# utile [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/flatiron/utile.png)](http://travis-ci.org/flatiron/utile) A drop-in replacement for `util` with some additional advantageous functions ## Motivation Javascript is definitely a "batteries not included language" when compared to languages like Ruby or Python. Node.js has a simple utility library which exposes some basic (but important) functionality: ``` $ node > var util = require('util'); > util. (...) util.debug util.error util.exec util.inherits util.inspect util.log util.p util.print util.pump util.puts ``` When one considers their own utility library, why ever bother requiring `util` again? That is the approach taken by this module. To compare: ``` $ node > var utile = require('./lib') > utile. (...) utile.async utile.capitalize utile.clone utile.cpr utile.createPath utile.debug utile.each utile.error utile.exec utile.file utile.filter utile.find utile.inherits utile.log utile.mixin utile.mkdirp utile.p utile.path utile.print utile.pump utile.puts utile.randomString utile.requireDir uile.requireDirLazy utile.rimraf ``` As you can see all of the original methods from `util` are there, but there are several new methods specific to `utile`. A note about implementation: _no node.js native modules are modified by utile, it simply copies those methods._ ## Methods The `utile` modules exposes some simple utility methods: * `.each(obj, iterator)`: Iterate over the keys of an object. * `.mixin(target [source0, source1, ...])`: Copies enumerable properties from `source0 ... sourceN` onto `target` and returns the resulting object. * `.clone(obj)`: Shallow clones the specified object. * `.capitalize(str)`: Capitalizes the specified `str`. * `.randomString(length)`: randomString returns a pseudo-random ASCII string (subset) the return value is a string of length ⌈bits/6⌉ of characters from the base64 alphabet. * `.filter(obj, test)`: return an object with the properties that `test` returns true on. * `.args(arguments)`: Converts function arguments into actual array with special `callback`, `cb`, `array`, and `last` properties. Also supports *optional* argument contracts. See [the example](https://github.com/flatiron/utile/blob/master/examples/utile-args.js) for more details. * `.requireDir(directory)`: Requires all files and directories from `directory`, returning an object with keys being filenames (without trailing `.js`) and respective values being return values of `require(filename)`. * `.requireDirLazy(directory)`: Lazily requires all files and directories from `directory`, returning an object with keys being filenames (without trailing `.js`) and respective values (getters) being return values of `require(filename)`. * `.format([string] text, [array] formats, [array] replacements)`: Replace `formats` in `text` with `replacements`. This will fall back to the original `util.format` command if it is called improperly. ## Packaged Dependencies In addition to the methods that are built-in, utile includes a number of commonly used dependencies to reduce the number of includes in your package.json. These modules _are not eagerly loaded to be respectful of startup time,_ but instead are lazy-loaded getters on the `utile` object * `.async`: [Async utilities for node and the browser][0] * `.inflect`: [Customizable inflections for node.js][6] * `.mkdirp`: [Recursively mkdir, like mkdir -p, but in node.js][1] * `.rimraf`: [A rm -rf util for nodejs][2] * `.cpr`: [Asynchronous recursive file copying with Node.js][3] ## Installation ### Installing npm (node package manager) ``` curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh ``` ### Installing utile ``` [sudo] npm install utile ``` ## Tests All tests are written with [vows][4] and should be run with [npm][5]: ``` bash $ npm test ``` #### Author: [Nodejitsu Inc.](http://www.nodejitsu.com) #### Contributors: [Charlie Robbins](http://github.com/indexzero), [Dominic Tarr](http://github.com/dominictarr) #### License: MIT [0]: https://github.com/caolan/async [1]: https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp [2]: https://github.com/isaacs/rimraf [3]: https://github.com/avianflu/ncp [4]: https://vowsjs.org [5]: https://npmjs.org [6]: https://github.com/pksunkara/inflect