require 'stringio' require 'honeybadger/cli/helpers' module Honeybadger module CLI class Main < Thor include Helpers class HoneybadgerTestingException < RuntimeError; end NOT_BLANK ='\S').freeze desc 'deploy', 'Notify Honeybadger of deployment' option :environment, aliases: :'-e', type: :string, desc: 'Environment of the deploy (i.e. "production", "staging")' option :revision, aliases: :'-s', type: :string, desc: 'The revision/sha that is being deployed' option :repository, aliases: :'-r', type: :string, desc: 'The address of your repository' option :user, aliases: :'-u', type: :string, default: ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'], desc: 'The local user who is deploying' option :api_key, aliases: :'-k', type: :string, desc: 'Api key of your Honeybadger application' def deploy load_rails(verbose: true) payload = Hash[[:environment, :revision, :repository].map {|k| [k, options[k]] }] payload[:local_username] = options[:user] ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_LEVEL'] = '2' ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_TTY_LEVEL'] = '0' ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_PATH'] = 'STDOUT' ENV['HONEYBADGER_REPORT_DATA'] = 'true' say('Loading configuration') config = config.update(api_key: options[:api_key]) if options[:api_key] =~ NOT_BLANK unless (payload[:environment] ||= config[:env]) =~ NOT_BLANK say('Unable to determine environment. (see: `honeybadger help deploy`)', :red) exit(1) end unless config.valid? say("Invalid configuration: #{config.inspect}", :red) exit(1) end response = config.backend.notify(:deploys, payload) if response.success? say("Deploy notification for #{payload[:environment]} complete.", :green) else say("Deploy notification failed: #{response.code}", :red) exit(1) end rescue => e say("An error occurred during deploy notification: #{e}\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}", :red) exit(1) end desc 'config', 'List configuration options' option :default, aliases: :'-d', type: :boolean, default: true, desc: 'Output default options' def config load_rails config = output_config(config.to_hash(options[:default])) end desc 'test', 'Output test/debug information' option :dry_run, aliases: :'-d', type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Skip sending data to Honeybadger' option :file, aliases: :'-f', type: :string, default: nil, desc: 'Write the output to FILE' def test if options[:file] out = $stdout = out flush = do $stdout = STDOUT[:file], 'w+') do |f| out.rewind out.each_line {|l| f.write(l) } end say("Output written to #{options[:file]}", :green) end Agent.at_exit(&flush) at_exit do # If the agent couldn't be started, the callback should happen here # instead. flush.() unless Agent.running? end end say("Detecting framework\n\n", :bold) load_rails(verbose: true) ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_LEVEL'] = '0' ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_TTY_LEVEL'] = '0' ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_PATH'] = 'STDOUT' ENV['HONEYBADGER_DEBUG'] = 'true' ENV['HONEYBADGER_REPORT_DATA'] = options[:dry_run] ? 'false' : 'true' config = say("\nConfiguration\n\n", :bold) output_config(config.to_hash) say("\nStarting Honeybadger\n\n", :bold) Honeybadger.start(config) unless load_rails_env(verbose: true) say("\nSending test notice\n\n", :bold) send_test say("\nRunning at exit hooks\n\n", :bold) end desc 'install API_KEY', 'Install Honeybadger into the current directory using API_KEY' option :test, aliases: :'-t', type: :boolean, default: nil, desc: 'Send a test error' def install(api_key) say("Installing Honeybadger #{VERSION}") load_rails(verbose: true) ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_LEVEL'] = '2' ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_TTY_LEVEL'] = '0' ENV['HONEYBADGER_LOGGING_PATH'] = 'STDOUT' ENV['HONEYBADGER_REPORT_DATA'] = 'true' config = config[:api_key] = api_key.to_s if (path = config.config_path).exist? say("You're already on Honeybadger, so you're all set.", :yellow) else say("Writing configuration to: #{path}", :yellow) begin config.write rescue Config::ConfigError => e error("Error: Unable to write configuration file:\n\t#{e}") return rescue StandardError => e error("Error: Unable to write configuration file:\n\t#{e.class} -- #{e.message}\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}") return end end if (capfile =[:root]).join('Capfile')).exist? if say("Detected Honeybadger in Capfile; skipping Capistrano installation.", :yellow) else say("Appending Capistrano tasks to: #{capfile}", :yellow), 'a') do |f| f.puts("\nrequire 'capistrano/honeybadger'") end end end if options[:test].nil? || options[:test] Honeybadger.start(config) unless load_rails_env(verbose: true) say('Sending test notice', :yellow) unless Agent.instance && send_test(false) say('Honeybadger is installed, but failed to send a test notice. Try `honeybadger test`.', :red) exit(1) end end say("Installation complete. Happy 'badgering!", :green) end desc 'heroku SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS', 'Manage Honeybadger on Heroku' subcommand 'heroku', Heroku private def output_config(nested_hash, hierarchy = []) nested_hash.each_pair do |key, value| if value.kind_of?(Hash) say(tab_indent(hierarchy.size) << "#{key}:") output_config(value, hierarchy + [key]) else dotted_key = (hierarchy + [key]).join('.').to_sym say(tab_indent(hierarchy.size) << "#{key}:") indent = tab_indent(hierarchy.size+1) say(indent + "Description: #{Config::OPTIONS[dotted_key][:description]}") say(indent + "Type: #{Config::OPTIONS[dotted_key].fetch(:type, String).name.split('::').last}") say(indent + "Default: #{Config::OPTIONS[dotted_key][:default].inspect}") say(indent + "Current: #{value.inspect}") end end end def tab_indent(number) ''.tap do |s| number.times { s << "\s\s" } end end end end end