# frozen_string_literal: true module LazyRecord # Collection of LazyRecord objects that are bound to a single class. # The Relation inherits scope methods from the class it is bound to. class Relation include Enumerable attr_reader :klass, :all def initialize(klass:, collection: []) klass = klass.call if klass.is_a? Proc klass_argument_error unless klass.is_a?(Class) @klass = klass @all = [] self_extend_scopes_module collection.each do |object| @all << object && next if object.is_a?(klass) collection_argument_error end end def collection_argument_error message = "Argument must be a collection of #{klass.to_s.tableize}" raise ArgumentError, message end def klass_argument_error raise ArgumentError, '`klass` keyword argument must be a class' end def <<(other) message = "object must be of type #{klass}" raise ArgumentError, message unless other.is_a?(klass) all << other unless all.include?(other) end def inspect "\#<#{klass}Relation [#{all.map(&:inspect).join(', ')}]>" end def where(condition = nil) result = all.select do |instance| if condition.is_a? Hash select_by_hash_condition(condition, instance) elsif block_given? yield instance end end self.class.new(klass: klass, collection: result) end def select_by_hash_condition(condition, instance) condition.all? do |key, val| val = val.call if val.is_a? Proc instance.send(key) == val end end def each(&block) all.each(&block) end def [](index) all[index] end def last self[-1] end def empty? all.empty? end def clear all.clear end private :clear, :all, :select_by_hash_condition def self_extend_scopes_module return unless klass.const_defined?(Scopes::SCOPE_MODULE_NAME, _search_ancestors = false) extend(klass.const_get(Scopes::SCOPE_MODULE_NAME)) end end end