www.flickr.com/photos/hiddenloop/4541195635/) by [Matthew Hutchinson](http://matthewhutchinson.net)
* [TextCaptcha](http://textcaptcha.com) API and service by [Rob Tuley](https://twitter.com/robtuley)
## Usage
This gem is used in a number of production websites and apps. It was originally
extracted from code developed for [Bugle](http://bugleblogs.com). If you're
happily using acts_as_textcaptcha in production, please let me know and I'll add
you to this list!
* [matthewhutchinson.net](http://matthewhutchinson.net)
* [pmFAQtory.com](http://pmfaqtory.com)
* [The FAQtory](http://faqtoryapp.com)
* [DPT Watch, San Francisco](http://www.dptwatch.com)