import { didRender, get, set, tagFor, tagForProperty, watchKey } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import { isProxy, symbol } from '@ember/-internals/utils'; import { DEBUG } from '@glimmer/env'; import { combine, CONSTANT_TAG, ConstReference, DirtyableTag, isConst, TagWrapper, UpdatableTag, } from '@glimmer/reference'; import { ConditionalReference as GlimmerConditionalReference, PrimitiveReference, } from '@glimmer/runtime'; import { RECOMPUTE_TAG } from '../helper'; import emberToBool from './to-bool'; export const UPDATE = symbol('UPDATE'); export const INVOKE = symbol('INVOKE'); export const ACTION = symbol('ACTION'); let maybeFreeze; if (DEBUG) { // gaurding this in a DEBUG gaurd (as well as all invocations) // so that it is properly stripped during the minification's // dead code elimination maybeFreeze = (obj) => { // re-freezing an already frozen object introduces a significant // performance penalty on Chrome (tested through 59). // // See: if (!Object.isFrozen(obj)) { Object.freeze(obj); } }; } class EmberPathReference { get(key) { return PropertyReference.create(this, key); } } export class CachedReference extends EmberPathReference { constructor() { super(); this._lastRevision = null; this._lastValue = null; } value() { let { tag, _lastRevision, _lastValue } = this; if (_lastRevision === null || !tag.validate(_lastRevision)) { _lastValue = this._lastValue = this.compute(); this._lastRevision = tag.value(); } return _lastValue; } } export class RootReference extends ConstReference { constructor(value) { super(value); this.children = Object.create(null); } get(propertyKey) { let ref = this.children[propertyKey]; if (ref === undefined) { ref = this.children[propertyKey] = new RootPropertyReference(this.inner, propertyKey); } return ref; } } let TwoWayFlushDetectionTag; if (DEBUG) { TwoWayFlushDetectionTag = class { static create(tag, key, ref) { return new TagWrapper(tag.type, new TwoWayFlushDetectionTag(tag, key, ref)); } constructor(tag, key, ref) { this.tag = tag; this.parent = null; this.key = key; this.ref = ref; } value() { return this.tag.value(); } validate(ticket) { let { parent, key } = this; let isValid = this.tag.validate(ticket); if (isValid && parent) { didRender(parent, key, this.ref); } return isValid; } didCompute(parent) { this.parent = parent; didRender(parent, this.key, this.ref); } }; } export class PropertyReference extends CachedReference { static create(parentReference, propertyKey) { if (isConst(parentReference)) { return new RootPropertyReference(parentReference.value(), propertyKey); } else { return new NestedPropertyReference(parentReference, propertyKey); } } get(key) { return new NestedPropertyReference(this, key); } } export class RootPropertyReference extends PropertyReference { constructor(parentValue, propertyKey) { super(); this._parentValue = parentValue; this._propertyKey = propertyKey; if (DEBUG) { this.tag = TwoWayFlushDetectionTag.create(tagForProperty(parentValue, propertyKey), propertyKey, this); } else { this.tag = tagForProperty(parentValue, propertyKey); } if (DEBUG) { watchKey(parentValue, propertyKey); } } compute() { let { _parentValue, _propertyKey } = this; if (DEBUG) { this.tag.inner.didCompute(_parentValue); } return get(_parentValue, _propertyKey); } [UPDATE](value) { set(this._parentValue, this._propertyKey, value); } } export class NestedPropertyReference extends PropertyReference { constructor(parentReference, propertyKey) { super(); let parentReferenceTag = parentReference.tag; let parentObjectTag = UpdatableTag.create(CONSTANT_TAG); this._parentReference = parentReference; this._parentObjectTag = parentObjectTag; this._propertyKey = propertyKey; if (DEBUG) { let tag = combine([parentReferenceTag, parentObjectTag]); this.tag = TwoWayFlushDetectionTag.create(tag, propertyKey, this); } else { this.tag = combine([parentReferenceTag, parentObjectTag]); } } compute() { let { _parentReference, _parentObjectTag, _propertyKey } = this; let parentValue = _parentReference.value(); _parentObjectTag.inner.update(tagForProperty(parentValue, _propertyKey)); let parentValueType = typeof parentValue; if (parentValueType === 'string' && _propertyKey === 'length') { return parentValue.length; } if ((parentValueType === 'object' && parentValue !