// Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. #include "rails.h" #include "code.h" #include "encode.h" #include "trace.h" #include "util.h" #define OJ_INFINITY (1.0 / 0.0) // TBD keep static array of strings and functions to help with rails optimization typedef struct _encoder { struct _rOptTable ropts; struct _options opts; VALUE arg; } * Encoder; bool oj_rails_hash_opt = false; bool oj_rails_array_opt = false; bool oj_rails_float_opt = false; extern void oj_mimic_json_methods(VALUE json); static void dump_rails_val(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok); extern VALUE Oj; static struct _rOptTable ropts = {0, 0, NULL}; static VALUE encoder_class = Qnil; static bool escape_html = true; static bool xml_time = true; static ROpt create_opt(ROptTable rot, VALUE clas); ROpt oj_rails_get_opt(ROptTable rot, VALUE clas) { if (NULL == rot) { rot = &ropts; } if (0 < rot->len) { int lo = 0; int hi = rot->len - 1; int mid; VALUE v; if (clas < rot->table->clas || rot->table[hi].clas < clas) { return NULL; } if (rot->table[lo].clas == clas) { return rot->table; } if (rot->table[hi].clas == clas) { return &rot->table[hi]; } while (2 <= hi - lo) { mid = (hi + lo) / 2; v = rot->table[mid].clas; if (v == clas) { return &rot->table[mid]; } if (v < clas) { lo = mid; } else { hi = mid; } } } return NULL; } static ROptTable copy_opts(ROptTable src, ROptTable dest) { dest->len = src->len; dest->alen = src->alen; if (NULL == src->table) { dest->table = NULL; } else { dest->table = ALLOC_N(struct _rOpt, dest->alen); memcpy(dest->table, src->table, sizeof(struct _rOpt) * dest->alen); } return NULL; } static int dump_attr_cb(ID key, VALUE value, VALUE ov) { Out out = (Out)ov; int depth = out->depth; size_t size = depth * out->indent + 1; const char *attr = rb_id2name(key); // Some exceptions such as NoMethodError have an invisible attribute where // the key name is NULL. Not an empty string but NULL. if (NULL == attr) { attr = ""; } if (0 == strcmp("bt", attr) || 0 == strcmp("mesg", attr)) { return ST_CONTINUE; } assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); if ('@' == *attr) { attr++; oj_dump_cstr(attr, strlen(attr), 0, 0, out); } else { char buf[32]; *buf = '~'; strncpy(buf + 1, attr, sizeof(buf) - 2); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; oj_dump_cstr(buf, strlen(buf), 0, 0, out); } *out->cur++ = ':'; dump_rails_val(value, depth, out, true); out->depth = depth; *out->cur++ = ','; return ST_CONTINUE; } static void dump_obj_attrs(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = '{'; out->depth = depth + 1; rb_ivar_foreach(obj, dump_attr_cb, (VALUE)out); if (',' == *(out->cur - 1)) { out->cur--; // backup to overwrite last comma } out->depth = depth; fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_struct(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { int d3 = depth + 2; size_t size = d3 * out->indent + 2; size_t sep_len = out->opts->dump_opts.before_size + out->opts->dump_opts.after_size + 2; volatile VALUE ma; volatile VALUE v; int cnt; int i; int len; const char * name; #ifdef RSTRUCT_LEN #if RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT cnt = (int)NUM2LONG(RSTRUCT_LEN(obj)); #else // RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT cnt = (int)RSTRUCT_LEN(obj); #endif // RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT #else // This is a bit risky as a struct in C ruby is not the same as a Struct // class in interpreted Ruby so length() may not be defined. cnt = FIX2INT(rb_funcall(obj, oj_length_id, 0)); #endif ma = rb_struct_s_members(rb_obj_class(obj)); assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = '{'; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { volatile VALUE s = rb_sym2str(RARRAY_AREF(ma, i)); name = RSTRING_PTR(s); len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(s); assure_size(out, size + sep_len + 6); if (0 < i) { *out->cur++ = ','; } fill_indent(out, d3); *out->cur++ = '"'; APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, name, len); *out->cur++ = '"'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.before_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.before_sep, out->opts->dump_opts.before_size); } *out->cur++ = ':'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.after_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.after_sep, out->opts->dump_opts.after_size); } #ifdef RSTRUCT_LEN v = RSTRUCT_GET(obj, i); #else v = rb_struct_aref(obj, INT2FIX(i)); #endif dump_rails_val(v, d3, out, true); } fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static ID to_a_id = 0; static void dump_enumerable(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { if (0 == to_a_id) { to_a_id = rb_intern("to_a"); } dump_rails_val(rb_funcall(obj, to_a_id, 0), depth, out, false); } static void dump_bigdecimal(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { volatile VALUE rstr = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); const char * str = RSTRING_PTR(rstr); if ('I' == *str || 'N' == *str || ('-' == *str && 'I' == str[1])) { oj_dump_nil(Qnil, depth, out, false); } else if (out->opts->int_range_max != 0 || out->opts->int_range_min != 0) { oj_dump_cstr(str, (int)RSTRING_LEN(rstr), 0, 0, out); } else if (Yes == out->opts->bigdec_as_num) { oj_dump_raw(str, (int)RSTRING_LEN(rstr), out); } else { oj_dump_cstr(str, (int)RSTRING_LEN(rstr), 0, 0, out); } } static void dump_sec_nano(VALUE obj, int64_t sec, long nsec, Out out) { char buf[64]; struct _timeInfo ti; long one = 1000000000; long tzsecs = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_utc_offset_id, 0, 0)); int tzhour, tzmin; char tzsign = '+'; int len; if (out->end - out->cur <= 36) { assure_size(out, 36); } if (9 > out->opts->sec_prec) { int i; // Rails does not round when reducing precision but instead floors, for (i = 9 - out->opts->sec_prec; 0 < i; i--) { nsec = nsec / 10; one /= 10; } if (one <= nsec) { nsec -= one; sec++; } } // 2012-01-05T23:58:07.123456000+09:00 or 2012/01/05 23:58:07 +0900 sec += tzsecs; sec_as_time(sec, &ti); if (0 > tzsecs) { tzsign = '-'; tzhour = (int)(tzsecs / -3600); tzmin = (int)(tzsecs / -60) - (tzhour * 60); } else { tzhour = (int)(tzsecs / 3600); tzmin = (int)(tzsecs / 60) - (tzhour * 60); } if (!xml_time) { len = sprintf(buf, "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d", ti.year, ti.mon, ti.day, ti.hour, ti.min, ti.sec, tzsign, tzhour, tzmin); } else if (0 == out->opts->sec_prec) { if (0 == tzsecs && rb_funcall2(obj, oj_utcq_id, 0, 0)) { len = sprintf(buf, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", ti.year, ti.mon, ti.day, ti.hour, ti.min, ti.sec); } else { len = sprintf(buf, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d:%02d", ti.year, ti.mon, ti.day, ti.hour, ti.min, ti.sec, tzsign, tzhour, tzmin); } } else if (0 == tzsecs && rb_funcall2(obj, oj_utcq_id, 0, 0)) { char format[64] = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%09ldZ"; len = 30; if (9 > out->opts->sec_prec) { format[32] = '0' + out->opts->sec_prec; len -= 9 - out->opts->sec_prec; } len = sprintf(buf, format, ti.year, ti.mon, ti.day, ti.hour, ti.min, ti.sec, nsec); } else { char format[64] = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%09ld%c%02d:%02d"; len = 35; if (9 > out->opts->sec_prec) { format[32] = '0' + out->opts->sec_prec; len -= 9 - out->opts->sec_prec; } len = sprintf(buf, format, ti.year, ti.mon, ti.day, ti.hour, ti.min, ti.sec, nsec, tzsign, tzhour, tzmin); } oj_dump_cstr(buf, len, 0, 0, out); } static void dump_time(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { long long sec; long long nsec; if (16 <= sizeof(struct timespec)) { struct timespec ts = rb_time_timespec(obj); sec = (long long)ts.tv_sec; nsec = ts.tv_nsec; } else { sec = NUM2LL(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_tv_sec_id, 0, 0)); nsec = NUM2LL(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_tv_nsec_id, 0, 0)); } dump_sec_nano(obj, sec, nsec, out); } static void dump_timewithzone(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { int64_t sec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_tv_sec_id, 0, 0)); long long nsec = 0; if (rb_respond_to(obj, oj_tv_nsec_id)) { nsec = NUM2LL(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_tv_nsec_id, 0, 0)); } else if (rb_respond_to(obj, oj_tv_usec_id)) { nsec = NUM2LL(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_tv_usec_id, 0, 0)) * 1000; } dump_sec_nano(obj, sec, nsec, out); } static void dump_to_s(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { volatile VALUE rstr = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); oj_dump_cstr(RSTRING_PTR(rstr), (int)RSTRING_LEN(rstr), 0, 0, out); } static ID parameters_id = 0; typedef struct _strLen { const char *str; int len; } * StrLen; static void dump_actioncontroller_parameters(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { if (0 == parameters_id) { parameters_id = rb_intern("@parameters"); } out->argc = 0; dump_rails_val(rb_ivar_get(obj, parameters_id), depth, out, true); } static StrLen columns_array(VALUE rcols, int *ccnt) { volatile VALUE v; StrLen cp; StrLen cols; int i; int cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(rcols); *ccnt = cnt; cols = ALLOC_N(struct _strLen, cnt); for (i = 0, cp = cols; i < cnt; i++, cp++) { v = RARRAY_AREF(rcols, i); if (T_STRING != rb_type(v)) { v = rb_funcall(v, oj_to_s_id, 