require 'devise/hooks/activatable' module Devise module Models # Authenticable module. Holds common settings for authentication. # # == Options # # Authenticatable adds the following options to devise_for: # # * +authentication_keys+: parameters used for authentication. By default [:email]. # # * +request_keys+: parameters from the request object used for authentication. # By specifying a symbol (which should be a request method), it will automatically be # passed to find_for_authentication method and considered in your model lookup. # # For instance, if you set :request_keys to [:subdomain], :subdomain will be considered # as key on authentication. This can also be a hash where the value is a boolean expliciting # if the value is required or not. # # * +http_authenticatable+: if this model allows http authentication. By default true. # It also accepts an array specifying the strategies that should allow http. # # * +params_authenticatable+: if this model allows authentication through request params. By default true. # It also accepts an array specifying the strategies that should allow params authentication. # # == Active? # # Before authenticating an user and in each request, Devise checks if your model is active by # calling This method is overwriten by other devise modules. For instance, # :confirmable overwrites .active? to only return true if your model was confirmed. # # You overwrite this method yourself, but if you do, don't forget to call super: # # def active? # super && special_condition_is_valid? # end # # Whenever active? returns false, Devise asks the reason why your model is inactive using # the inactive_message method. You can overwrite it as well: # # def inactive_message # special_condition_is_valid? ? super : :special_condition_is_not_valid # end # module Authenticatable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :devise_modules, :instance_writer => false self.devise_modules ||= [] end # Check if the current object is valid for authentication. This method and # find_for_authentication are the methods used in a Warden::Strategy to check # if a model should be signed in or not. # # However, you should not overwrite this method, you should overwrite active? and # inactive_message instead. def valid_for_authentication? if active? block_given? ? yield : true else inactive_message end end def active? true end def inactive_message :inactive end def authenticatable_salt end module ClassMethods Devise::Models.config(self, :authentication_keys, :request_keys, :http_authenticatable, :params_authenticatable) def params_authenticatable?(strategy) params_authenticatable.is_a?(Array) ? params_authenticatable.include?(strategy) : params_authenticatable end def http_authenticatable?(strategy) http_authenticatable.is_a?(Array) ? http_authenticatable.include?(strategy) : http_authenticatable end # Find first record based on conditions given (ie by the sign in form). # Overwrite to add customized conditions, create a join, or maybe use a # namedscope to filter records while authenticating. # Example: # # def self.find_for_authentication(conditions={}) # conditions[:active] = true # super # end # def find_for_authentication(conditions) find(:first, :conditions => conditions) end # Find an initialize a record setting an error if it can't be found. def find_or_initialize_with_error_by(attribute, value, error=:invalid) #:nodoc: find_or_initialize_with_errors([attribute], { attribute => value }, error) end # Find an initialize a group of attributes based on a list of required attributes. def find_or_initialize_with_errors(required_attributes, attributes, error=:invalid) #:nodoc: attributes = attributes.slice(*required_attributes) attributes.delete_if { |key, value| value.blank? } if attributes.size == required_attributes.size record = find(:first, :conditions => attributes) end unless record record = new required_attributes.each do |key| value = attributes[key] record.send("#{key}=", value) record.errors.add(key, value.present? ? error : :blank) end end record end # Generate a token by looping and ensuring does not already exist. def generate_token(column) loop do token = Devise.friendly_token break token unless find(:first, :conditions => { column => token }) end end end end end end