module Fastlane module Actions class UpdateUrbanAirshipConfigurationAction < Action def require "plist" begin path = File.expand_path(params[:plist_path]) plist = Plist.parse_xml(path) plist['developmentAppKey'] = params[:development_app_key] unless params[:development_app_key].nil? plist['developmentAppSecret'] = params[:development_app_secret] unless params[:development_app_secret].nil? plist['productionAppKey'] = params[:production_app_key] unless params[:production_app_key].nil? plist['productionAppSecret'] = params[:production_app_secret] unless params[:production_app_secret].nil? plist['detectProvisioningMode'] = params[:detect_provisioning_mode] unless params[:detect_provisioning_mode].nil? new_plist = plist.to_plist File.write(path, new_plist) rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.error("Unable to update Urban Airship configuration for plist file at '#{path}'") end end def self.description "Set the Urban Airship plist configuration values" end def self.details "This action updates the `AirshipConfig.plist` needed to configure the Urban Airship SDK at runtime, allowing keys and secrets to easily be set for the Enterprise and Production versions of the application." end def self.available_options [ :plist_path, env_name: "URBAN_AIRSHIP_PLIST_PATH", description: "Path to Urban Airship configuration Plist", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_errror!("Could not find Urban Airship plist file") unless File.exist?(value) end), :development_app_key, optional: true, env_name: "URBAN_AIRSHIP_DEVELOPMENT_APP_KEY", sensitive: true, description: "The development app key"), :development_app_secret, optional: true, env_name: "URBAN_AIRSHIP_DEVELOPMENT_APP_SECRET", sensitive: true, description: "The development app secret"), :production_app_key, optional: true, env_name: "URBAN_AIRSHIP_PRODUCTION_APP_KEY", sensitive: true, description: "The production app key"), :production_app_secret, optional: true, env_name: "URBAN_AIRSHIP_PRODUCTION_APP_SECRET", sensitive: true, description: "The production app secret"), :detect_provisioning_mode, env_name: "URBAN_AIRSHIP_DETECT_PROVISIONING_MODE", is_string: false, type: Boolean, optional: true, description: "Automatically detect provisioning mode") ] end def self.authors ["kcharwood"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end def self.example_code [ 'update_urban_airship_configuration( plist_path: "AirshipConfig.plist", production_app_key: "PRODKEY", production_app_secret: "PRODSECRET" )' ] end def self.category :push end end end end