0); } cp->str = StringValuePtr(v); cp->len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(v); } return cols; } static void dump_row(VALUE row, StrLen cols, int ccnt, int depth, Out out) { size_t size; int d2 = depth + 1; int i; assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = '{'; size = depth * out->indent + 3; for (i = 0; i < ccnt; i++, cols++) { assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.array_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = d2; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } else { fill_indent(out, d2); } oj_dump_cstr(cols->str, cols->len, 0, 0, out); *out->cur++ = ':'; dump_rails_val(RARRAY_AREF(row, i), depth, out, true); if (i < ccnt - 1) { *out->cur++ = ','; } } size = depth * out->indent + 1; assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.array_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } else { fill_indent(out, depth); } *out->cur++ = '}'; } static ID rows_id = 0; static ID columns_id = 0; static void dump_activerecord_result(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { volatile VALUE rows; StrLen cols; int ccnt = 0; int i, rcnt; size_t size; int d2 = depth + 1; if (0 == rows_id) { rows_id = rb_intern("@rows"); columns_id = rb_intern("@columns"); } out->argc = 0; cols = columns_array(rb_ivar_get(obj, columns_id), &ccnt); rows = rb_ivar_get(obj, rows_id); rcnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(rows); assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = '['; if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { size = d2 * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.array_size + 1; } else { size = d2 * out->indent + 2; } assure_size(out, 2); for (i = 0; i < rcnt; i++) { assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.array_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = d2; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } else { fill_indent(out, d2); } dump_row(RARRAY_AREF(rows, i), cols, ccnt, d2, out); if (i < rcnt - 1) { *out->cur++ = ','; } } xfree(cols); size = depth * out->indent + 1; assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.array_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } else { fill_indent(out, depth); } *out->cur++ = ']'; } typedef struct _namedFunc { const char *name; DumpFunc func; } * NamedFunc; static void dump_as_string(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { if (oj_code_dump(oj_compat_codes, obj, depth, out)) { out->argc = 0; return; } oj_dump_obj_to_s(obj, out); } static void dump_as_json(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { volatile VALUE ja; if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("as_json", obj, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth + 1, TraceRubyIn); } // Some classes elect to not take an options argument so check the arity // of as_json. if (0 == rb_obj_method_arity(obj, oj_as_json_id)) { ja = rb_funcall(obj, oj_as_json_id, 0); } else { ja = rb_funcall2(obj, oj_as_json_id, out->argc, out->argv); } if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("as_json", obj, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth + 1, TraceRubyOut); } out->argc = 0; if (ja == obj || !as_ok) { // Once as_json is called it should never be called again on the same // object with as_ok. dump_rails_val(ja, depth, out, false); } else { int type = rb_type(ja); if (T_HASH == type || T_ARRAY == type) { dump_rails_val(ja, depth, out, true); } else { dump_rails_val(ja, depth, out, true); } } } static void dump_regexp(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { if (as_ok && rb_respond_to(obj, oj_as_json_id)) { dump_as_json(obj, depth, out, false); return; } dump_as_string(obj, depth, out, as_ok); } static struct _namedFunc dump_map[] = { {"ActionController::Parameters", dump_actioncontroller_parameters}, {"ActiveRecord::Result", dump_activerecord_result}, {"ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone", dump_timewithzone}, {"BigDecimal", dump_bigdecimal}, {"Range", dump_to_s}, {"Regexp", dump_regexp}, //{ "Regexp", dump_to_s }, {"Time", dump_time}, {NULL, NULL}, }; static VALUE activerecord_base = Qundef; static ID attributes_id = 0; static void dump_activerecord(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { if (0 == attributes_id) { attributes_id = rb_intern("@attributes"); } out->argc = 0; dump_rails_val(rb_ivar_get(obj, attributes_id), depth, out, true); } static ROpt create_opt(ROptTable rot, VALUE clas) { ROpt ro; NamedFunc nf; const char *classname = rb_class2name(clas); int olen = rot->len; rot->len++; if (NULL == rot->table) { rot->alen = 256; rot->table = ALLOC_N(struct _rOpt, rot->alen); memset(rot->table, 