// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2011 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start Q$ */ var pane, optionsForLabel1, optionsForLabel2, delegate, optionsForLabelFromView; pane = SC.ControlTestPane.design().add("label1", SC.LabelView, { value: 'Some Text', notifiedWillBegin: NO, notifiedDidBegin: NO, inlineEditorShouldBeginEditing: function(inlineEditor) { return YES; }, inlineEditorWillBeginEditing: function(inlineEditor) { this.set('notifiedWillBegin', YES); // The inline editor is the last view appended to the parent var parentView = this.get('parentView'), length = parentView.childViews.length, editor = parentView.childViews[length - 1]; ok(!editor.get('isFirstResponder'), "should not be first responder yet"); sc_super(); }, inlineEditorDidBeginEditing: function(inlineEditor) { this.set('notifiedDidBegin', YES); // The inline editor is the last view appended to the parent var parentView = this.get('parentView'), length = parentView.childViews.length, editor = parentView.childViews[length - 1]; ok(editor.get('isFirstResponder'), "should be first responder now"); sc_super(); } }).add("label2", SC.LabelView, { value: 'Can\'t Touch This', inlineEditorShouldBeginEditing: function(inlineEditor) { return NO; } }); pane.resetView = function(view) { view.set('notifiedWillBegin', NO); view.set('notifiedDidBegin', NO); }; optionsForLabelFromView = function(view) { var el = view.$(), f = SC.offset(el[0]), frameTemp = view.convertFrameFromView(view.get('frame'), null); f.width = frameTemp.width; f.height = frameTemp.height; var optionsForLabel = { frame: f, delegate: view, exampleElement: view.$(), value: view.get('value'), multiline: view.get('isInlineEditorMultiline'), validator: view.get('validator'), exampleInlineTextFieldView: view.get('exampleInlineTextFieldView') }; return optionsForLabel; }; /** */ module("Test the beginEditing() function of SC.InlineTextFieldView", { setup: function() { pane.standardSetup().setup(); var view1 = pane.view('label1'), view2 = pane.view("label2"); // Reset view1 delegate functions pane.resetView(view1); optionsForLabel1 = optionsForLabelFromView(view1); optionsForLabel2 = optionsForLabelFromView(view2); }, teardown: function() { optionsForLabel1 = optionsForLabel2 = null; SC.InlineTextFieldView.discardEditing(); pane.standardSetup().teardown(); } }); test("fails when required options are missing", function() { try { optionsForLabel1["frame"] = null; ok(SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1) === NO, "should fail if frame missing"); } catch(e1) { ok(YES, "should fail if frame missing: %@".fmt(e1)); } try { optionsForLabel1["delegate"] = null; ok(SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1) === NO, "should fail if delegate missing"); } catch(e2) { ok(YES, "should fail if delegate missing: %@".fmt(e2)); } try { optionsForLabel1["exampleElement"] = null; ok(SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1) === NO, "should fail if exampleElement missing"); } catch(e3) { ok(YES, "should fail if exampleElement missing: %@".fmt(e3)); } }); test("value of inline editor same as label", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1); SC.RunLoop.end(); // The inline editor is the last view appended to the parent var view = pane.view('label1'), parentView = view.get('parentView'), length = parentView.childViews.length, editor = parentView.childViews[length - 1]; equals(editor.get('value'), view.get('value'), "editor should have the same initial value as its label"); }); test("use input element when options.multiline is set to NO", function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1); SC.RunLoop.end(); // The inline editor is the last view appended to the parent var view = pane.view('label1'), parentView = view.get('parentView'), length = parentView.childViews.length, editor = parentView.childViews[length - 1]; ok(editor.$("input").length > 0, "should be using an input element"); }); test("use textarea element when options.multiline is set to YES", function() { optionsForLabel1["multiline"] = YES; SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1); SC.RunLoop.end(); // The inline editor is the last view appended to the parent var view = pane.view('label1'), parentView = view.get('parentView'), length = parentView.childViews.length, editor = parentView.childViews[length - 1]; ok(editor.$("textarea").length > 0, "should be using a textarea element"); }); /* TODO: move these to inlineEditorDelegate tests test("inline editor aborts if delegate returns NO to inlineEditorShouldBeginEditing()", function() { SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel2); // The inline editor is the last view appended to the pane var length = pane._pane.childViews.length, editor = pane._pane.childViews[length - 1]; ok(!editor.get('isEditing'), "editor should have isEditing set to NO"); }); test("inline editor notifies delegate with inlineEditorWillBeginEditing() before becoming responder", function() { var view1 = pane.view('label1'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); ok(!view1.get('notifiedWillBegin'), "the delegate should not have been notified of begin editing at this point"); SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1); ok(view1.get('notifiedWillBegin'), "the delegate should have been notified of begin editing at this point"); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); */ test("inline editor notifies delegate with inlineEditorDidBeginEditing() after becoming responder", function() { var view1 = pane.view('label1'); // Start a run loop because the notification isn't invoked until the beginning of the next run loop SC.RunLoop.begin(); ok(!view1.get('notifiedDidBegin'), "the delegate should not have been notified of begin editing at this point"); SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view1.get('notifiedDidBegin'), "the delegate should have been notified of begin editing at this point"); }); test("inline editor does not display the defaultValue if the label's value is the number 0", function() { var view1 = pane.view('label1'); view1.set('value', 0); optionsForLabel1 = optionsForLabelFromView(view1); SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.InlineTextFieldView.beginEditing(optionsForLabel1); SC.RunLoop.end(); // The inline editor is the last view appended to the parent var view = pane.view('label1'), parentView = view.get('parentView'), length = parentView.childViews.length, editor = parentView.childViews[length - 1]; same(editor.get('value'), 0, "editor should have number 0 as value"); editor.blurEditor(); same(view1.get('value'), 0, "view should still have number 0 as value"); });