module Spree module Core module ControllerHelpers module Common extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do helper_method :title helper_method :title= helper_method :accurate_title layout :get_layout before_action :set_user_language protected # can be used in views as well as controllers. # e.g. <% self.title = 'This is a custom title for this view' %> attr_writer :title def title title_string = @title.present? ? @title : accurate_title if title_string.present? if Spree::Config[:always_put_site_name_in_title] [title_string, default_title].join(" #{Spree::Config[:title_site_name_separator]} ") else title_string end else default_title end end def default_title end # this is a hook for subclasses to provide title def accurate_title current_store.seo_title end def render_404(_exception = nil) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-EOS, caller) #render_404 will be removed in Spree 3.6 You should switch to 404 handled by rails EOS respond_to do |type| type.html { render status: :not_found, file: "#{::Rails.root}/public/404", formats: [:html], layout: nil } type.all { head :not_found } end end private def set_user_language locale = session[:locale] locale = config_locale if respond_to?(:config_locale, true) && locale.blank? locale = Rails.application.config.i18n.default_locale if locale.blank? locale = I18n.default_locale unless I18n.locale = locale end # Returns which layout to render. # # You can set the layout you want to render inside your Spree configuration with the +:layout+ option. # # Default layout is: +app/views/spree/layouts/spree_application+ # def get_layout layout ||= Spree::Config[:layout] end end end end end end