0, sizeof(struct _rOpt) * rot->alen); } else if (rot->alen <= rot->len) { rot->alen *= 2; REALLOC_N(rot->table, struct _rOpt, rot->alen); memset(rot->table + olen, 0, sizeof(struct _rOpt) * olen); } if (0 == olen) { ro = rot->table; } else if (rot->table[olen - 1].clas < clas) { ro = &rot->table[olen]; } else { int i; for (i = 0, ro = rot->table; i < olen; i++, ro++) { if (clas < ro->clas) { memmove(ro + 1, ro, sizeof(struct _rOpt) * (olen - i)); break; } } } ro->clas = clas; ro->on = true; ro->dump = dump_obj_attrs; for (nf = dump_map; NULL != nf->name; nf++) { if (0 == strcmp(nf->name, classname)) { ro->dump = nf->func; break; } } if (ro->dump == dump_obj_attrs) { if (Qundef == activerecord_base) { // If not defined let an exception be raised. VALUE ar = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ActiveRecord")); if (Qundef != ar) { activerecord_base = rb_const_get_at(ar, rb_intern("Base")); } } if (Qundef != activerecord_base && Qtrue == rb_class_inherited_p(clas, activerecord_base)) { ro->dump = dump_activerecord; } else if (Qtrue == rb_class_inherited_p(clas, rb_cStruct)) { // check before enumerable ro->dump = dump_struct; } else if (Qtrue == rb_class_inherited_p(clas, rb_mEnumerable)) { ro->dump = dump_enumerable; } else if (Qtrue == rb_class_inherited_p(clas, rb_eException)) { ro->dump = dump_to_s; } } return ro; } static void encoder_free(void *ptr) { if (NULL != ptr) { Encoder e = (Encoder)ptr; if (NULL != e->ropts.table) { xfree(e->ropts.table); } xfree(ptr); } } static void encoder_mark(void *ptr) { if (NULL != ptr) { Encoder e = (Encoder)ptr; if (Qnil != e->arg) { rb_gc_mark(e->arg); } } } /* Document-method: new * call-seq: new(options=nil) * * Creates a new Encoder. * - *options* [_Hash_] formatting options */ static VALUE encoder_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Encoder e = ALLOC(struct _encoder); e->opts = oj_default_options; e->arg = Qnil; copy_opts(&ropts, &e->ropts); if (1 <= argc && Qnil != *argv) { oj_parse_options(*argv, &e->opts); e->arg = *argv; } return Data_Wrap_Struct(encoder_class, encoder_mark, encoder_free, e); } static VALUE resolve_classpath(const char *name) { char class_name[1024]; VALUE clas; char * end = class_name + sizeof(class_name) - 1; char * s; const char *n = name; ID cid; clas = rb_cObject; for (s = class_name; '\0' != *n; n++) { if (':' == *n) { *s = '\0'; n++; if (':' != *n) { return Qnil; } cid = rb_intern(class_name); if (!rb_const_defined_at(clas, cid)) { return Qnil; } clas = rb_const_get_at(clas, cid); s = class_name; } else if (end <= s) { return Qnil; } else { *s++ = *n; } } *s = '\0'; cid = rb_intern(class_name); if (!rb_const_defined_at(clas, cid)) { return Qnil; } clas = rb_const_get_at(clas, cid); return clas; } static void optimize(int argc, VALUE *argv, ROptTable rot, bool on) { ROpt ro; if (0 == argc) { int i; NamedFunc nf; VALUE clas; oj_rails_hash_opt = on; oj_rails_array_opt = on; oj_rails_float_opt = on; for (nf = dump_map; NULL != nf->name; nf++) { if (Qnil != (clas = resolve_classpath(nf->name))) { if (NULL == oj_rails_get_opt(rot, clas)) { create_opt(rot, clas); } } } for (i = 0; i < rot->len; i++) { rot->table[i].on = on; } } for (; 0 < argc; argc--, argv++) { if (rb_cHash == *argv) { oj_rails_hash_opt = on; } else if (rb_cArray == *argv) { oj_rails_array_opt = on; } else if (rb_cFloat == *argv) { oj_rails_float_opt = on; } else if (oj_string_writer_class == *argv) { string_writer_optimized = on; } else if (NULL != (ro = oj_rails_get_opt(rot, *argv)) || NULL != (ro = create_opt(rot, *argv))) { ro->on = on; } } } /* Document-method optimize * call-seq: optimize(*classes) * * Use Oj rails optimized routines to encode the specified classes. This * ignores the as_json() method on the class and uses an internal encoding * instead. Passing in no classes indicates all should use the optimized * version of encoding for all previously optimized classes. Passing in the * Object class set a global switch that will then use the optimized behavior * for all classes. * * - *classes* [_Class_] a list of classes to optimize */ static VALUE encoder_optimize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Encoder e = (Encoder)DATA_PTR(self); optimize(argc, argv, &e->ropts, true); return Qnil; } /* Document-method: optimize * call-seq: optimize(*classes) * * Use Oj rails optimized routines to encode the specified classes. This * ignores the as_json() method on the class and uses an internal encoding * instead. Passing in no classes indicates all should use the optimized * version of encoding for all previously optimized classes. Passing in the * Object class set a global switch that will then use the optimized