# routemaster-drain [![Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/routemaster-drain.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/routemaster-drain) [![Build](https://circleci.com/gh/deliveroo/routemaster-drain.svg?style=shield&circle-token=7c256c63e5683bc25f0b4c3db0170446c91d36c8)](https://circleci.com/gh/deliveroo/routemaster-drain) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/deliveroo/routemaster-drain) [![Docs](http://img.shields.io/badge/API%20docs-rubydoc.info-blue.svg)](http://rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain) A Rack-based event receiver for the [Routemaster](https://github.com/deliveroo/routemaster) event bus. `routemaster-drain` is a collection of Rack middleware to receive and parse Routemaster events, filter them, and preemptively cache the corresponding resources. It provides prebuilt middleware stacks (`Basic`, `Mapping`, and `Caching`) for typical use cases, illustrated below, or you can easily roll your own by combining middleware. - [Installation](#installation) - [Upgrading](#upgrading) - [Illustrated use cases](#illustrated-use-cases) - [Simply receive events from Routemaster](#simply-receive-events-from-routemaster) - [Receive change notifications without duplicates](#receive-change-notifications-without-duplicates) - [Cache data for all notified resources](#cache-data-for-all-notified-resources) - [HTTP Client](#http-client) - [Internals](#internals) - [Dirty map](#dirty-map) - [Filter](#filter) - [Contributing](#contributing) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'routemaster-drain' ### Configuration This gem is configured through the environment, making 12factor compliance easier. Required: - `ROUTEMASTER_DRAIN_TOKENS`: a comma-separated list of valid authentication tokens, used by Routemaster to send you events. Optional: - `ROUTEMASTER_DRAIN_REDIS`: the URL of the Redis instance used for filtering and dirty mapping. Required if you use either feature, ignored otherwise. A namespace can be specified. Example: `redis://user:s3cr3t@myhost:1234/12/ns`. - `ROUTEMASTER_CACHE_REDIS`: the URL of the Redis instance used for caching. Required if you use the feature, ignored otherwise. Formatted like `ROUTEMASTER_DRAIN_REDIS`. - `ROUTEMASTER_CACHE_EXPIRY`: if using the cache, for how long to cache entries, in seconds. Default 1 year (31,536,000). - `ROUTEMASTER_CACHE_AUTH`: if using the cache, specifies what username/password pairs to use to fetch resources. The format is a comma-separated list of colon-separate lists of regexp, username, password values. Example: `server1:user:p4ss,server2:user:p4ass`. - `ROUTEMASTER_QUEUE_NAME`: if using the cache, on which Resque queue the cache population jobs should be enqueued. - `ROUTEMASTER_CACHE_TIMEOUT`: if using the cache, how long before Faraday will timeout fetching the resource. Defaults to 1 second. - `ROUTEMASTER_CACHE_VERIFY_SSL`: if using the cache, whether to verify SSL when fetching the resource. Defaults to false. Alternatively, it's possible to configure the gem to use pre-initialized Redis clients for the Cache Redis, the Drain Redis, or both. The clients are expected to be instances of `Redis::Distributed`. When configured, the pre-built clients take precendence and the gem won't try to estabilish its own private connection to the Redis instances supplied in the ENV variables. This is helpful if you want to re-use connections in order to reduce the number of connected clients to your Redis servers. ```ruby Routemaster::RedisBroker.instance.inject( drain_redis: a_redis_object, cache_redis: another_redis_object ) ``` ## Upgrading If upgrading from any version between 2.4.0 and 3.0.1, and are using caching, your cache may be corrupted by entries that lack a TTL (which will eventually cause your Redis storage to blow up). We provide a tool to fix your data. With your environment loaded and configured (e.g. from a Rails console), run: ```ruby Routemaster::Tasks::FixCacheTTL.new.call ``` This will scan your cache and add TTLs where missing. ## Illustrated use cases ### Simply receive events from Routemaster Provide a listener for events: ```ruby class Listener def on_events_received(batch) batch.each do |event| puts event.url end end end ``` Each event is a `Hashie::Mash` and responds to `type` (one of `create`, `update`, `delete`, or `noop`), `url` (the resource), and `t` (the event timestamp, in milliseconds since the Epoch). Create the app that will process events: ```ruby require 'routemaster/drain/basic' $app = Routemaster::Drain::Basic.new ``` Bind the app to your listener: ```ruby $app.subscribe(Listener.new, prefix: true) ``` And finally, mount your app to your subscription path: ```ruby # typically in config.ru map '/events' do run $app end ``` This relies on the excellent event bus from the [wisper gem](https://github.com/krisleech/wisper#wisper). ### Receive change notifications without duplicates When reacting to changes of