require "spec_helper" describe CouchRest::Model::Designs do it "should accessable from model" do DesignModel.respond_to?(:design).should be_true end describe "class methods" do describe ".design" do before :each do @klass = DesignsModel.dup end describe "without block" do it "should create design_doc and all methods" do @klass.should respond_to(:design_doc) @klass.should respond_to(:all) end it "should created named design_doc method and not all" do :stats @klass.should respond_to(:stats_design_doc) @klass.should_not respond_to(:all) end it "should have added itself to a design_blocks array" do blocks = @klass.instance_variable_get(:@_design_blocks) blocks.length.should eql(1) blocks.first.should eql({:args => [], :block => nil}) end it "should have added itself to a design_blocks array" do blocks = @klass.instance_variable_get(:@_design_blocks) blocks.length.should eql(1) blocks.first.should eql({:args => [], :block => nil}) end it "should have added itself to a design_blocks array with prefix" do :stats blocks = @klass.instance_variable_get(:@_design_blocks) blocks.length.should eql(1) blocks.first.should eql({:args => [:stats], :block => nil}) end end describe "with block" do before :each do @block = do disable_auto_update end &@block end it "should pass calls to mapper" do @klass.design_doc.auto_update.should be_false end it "should have added itself to a design_blocks array" do blocks = @klass.instance_variable_get(:@_design_blocks) blocks.length.should eql(1) blocks.first.should eql({:args => [], :block => @block}) end it "should handle multiple designs" do @block2 = do view :by_name end :stats, &@block2 blocks = @klass.instance_variable_get(:@_design_blocks) blocks.length.should eql(2) blocks.first.should eql({:args => [], :block => @block}) blocks.last.should eql({:args => [:stats], :block => @block2}) end end end describe "inheritance" do before :each do klass = DesignModel.dup do view :by_name end @klass = end it "should add designs to sub module" do @klass.should respond_to(:design_doc) end end describe "default_per_page" do it "should return 25 default" do DesignModel.default_per_page.should eql(25) end end describe ".paginates_per" do it "should set the default per page value" do DesignModel.paginates_per(21) DesignModel.default_per_page.should eql(21) end end end describe "Scenario testing" do describe "with auto update disabled" do before :all do reset_test_db! @mod = DesignsNoAutoUpdate end before(:all) do id = @mod.to_s doc ="_id" => "_design/#{id}") doc["language"] = "javascript" doc["views"] = {"all" => {"map" => "function(doc) { if (doc['type'] == '#{id}') { emit(doc['_id'],1); } }"}, "by_title" => {"map" => "function(doc) { if ((doc['type'] == '#{id}') && (doc['title'] != null)) { emit(doc['title'], 1); } }", "reduce" => "function(k,v,r) { return sum(v); }"}} DB.save_doc doc end it "will fail if reduce is not specific in view" do @mod.create(:title => 'This is a test') lambda { @mod.by_title_fail.first }.should raise_error(RestClient::ResourceNotFound) end it "will perform view request" do @mod.create(:title => 'This is a test') @mod.by_title.first.title.should eql("This is a test") end end describe "using views" do describe "to find a single item" do before(:all) do reset_test_db! %w{aaa bbb ddd eee}.each do |title| => title, :active => (title == 'bbb')).save end end it "should return single matched record with find helper" do course = Course.find_by_title('bbb') course.should_not be_nil course.title.should eql('bbb') # Ensure really is a Course! end it "should return nil if not found" do course = Course.find_by_title('fff') course.should be_nil end it "should peform search on view with two properties" do course = Course.find_by_title_and_active(['bbb', true]) course.should_not be_nil course.title.should eql('bbb') # Ensure really is a Course! end it "should return nil if not found" do course = Course.find_by_title_and_active(['bbb', false]) course.should be_nil end it "should raise exception if view not present" do lambda { Course.find_by_foobar('123') }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "a model class with database provided manually" do class Unattached < CouchRest::Model::Base property :title property :questions property :professor design do view :by_title end # Force the database to always be nil def self.database nil end end before(:all) do reset_test_db! @db = DB %w{aaa bbb ddd eee}.each do |title| u = => title) u.database = @db @first_id ||= end end it "should barf on all if no database given" do lambda{Unattached.all.first}.should raise_error end it "should query all" do rs = Unattached.all.database(@db).all rs.length.should == 4 end it "should barf on query if no database given" do lambda{Unattached.by_title.all}.should raise_error /Database must be defined/ end it "should make the design doc upon first query" do Unattached.by_title.database(@db) doc = Unattached.design_doc doc['views']['all']['map'].should include('Unattached') end it "should merge query params" do rs = Unattached.by_title.database(@db).startkey("bbb").endkey("eee") rs.length.should == 3 end it "should return nil on get if no database given" do Unattached.get("aaa").should be_nil end it "should barf on get! if no database given" do lambda{Unattached.get!("aaa")}.should raise_error end it "should get from specific database" do u = Unattached.get(@first_id, @db) u.title.should == "aaa" end it "should barf on first if no database given" do lambda{Unattached.first}.should raise_error end it "should get first" do u = Unattached.all.database(@db).first u.title.should =~ /\A...\z/ end it "should get last" do u = Unattached.all.database(@db).last u.title.should == "aaa" end end describe "a model with a compound key view" do before(:all) do reset_test_db! written_at = - 24 * 3600 * 7 @titles = ["uniq one", "even more interesting", "less fun", "not junk"] @user_ids = ["quentin", "aaron"] @titles.each_with_index do |title,i| u = i % 2 a = => title, :user_id => @user_ids[u]) = written_at written_at += 24 * 3600 end end it "should create the design doc" do Article.by_user_id_and_date rescue nil doc = Article.design_doc doc['views']['by_date'].should_not be_nil end it "should sort correctly" do articles = Article.by_user_id_and_date.all articles.collect{|a|a['user_id']}.should == ['aaron', 'aaron', 'quentin', 'quentin'] articles[1].title.should == 'not junk' end it "should be queryable with couchrest options" do articles = Article.by_user_id_and_date(:limit => 1, :startkey => 'quentin').all articles.length.should == 1 articles[0].title.should == "even more interesting" end end end end end