require 'ffi-rzmq' $CELLULOID_ZMQ_BACKPORTED = (ENV["CELLULOID_ZMQ_BACKPORTED"] != "false") unless defined?($CELLULOID_ZMQ_BACKPORTED) require ($CELLULOID_ZMQ_BACKPORTED) ? 'celluloid' : 'celluloid/current' require 'celluloid/zmq/mailbox' require 'celluloid/zmq/reactor' require 'celluloid/zmq/socket' require 'celluloid/zmq/version' require 'celluloid/zmq/waker' require 'celluloid/zmq/socket/readable' require 'celluloid/zmq/socket/writable' require 'celluloid/zmq/socket/types' module Celluloid # Actors which run alongside 0MQ sockets module ZMQ class UninitializedError < Celluloid::Error; end class << self attr_writer :context # Included hook to pull in Celluloid def included(klass) klass.send :include, ::Celluloid klass.mailbox_class Celluloid::ZMQ::Mailbox end # Obtain a 0MQ context def init(worker_threads = 1) @context ||= end def context raise UninitializedError, "you must initialize Celluloid::ZMQ by calling Celluloid::ZMQ.init" unless @context @context end def terminate @context.terminate if @context @context = nil end end # Is this a Celluloid::ZMQ evented actor? def self.evented? actor = Thread.current[:celluloid_actor] actor.mailbox.is_a?(Celluloid::ZMQ::Mailbox) end def wait_readable(socket) if ZMQ.evented? mailbox = Thread.current[:celluloid_mailbox] mailbox.reactor.wait_readable(socket) else raise ArgumentError, "unable to wait for ZMQ sockets outside the event loop" end nil end module_function :wait_readable def wait_writable(socket) if ZMQ.evented? mailbox = Thread.current[:celluloid_mailbox] mailbox.reactor.wait_writable(socket) else raise ArgumentError, "unable to wait for ZMQ sockets outside the event loop" end nil end module_function :wait_writable def result_ok?(result) ::ZMQ::Util.resultcode_ok?(result) end module_function :result_ok? end end require 'celluloid/zmq/deprecate' unless $CELLULOID_BACKPORTED == false || $CELLULOID_ZMQ_BACKPORTED == false