some resource, it's common to want to avoid receiving further change notifications until you've actually processed that resource. Possibly you'll want to process changes in batches at regular time intervals. For this purpose, use `Routemaster::Drain::Mapping`: ```ruby require 'routemaster/drain/mapping' $app = Routemaster::Drain::Mapping.new ``` And mount it as usual: ```ruby # in config.ru map('/events') { run $app } ``` Instead of processing events, you'll check for changes in the dirty map: ```ruby require 'routemaster/dirty/map' $map = Routemaster::Dirty::Map.new every_5_minutes do $map.sweep do |url| # do something about this changed resource true end end ``` Until you've called `#sweep` and your block has returned `true`, you won't be bugged again — the dirty map acts as a buffer of changes (see below for internals). Notes: - You can limit the number of resources to be swept (`$map.sweep(123) { ... }`). - You can count the number of resources to be swept with `$map.count`. - You're not told _what_ is to be swept; entities won't be swept in the order of events received (much like Routemaster does not guarantee ordering). - If your sweeper fails, the dirty map will not be cleaned, so you can have leftovers. It's good practice to regularly run `$map.sweep { ... }` and perform cleanup regularly. - The map won't tell you if the resources has been changed, created, or deleted. You'll have to figure it out with an API call. - You can still attach a listener to the app to get all events. ### Cache data for all notified resources Another common use case is that you'll actually need the representation of the resources Routemaster tells you about. The `Caching` prebuilt app can do that for you, using Resque to populate the cache as events are received. For this purpose, use `Routemaster::Drain::Caching`: ```ruby require 'routemaster/drain/caching' $app = Routemaster::Drain::Caching.new ``` And mount it as usual: ```ruby # in config.ru map('/events') { run $app } ``` You can still attach a listener if you want the incoming events. Typically, what you'll want is the cache: ```ruby require 'routemaster/cache' $cache = Routemaster::Cache.new response = @cache.fget('https://example.com/widgets/123') puts response.body.id ``` In this example, if your app was notified by Routemaster about Widget #123, the cache will be very likely to be hit; and it will be invalidated automatically whenever the drain gets notified about a change on that widget. Note that `Cache#fget` is a future, so you can efficiently query many resources and have any `HTTP GET` requests (and cache queries) happen in parallel. Resources are fetched through jobs. By default it uses Resque but can be changed to use Sidekiq. ``` ROUTEMASTER_QUEUE_ADAPTER=sidekiq ``` Finally do not forget the corresponding backend: ``` # config/initializers/... require 'routemaster/jobs/backends/sidekiq' # or require 'routemaster/jobs/backends/resque' ``` See [rubydoc](http://rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/Routemaster/Cache) for more details on `Cache`. If you need to provide configure the `APIClient` used by `Routemaster::Cache`, you can configure it using `client_options`: ```ruby $cache = Routemaster::Cache.new(client_options: {source_peer: ""}) ``` ### Expire Cache data for all notified resources You may wish to maintain a coherent cache, but don't need the cache to be warmed before you process incoming events. In that case, use the cache as detailed above but swap the `Caching` drain out for `CacheBusting` ```ruby require 'routemaster/drain/caching_busting' $app = Routemaster::Drain::CachingBusting.new ``` ## HTTP Client The Drain is using a Faraday http client for communication between services. The client comes with a convenient caching mechanism as a default and supports custom response materialization. The Drain itself has the concept of "HATEOAS"(see below) response that provides a common way of addressing resources. ** **In order for the client to discover the resources that you are interested in, you need to call the `#discover(service_url)` method first** Example: ```ruby require 'routemaster/fetcher' require 'routemaster/responses/hateoas_response' client = Routemaster::APIClient.new( response_class: Routemaster::Responses::HateoasResponse, source_peer: "" ) response = client.discover('https://identity.deliveroo.com.dev') session_create_response = response.sessions.create(email: 'test@test.com', password: 'sup3rs3cr3t') session_create_response.user.show(1) ``` The index method returns an Enumerable response to fetch all items in a paginated collection with the options of passing filters. ``` users = response.users user_index_response = users.index(filters: {first_name: 'Jeff'}) total_users = user_index_response.total_users puts "printing names of all #{total_users} users" user_index_response.each do |user| puts user.full_name end ``` ### HATEOAS materialisation The client comes with optional HATEOAS