behavior * for all classes. * * - *classes* [_Class_] a list of classes to optimize */ static VALUE rails_optimize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { optimize(argc, argv, &ropts, true); string_writer_optimized = true; return Qnil; } /* Document-module: mimic_JSON * call-seq: mimic_JSON() * * Sets the JSON method to use Oj similar to Oj.mimic_JSON except with the * ActiveSupport monkey patches instead of the json gem monkey patches. */ VALUE rails_mimic_json(VALUE self) { VALUE json; if (rb_const_defined_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("JSON"))) { json = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("JSON")); } else { json = rb_define_module("JSON"); } oj_mimic_json_methods(json); // Setting the default mode breaks the prmoise in the docs not to. //oj_default_options.mode = RailsMode; return Qnil; } /* Document-method: deoptimize * call-seq: deoptimize(*classes) * * Turn off Oj rails optimization on the specified classes. * * - *classes* [_Class_] a list of classes to deoptimize */ static VALUE encoder_deoptimize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Encoder e = (Encoder)DATA_PTR(self); optimize(argc, argv, &e->ropts, false); return Qnil; } /* Document-method: deoptimize * call-seq: deoptimize(*classes) * * Turn off Oj rails optimization on the specified classes. * * - *classes* [_Class_] a list of classes to deoptimize */ static VALUE rails_deoptimize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { optimize(argc, argv, &ropts, false); string_writer_optimized = false; return Qnil; } /* Document-method:optimized? * call-seq: optimized?(clas) * * - *clas* [_Class_] Class to check * * @return true if the class is being optimized for rails and false otherwise */ static VALUE encoder_optimized(VALUE self, VALUE clas) { Encoder e = (Encoder)DATA_PTR(self); ROpt ro = oj_rails_get_opt(&e->ropts, clas); if (NULL == ro) { return Qfalse; } return (ro->on) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* Document-method: optimized? * call-seq: optimized?(clas) * * Returns true if the specified Class is being optimized. */ static VALUE rails_optimized(VALUE self, VALUE clas) { ROpt ro = oj_rails_get_opt(&ropts, clas); if (NULL == ro) { return Qfalse; } return (ro->on) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } typedef struct _oo { Out out; VALUE obj; } * OO; static VALUE protect_dump(VALUE ov) { OO oo = (OO)ov; dump_rails_val(oo->obj, 0, oo->out, true); return Qnil; } static VALUE encode(VALUE obj, ROptTable ropts, Options opts, int argc, VALUE *argv) { struct _out out; struct _options copts = *opts; volatile VALUE rstr = Qnil; struct _oo oo; int line = 0; oo.out = &out; oo.obj = obj; copts.str_rx.head = NULL; copts.str_rx.tail = NULL; copts.mode = RailsMode; if (escape_html) { copts.escape_mode = RailsXEsc; } else { copts.escape_mode = RailsEsc; } oj_out_init(&out); out.omit_nil = copts.dump_opts.omit_nil; out.caller = 0; out.cur = out.buf; out.circ_cnt = 0; out.opts = &copts; out.hash_cnt = 0; out.indent = copts.indent; out.argc = argc; out.argv = argv; out.ropts = ropts; if (Yes == copts.circular) { oj_cache8_new(&out.circ_cache); } // dump_rails_val(*argv, 0, &out, true); rb_protect(protect_dump, (VALUE)&oo, &line); if (0 == line) { if (0 < out.indent) { switch (*(out.cur - 1)) { case ']': case '}': assure_size(&out, 2); *out.cur++ = '\n'; default: break; } } *out.cur = '\0'; if (0 == out.buf) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Not enough memory."); } rstr = rb_str_new2(out.buf); rstr = oj_encode(rstr); } if (Yes == copts.circular) { oj_cache8_delete(out.circ_cache); } oj_out_free(&out); if (0 != line) { rb_jump_tag(line); } return rstr; } /* Document-method: encode * call-seq: encode(obj) * * - *obj* [_Object_] object to encode * * Returns encoded object as a JSON string. */ static VALUE encoder_encode(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { Encoder e = (Encoder)DATA_PTR(self); if (Qnil != e->arg) { VALUE argv[1] = {e->arg}; return encode(obj, &e->ropts, &e->opts, 1, argv); } return encode(obj, &e->ropts, &e->opts, 0, NULL); } /* Document-method: encode * call-seq: encode(obj, opts=nil) * * Encode obj as a JSON String. * * - *obj* [_Object_|Hash|Array] object to convert to a JSON String * - *opts* [_Hash_] options * * Returns [_String_] */ static VALUE rails_encode(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)."); } if (1 == argc) { return encode(*argv, NULL, &oj_default_options, 0, NULL); } else { return encode(*argv, NULL, &oj_default_options, argc - 1, argv + 1); } } static VALUE rails_use_standard_json_time_format(VALUE self, VALUE state) { if (Qtrue == state || Qfalse == state) { // no