\i\c*|\c+#\c+
\i\c*|\c+#\c+
capital
lowercase
capital
lowercase
and
or
from
to
and
or
from
to
roman
alphabet
arabic
roman_upper
alphabet_upper
normative
informative
normative
informative
left
right
center
top
middle
bottom
baseline
left
right
center
top
middle
bottom
baseline
landscape
portrait
common
all-columns
parallel
tag
internal
button
checkbox
date
file
password
radio
submit
text
normative
informative
semantic
presentation
normative
informative
normative
informative
normative
informative
normative
informative
normative
informative
deprecates
supersedes
narrower
broader
equivalent
compare
contrast
see
seealso
ISO-639
ISO-15924
prefix
suffix
abbreviation
full
truncation
acronym
initialism
masculine
feminine
neuter
common
singular
dual
plural
identical
modified
authoritative
lineage
normative
informative
add
modify
delete
replace
requirement
recommendation
permission
table
figure
admonition
formula
sourcecode
example
note
rect
circle
ellipse
poly
\i\c*|\c+#\c+
and
or
from
to