== null) || parentValueType === 'function') { if (DEBUG) { watchKey(parentValue, _propertyKey); } if (DEBUG) { this.tag.inner.didCompute(parentValue); } return get(parentValue, _propertyKey); } else { return undefined; } } [UPDATE](value) { let parent = this._parentReference.value(); set(parent, this._propertyKey, value); } } export class UpdatableReference extends EmberPathReference { constructor(value) { super(); this.tag = DirtyableTag.create(); this._value = value; } value() { return this._value; } update(value) { let { _value } = this; if (value !== _value) { this.tag.inner.dirty(); this._value = value; } } } export class ConditionalReference extends GlimmerConditionalReference { static create(reference) { if (isConst(reference)) { let value = reference.value(); if (isProxy(value)) { return new RootPropertyReference(value, 'isTruthy'); } else { return PrimitiveReference.create(emberToBool(value)); } } return new ConditionalReference(reference); } constructor(reference) { super(reference); this.objectTag = UpdatableTag.create(CONSTANT_TAG); this.tag = combine([reference.tag, this.objectTag]); } toBool(predicate) { if (isProxy(predicate)) { this.objectTag.inner.update(tagForProperty(predicate, 'isTruthy')); return get(predicate, 'isTruthy'); } else { this.objectTag.inner.update(tagFor(predicate)); return emberToBool(predicate); } } } export class SimpleHelperReference extends CachedReference { static create(helper, args) { if (isConst(args)) { let { positional, named } = args; let positionalValue = positional.value(); let namedValue = named.value(); if (DEBUG) { maybeFreeze(positionalValue); maybeFreeze(namedValue); } let result = helper(positionalValue, namedValue); return valueToRef(result); } else { return new SimpleHelperReference(helper, args); } } constructor(helper, args) { super(); this.tag = args.tag; this.helper = helper; this.args = args; } compute() { let { helper, args: { positional, named } } = this; let positionalValue = positional.value(); let namedValue = named.value(); if (DEBUG) { maybeFreeze(positionalValue); maybeFreeze(namedValue); } return helper(positionalValue, namedValue); } } export class ClassBasedHelperReference extends CachedReference { static create(instance, args) { return new ClassBasedHelperReference(instance, args); } constructor(instance, args) { super(); this.tag = combine([instance[RECOMPUTE_TAG], args.tag]); this.instance = instance; this.args = args; } compute() { let { instance, args: { positional, named } } = this; let positionalValue = positional.value(); let namedValue = named.value(); if (DEBUG) { maybeFreeze(positionalValue); maybeFreeze(namedValue); } return instance.compute(positionalValue, namedValue); } } export class InternalHelperReference extends CachedReference { constructor(helper, args) { super(); this.tag = args.tag; this.helper = helper; this.args = args; } compute() { let { helper, args } = this; return helper(args); } } export class UnboundReference extends ConstReference { static create(value) { return valueToRef(value, false); } get(key) { return valueToRef(get(this.inner, key), false); } } export class ReadonlyReference extends CachedReference { constructor(inner) { super(); this.inner = inner; } get tag() { return this.inner.tag; } get [INVOKE]() { return this.inner[INVOKE]; } compute() { return this.inner.value(); } get(key) { return this.inner.get(key); } } export function referenceFromParts(root, parts) { let reference = root; for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { reference = reference.get(parts[i]); } return reference; } export function valueToRef(value, bound = true) { if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') { // root of interop with ember objects return bound ? new RootReference(value) : new UnboundReference(value); } // ember doesn't do observing with functions if (typeof value === 'function') { return new UnboundReference(value); } return PrimitiveReference.create(value); }