response capabilities. They are optional, because drain itself doesn't need to use the HATEOAS response capabilities. Whenever the client is used outside of the drain it is **strongly** advised to be used with the HATEOAS response capabilities. The HATEOAS response will materialize methods based on the keys found under the `_links` key on the payload. The semantics are the following: ```ruby # Given the following payload { "_links" : { "users" : { "href" : "https://identity.deliveroo.com.dev/users" }, "user" : { "href" : "https://identity.deliveroo.com.dev/users/{id}", "templated" : true } } } client = Routemaster::APIClient.new(response_class: Routemaster::Responses::HateoasResponse) response = client.discover('https://identity.deliveroo.com.dev') response.users.create(username: 'roo') #=> HateoasResponse response.users.index #=> HateoasResponse response.user.show(1) #=> HateoasResponse ``` ### Circuit Breaker The client ships with a circuit breaker for get requests, this can be enabled by setting `ROUTEMASTER_ENABLE_API_CLIENT_CIRCUIT`. The Circuit Breaker is powered by [Circuitbox](https://github.com/yammer/circuitbox). The following parameters can be used: - `ROUTEMASTER_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_SLEEP_WINDOW` - The time in seconds the circuit will remain open once it's triggered - `ROUTEMASTER_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_TIME_WINDOW` - The time in seconds over which it calculates the error rate - `ROUTEMASTER_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_VOLUME_THRESHOLD` - The minimum amount of requests that can trigger the circuit to open - `ROUTEMASTER_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_ERROR_THRESHOLD` - The % of errors required for the circuit to open in the sleep window Each of these settings can be controlled on a per domain basis. To set `ROUTEMASTER_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_SLEEP_WINDOW` for `example.com` set `example.com.ROUTEMASTER_CIRCUIT_BREAKER_SLEEP_WINDOW` ## Internals The more elaborate drains are built with two components which can also be used independently, [`Dirty::Map`](http://rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/Routemaster/Dirty/Map), [`Dirty::Filter`](http://rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/Routemaster/Dirty/Filter) and [`Middleware::Siphon`](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/master/Routemaster/Middleware/Siphon). ### Dirty map A dirty map collects entities that have been created, updated, or deleted (or rather, their URLs). It can be used to delay your service's reaction to events, for instance combined with Resque. A dirty map map gets _marked_ when an event about en entity gets processed that indicates a state change, and _swept_ to process those changes. Practically, instances of [`Routemaster::Dirty::Map`](http://rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/Routemaster/Dirty/Map) will emit a `:dirty_entity` event when a URL is marked as dirty, and can be swept when an entity is "cleaned". If a URL is marked multiple times before being swept (e.g. for very volatile entities), the event will only by broadcast once. To sweep the map, you can for instance listen to this event and call [`#sweep_one`](http://rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/Routemaster/Dirty/Map#sweep_one-instance_method). If you're not in a hurry and would rather run through batches you can call [`#sweep`](http://rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/Routemaster/Dirty/Map#sweep-instance_method) which will yield URLs until it runs out of dirty resources. ### Filter [`Routemaster::Dirty::Filter`](http://rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/Routemaster/Dirty/Filter) is a simple event filter that performs reordering. It ignores events older than the latest known information on an entity. It stores transient state in Redis and will emit `:entity_changed` events whenever an entity has changed. This event can usefully be fed into a dirty map, as in `Receiver::Filter` for instance. ### Siphon [`Middleware::Siphon`](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/master/Routemaster/Middleware/Siphon) extracts payloads from the middleware chain, allowing them to be processed separately. This is useful for event topics where the update frequency is not well suited to frequent caching. For example, a location update event which you'd expect to receive every few seconds. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( http://github.com/deliveroo/routemaster-drain/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request Do not bump version numbers on branches (a maintainer will do this when cutting a release); but please do describe your changes in the `CHANGELOG` (at the top, without a version number). If you have changed dependencies, you need to run `appraisal update` to make sure the various version specific gemfiles are updated.