change needed } else if (Qnil == state) { state = Qfalse; } else { state = Qtrue; } rb_iv_set(self, "@use_standard_json_time_format", state); xml_time = Qtrue == state; return state; } static VALUE rails_use_standard_json_time_format_get(VALUE self) { return xml_time ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE rails_escape_html_entities_in_json(VALUE self, VALUE state) { rb_iv_set(self, "@escape_html_entities_in_json", state); escape_html = Qtrue == state; return state; } static VALUE rails_escape_html_entities_in_json_get(VALUE self) { return escape_html ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE rails_time_precision(VALUE self, VALUE prec) { rb_iv_set(self, "@time_precision", prec); oj_default_options.sec_prec = NUM2INT(prec); oj_default_options.sec_prec_set = true; return prec; } /* Document-method: set_encoder * call-seq: set_encoder() * * Sets the ActiveSupport.encoder to Oj::Rails::Encoder and wraps some of the * formatting globals used by ActiveSupport to allow the use of those globals * in the Oj::Rails optimizations. */ static VALUE rails_set_encoder(VALUE self) { VALUE active; VALUE json; VALUE encoding; VALUE pv; VALUE verbose; VALUE enc = resolve_classpath("ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding"); if (Qnil != enc) { escape_html = Qtrue == rb_iv_get(self, "@escape_html_entities_in_json"); xml_time = Qtrue == rb_iv_get(enc, "@use_standard_json_time_format"); } if (rb_const_defined_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ActiveSupport"))) { active = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ActiveSupport")); } else { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "ActiveSupport not loaded."); } rb_funcall(active, rb_intern("json_encoder="), 1, encoder_class); json = rb_const_get_at(active, rb_intern("JSON")); encoding = rb_const_get_at(json, rb_intern("Encoding")); // rb_undef_method doesn't work for modules or maybe sometimes // doesn't. Anyway setting verbose should hide the warning. verbose = rb_gv_get("$VERBOSE"); rb_gv_set("$VERBOSE", Qfalse); rb_undef_method(encoding, "use_standard_json_time_format="); rb_define_module_function(encoding, "use_standard_json_time_format=", rails_use_standard_json_time_format, 1); rb_undef_method(encoding, "use_standard_json_time_format"); rb_define_module_function(encoding, "use_standard_json_time_format", rails_use_standard_json_time_format_get, 0); pv = rb_iv_get(encoding, "@escape_html_entities_in_json"); escape_html = Qtrue == pv; rb_undef_method(encoding, "escape_html_entities_in_json="); rb_define_module_function(encoding, "escape_html_entities_in_json=", rails_escape_html_entities_in_json, 1); rb_undef_method(encoding, "escape_html_entities_in_json"); rb_define_module_function(encoding, "escape_html_entities_in_json", rails_escape_html_entities_in_json_get, 0); pv = rb_iv_get(encoding, "@time_precision"); oj_default_options.sec_prec = NUM2INT(pv); oj_default_options.sec_prec_set = true; rb_undef_method(encoding, "time_precision="); rb_define_module_function(encoding, "time_precision=", rails_time_precision, 1); rb_gv_set("$VERBOSE", verbose); return Qnil; } /* Document-method: set_decoder * call-seq: set_decoder() * * Sets the JSON.parse function to be the Oj::parse function which is json gem * compatible. */ static VALUE rails_set_decoder(VALUE self) { VALUE json; VALUE json_error; VALUE verbose; if (rb_const_defined_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("JSON"))) { json = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("JSON")); } else { json = rb_define_module("JSON"); } if (rb_const_defined_at(json, rb_intern("JSONError"))) { json_error = rb_const_get(json, rb_intern("JSONError")); } else { json_error = rb_define_class_under(json, "JSONError", rb_eStandardError); } if (rb_const_defined_at(json, rb_intern("ParserError"))) { oj_json_parser_error_class = rb_const_get(json, rb_intern("ParserError")); } else { oj_json_parser_error_class = rb_define_class_under(json, "ParserError", json_error); } // rb_undef_method doesn't work for modules or maybe sometimes // doesn't. Anyway setting verbose should hide the warning. verbose = rb_gv_get("$VERBOSE"); rb_gv_set("$VERBOSE", Qfalse); rb_undef_method(json, "parse"); rb_define_module_function(json, "parse", oj_mimic_parse, -1); rb_gv_set("$VERBOSE", verbose); return Qnil; } /* Document-module: Oj.optimize_rails() * * Sets the Oj as the Rails encoder and decoder. Oj::Rails.optimize is also * called. */ VALUE oj_optimize_rails(VALUE self) { rails_set_encoder(self); rails_set_decoder(self); rails_optimize(0, NULL, self); rails_mimic_json(self); return Qnil; } /* Document-module: Oj::Rails * * Module that provides