require 'json' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/plugin' module HybridPlatformsConductor # Common ancestor to any platform handler class PlatformHandler < Plugin # Make it so that we can sort lists of platforms include Comparable # Callback called when a subclass inherits this class. # # Parameters:: # * *subclass* (Class): The inheriting class def self.inherited(subclass) # Make sure we define automatically a helper for such a platform mixin = platform_type ='::').last.gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase.to_sym mixin.define_method("#{platform_type}_platform".to_sym) do |path: nil, git: nil, branch: 'master', &platform_config_code| repository_path = if !path.nil? path elsif !git.nil? # Clone in a local repository local_repository_path = "#{@git_platforms_dir}/#{File.basename(git)[0..-File.extname(git).size - 1]}" unless File.exist?(local_repository_path) branch = "refs/heads/#{branch}" unless branch.include?('/') local_ref = "refs/remotes/origin/#{branch.split('/').last}" section "Cloning #{git} (#{branch} => #{local_ref}) into #{local_repository_path}" do git_repo = Git.init(local_repository_path, ) git_repo.add_remote('origin', git).fetch(ref: "#{branch}:#{local_ref}") git_repo.checkout local_ref end end local_repository_path else raise 'The platform has to be defined with either a path or a git URL' end @platform_dirs[platform_type] = [] unless @platform_dirs.key?(platform_type) @platform_dirs[platform_type] << repository_path unless platform_config_code.nil? end # Register this new mixin in the Config DSL extend_config_dsl_with(mixin) super end # Repository path # String attr_reader :repository_path # Platform type # Symbol attr_reader :platform_type # Before deploying, need to set some components in case the plugins need them attr_accessor :nodes_handler, :actions_executor # Constructor # # Parameters:: # * *platform_type* (Symbol): Platform type # * *repository_path* (String): Repository path # * *logger* (Logger): Logger to be used [default:] # * *logger_stderr* (Logger): Logger to be used for stderr [default:] # * *config* (Config): Config to be used. [default:] # * *cmd_runner* (CmdRunner): Command executor to be used. [default:] def initialize( platform_type, repository_path, logger:, logger_stderr:, config:, cmd_runner: ) super(logger: logger, logger_stderr: logger_stderr, config: config) @platform_type = platform_type @repository_path = repository_path @cmd_runner = cmd_runner self.init if self.respond_to?(:init) end # Return the name of the platform # # Result:: # * String: Name of the platform def name info[:repo_name] end # Get the list of impacted nodes and services from a files diff. # [API] - This is the default implementation, and is meant to be overriden by Platform Handlers. # # Parameters:: # * *files_diffs* (Hash< String, Hash< Symbol, Object > >): List of diffs info, per file name having a diff. Diffs info have the following properties: # * *moved_to* (String): The new file path, in case it has been moved [optional] # * *diff* (String): The diff content # Result:: # * Array: The list of nodes impacted by this diff # * Array: The list of services impacted by this diff # * Boolean: Are there some files that have a global impact (meaning all nodes are potentially impacted by this diff)? def impacts_from(files_diffs) # By default, consider all nodes of the platform are impacted by whatever diff. [ [], [], true ] end # Get some information from this platform. # This information identifies the code level that is currently checked out. # # Result:: # * Hash: Description of this platform: # * *repo_name* (String): The repository name # * *commit* (Hash): Information on the checked out Git commit # * *id* (String): Commit ID # * *ref* (String): Associated reference # * *message* (String): Associated message # * *date* (Time): Commit date in UTC # * *author* (Hash): Information on the author: # * *name* (String): Name of the commit author # * *email* (String): Email of the commit author # * *status* (Hash): Information on the checked out Git status # * *changed_files* (Array): List of changed files # * *added_files* (Array): List of added files # * *deleted_files* (Array): List of deleted files # * *untracked_files* (Array): List of untracked files def info # Keep info in a memory cache, so that we don't query git for nothing unless defined?(@info) git = nil begin git = rescue log_debug "Platform #{@repository_path} is not a git repository" end @info = if git git_status = git.status git_commit = git.log.first { repo_name: File.basename(git.remotes.first.url).gsub(/\.git$/, ''), commit: { id: git_commit.sha, ref:, message: git_commit.message, date:, author: { name:, email: } }, status: { changed_files: git_status.changed.keys, added_files: git_status.added.keys, deleted_files: git_status.deleted.keys, untracked_files: git_status.untracked.keys } } else { repo_name: File.basename(@repository_path) } end end @info end # Order relation # # Parameters:: # * *other* (Object): Other object to compare to # Result:: # * Integer: -1, 0, or +1 depending on whether the receiver is less than, equal to, or greater than the other object def <=>(other) if other.is_a?(PlatformHandler) name <=> else super end end end end