# Configure Rails Environment ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" require File.expand_path("../../test/dummy/config/environment.rb", __FILE__) ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = [File.expand_path("../../test/dummy/db/migrate", __FILE__)] ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths << File.expand_path('../../db/migrate', __FILE__) require "rails/test_help" require "minitest/rails" require "minitest/rails/capybara" require 'minitest/rg' require 'pry' # Filter out Minitest backtrace while allowing backtrace from other libraries # to be shown. Minitest.backtrace_filter = Minitest::BacktraceFilter.new # Load support files Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/support/**/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } if ActiveSupport::TestCase.respond_to?(:fixture_path=) ActiveSupport::TestCase.fixture_path = File.expand_path("../fixtures", __FILE__) ActiveSupport::TestCase.fixtures :all end Rails.application.load_generators # this is placed here so we can test form components with # namespaced modules without adding extra namespaced models # to our dummy app module ExampleEngine class Widget < ::Widget belongs_to :category, class_name: 'ExampleEngine::Category' end class Category < ::Category has_many :widgets, class_name: 'ExampleEngine::Widget' end class MockRouteProxy def method_missing(*args) return '/whatever' end end end module AdditionalHelpers def protect_against_forgery? true end def form_authenticity_token "AUTH_TOKEN" end end module ActiveSupport class TestCase # Including the helper/s in tests include ExpressAdmin::AdminHelper def arbre(additional_assigns = {}, &block) Arbre::Context.new assigns.merge(additional_assigns), helpers, &block end def assigns @arbre_assigns ||={} end def helpers mock_action_view end def mock_action_view &block controller = ActionView::TestCase::TestController.new ActionView::Base.send :include, ActionView::Helpers ActionView::Base.send :include, ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper ActionView::Base.send :include, AdditionalHelpers view = ActionView::Base.new(ActionController::Base.view_paths, assigns, controller) eigenklass = class << view; self; end eigenklass.class_eval &block unless block.nil? view end def resource @resource ||= OpenStruct.new( id: 123, name: 'header', content: 'This is a header') end end end