class Production def initialize(ast, interpretation_context) rebind(ImmutableQueue.empty.push(ast), interpretation_context) end def type() case when (nil == production) then nil when self_production_is_block_with_bind? then Tokens.block_with_bind when self_production_is_block? then Tokens.block when (production.instance_of?(Fixnum) or production.instance_of?(Symbol)) then Tokens.terminal when self_production_is_rolemethod_call? then Tokens.rolemethod_call when self_production_is_role? then Tokens.role when self_production_is_indexer? then Tokens.indexer when self_production_is_call? then else Tokens.other end end def [](i) @production[i] end def []=(i, v) @production[i] = v end def length() @production.length end def last() @production.last end def first() @production.first end def data() return @data if @data @data = case when self_production_is_call? then @production[2] else @production end end def each() yield(self) if production.instance_of?((Sexp or production.instance_of?(Array))) then @queue = @queue.push_array(production) end while @queue.!=(ImmutableQueue.empty) do rebind(@queue, @interpretation_context) yield(self) if production.instance_of?((Sexp or production.instance_of?(Array))) then @queue = @queue.push_array(production) end end end private def rebind(queue, ctx) @data = nil @production, @queue = queue.pop @interpretation_context = ctx end attr_reader :interpretation_context attr_reader :queue attr_reader :production def self_production_is_role?() case when (self_production_is_call? and interpretation_context.roles.has_key?(production[2])) then @date = [production[2]] return true when (((production == :self) or ((self_production_is_indexer? and ((production[1] == nil) or (production[1] == :self))) or (production and ((production.instance_of?(Sexp) or production.instance_of?(Array)) and (production[0] == :self))))) and @interpretation_context.defining_role) then @data = @interpretation_context.defining_role return true else false end end def self_production_is_indexer?() self_production_is_call? and ((production[2] == :[]) or (production[2] == :[]=)) end def self_production_is_call?() production and ((production.instance_of?(Sexp) or production.instance_of?(Array)) and (production[0] == :call)) end def self_production_is_block?() production and ((production.instance_of?(Sexp) or production.instance_of?(Array)) and (production[0] == :iter)) end def self_production_is_block_with_bind?() if self_production_is_block? then body = @production.last if body and exp = body[0] then bind =, @interpretation_context) true if (bind.type == and ( == :bind) end end end def self_production_is_rolemethod_call?() can_be = self_production_is_call? if can_be then instance =[1], @interpretation_context) can_be = (instance.type == Tokens.role) if can_be then instance_data = role = @interpretation_context.roles[instance_data] data = production[2] can_be = role.has_key?(data) @data = [data, instance_data] end end can_be end end