rails and active support compatibility. */ /* Document-class: Oj::Rails::Encoder * * The Oj ActiveSupport compliant encoder. */ void oj_mimic_rails_init(void) { VALUE rails = rb_define_module_under(Oj, "Rails"); rb_define_module_function(rails, "encode", rails_encode, -1); encoder_class = rb_define_class_under(rails, "Encoder", rb_cObject); rb_gc_register_address(&encoder_class); rb_undef_alloc_func(encoder_class); rb_define_module_function(encoder_class, "new", encoder_new, -1); rb_define_module_function(rails, "optimize", rails_optimize, -1); rb_define_module_function(rails, "deoptimize", rails_deoptimize, -1); rb_define_module_function(rails, "optimized?", rails_optimized, 1); rb_define_module_function(rails, "mimic_JSON", rails_mimic_json, 0); rb_define_module_function(rails, "set_encoder", rails_set_encoder, 0); rb_define_module_function(rails, "set_decoder", rails_set_decoder, 0); rb_define_method(encoder_class, "encode", encoder_encode, 1); rb_define_method(encoder_class, "optimize", encoder_optimize, -1); rb_define_method(encoder_class, "deoptimize", encoder_deoptimize, -1); rb_define_method(encoder_class, "optimized?", encoder_optimized, 1); } static void dump_to_hash(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { dump_rails_val(rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_hash_id, 0), depth, out, true); } static void dump_float(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { char buf[64]; char * b; double d = rb_num2dbl(obj); int cnt = 0; if (0.0 == d) { b = buf; *b++ = '0'; *b++ = '.'; *b++ = '0'; *b++ = '\0'; cnt = 3; } else { if (isnan(d) || OJ_INFINITY == d || -OJ_INFINITY == d) { strcpy(buf, "null"); cnt = 4; } else if (d == (double)(long long int)d) { cnt = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f", d); } else if (oj_rails_float_opt) { cnt = oj_dump_float_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), obj, d, "%0.16g"); } else { volatile VALUE rstr = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); strcpy(buf, RSTRING_PTR(rstr)); cnt = (int)RSTRING_LEN(rstr); } } assure_size(out, cnt); for (b = buf; '\0' != *b; b++) { *out->cur++ = *b; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_array(VALUE a, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { size_t size; int i, cnt; int d2 = depth + 1; if (Yes == out->opts->circular) { if (0 > oj_check_circular(a, out)) { oj_dump_nil(Qnil, 0, out, false); return; } } // if (!oj_rails_array_opt && as_ok && 0 < out->argc && rb_respond_to(a, oj_as_json_id)) { if (as_ok && 0 < out->argc && rb_respond_to(a, oj_as_json_id)) { dump_as_json(a, depth, out, false); return; } cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(a); *out->cur++ = '['; size = 2; assure_size(out, size); if (0 == cnt) { *out->cur++ = ']'; } else { if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { size = d2 * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.array_size + 1; } else { size = d2 * out->indent + 2; } assure_size(out, size * cnt); cnt--; for (i = 0; i <= cnt; i++) { if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.array_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = d2; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } else { fill_indent(out, d2); } dump_rails_val(RARRAY_AREF(a, i), d2, out, true); if (i < cnt) { *out->cur++ = ','; } } size = depth * out->indent + 1; assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.array_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } else { fill_indent(out, depth); } *out->cur++ = ']'; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static int hash_cb(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ov) { Out out = (Out)ov; int depth = out->depth; long size; int rtype = rb_type(key); if (out->omit_nil && Qnil == value) { return ST_CONTINUE; } if (rtype != T_STRING && rtype != T_SYMBOL) { key = rb_funcall(key, oj_to_s_id, 0); rtype = rb_type(key); } if (!out->opts->dump_opts.use) { size = depth * out->indent + 1; assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); if (rtype == T_STRING) { oj_dump_str(key, 0, out, false); } else { oj_dump_sym(key, 0, out, false); } *out->cur++ = ':'; } else { size = depth * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size + 1; assure_size(out, size); if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.hash_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } if (rtype == T_STRING) { oj_dump_str(key, 0, out, false); } else { oj_dump_sym(key, 0, out, false); } size = out->opts->dump_opts.before_size + out->opts->dump_opts.after_size + 2; assure_size(out, size); if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.before_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.before_sep, out->opts->dump_opts.before_size); } *out->cur++ = ':'; if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.after_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.after_sep, out->opts->dump_opts.after_size); } } dump_rails_val(value, depth, out, true); out->depth = depth; *out->cur++ = ','; return ST_CONTINUE; } static void dump_hash(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { int cnt; size_t size; if (Yes == out->opts->circular) { if (0 > oj_check_circular(obj, out)) { oj_dump_nil(Qnil, 0, out, false); return; } } if ((!oj_rails_hash_opt || 0 < out->argc) && as_ok && rb_respond_to(obj, oj_as_json_id)) { dump_as_json(obj, depth, out, false); return; } cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(obj); size = depth * out->indent + 2; assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = '{'; if (0 == cnt) { *out->cur++ = '}'; } else { out->depth = depth + 1; rb_hash_foreach(obj, hash_cb, (VALUE)out); if (',' == *(out->cur - 1)) { out->cur--; // backup to overwrite last comma } if (!out->opts->dump_opts.use) { assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); } else { size = depth * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size + 1; assure_size(out, size); if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.hash_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } *out->cur++ = '}'; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_obj(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { VALUE clas; if (oj_code_dump(oj_compat_codes, obj, depth, out)) { out->argc = 0; return; } clas = rb_obj_class(obj); if (as_ok) { ROpt ro; if (NULL != (ro = oj_rails_get_opt(out->ropts, clas)) && ro->on) { ro->dump(obj, depth, out, as_ok); } else if (Yes == out->opts->raw_json && rb_respond_to(obj, oj_raw_json_id)) { oj_dump_raw_json(obj, depth, out); } else if (rb_respond_to(obj, oj_as_json_id)) { dump_as_json(obj, depth, out, true); } else if (rb_respond_to(obj, oj_to_hash_id)) { dump_to_hash(obj, depth, out); } else if (oj_bigdecimal_class == clas) { dump_bigdecimal(obj, depth, out, false); } else { oj_dump_obj_to_s(obj, out); } } else if (Yes == out->opts->raw_json && rb_respond_to(obj, oj_raw_json_id)) { oj_dump_raw_json(obj, depth, out); } else if (rb_respond_to(obj, oj_to_hash_id)) { // Always attempt to_hash. dump_to_hash(obj, depth, out); } else if (oj_bigdecimal_class == clas) { dump_bigdecimal(obj, depth, out, false); } else { oj_dump_obj_to_s(obj, out); } } static DumpFunc rails_funcs[] = { NULL, // RUBY_T_NONE = 0x00, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_OBJECT = 0x01, oj_dump_class, // RUBY_T_CLASS = 0x02, oj_dump_class, // RUBY_T_MODULE = 0x03, dump_float, // RUBY_T_FLOAT = 0x04, oj_dump_str, // RUBY_T_STRING = 0x05, dump_regexp, // RUBY_T_REGEXP = 0x06, // dump_as_string, // RUBY_T_REGEXP = 0x06, dump_array, // RUBY_T_ARRAY = 0x07, dump_hash, // RUBY_T_HASH = 0x08, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_STRUCT = 0x09, oj_dump_bignum, // RUBY_T_BIGNUM = 0x0a, dump_as_string, // RUBY_T_FILE = 0x0b, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_DATA = 0x0c, NULL, // RUBY_T_MATCH = 0x0d, // Rails raises a stack error on Complex and Rational. It also corrupts // something which causes a segfault on the next call. Oj will not mimic // that behavior. dump_as_string, // RUBY_T_COMPLEX = 0x0e, dump_as_string, // RUBY_T_RATIONAL = 0x0f, NULL, // 0x10 oj_dump_nil, // RUBY_T_NIL = 0x11, oj_dump_true, // RUBY_T_TRUE = 0x12, oj_dump_false, // RUBY_T_FALSE = 0x13, oj_dump_sym, // RUBY_T_SYMBOL = 0x14, oj_dump_fixnum, // RUBY_T_FIXNUM = 0x15, }; static void dump_rails_val(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { int type = rb_type(obj); if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("dump", obj, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth, TraceIn); } if (MAX_DEPTH < depth) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Too deeply nested.\n"); } if (0 < type && type <= RUBY_T_FIXNUM) { DumpFunc f = rails_funcs[type]; if (NULL != f) { f(obj, depth, out, as_ok); if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("dump", obj, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth, TraceOut); } return; } } oj_dump_nil(Qnil, depth, out, false); if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("dump", Qnil, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth, TraceOut); } } void oj_dump_rails_val(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { out->opts->str_rx.head = NULL; out->opts->str_rx.tail = NULL; if (escape_html) { out->opts->escape_mode = RailsXEsc; } else { out->opts->escape_mode = RailsEsc; } dump_rails_val(obj, depth, out, true); }