Class DataFormatter

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DataFormatter
extends java.lang.Object

DataFormatter contains methods for formatting the value stored in an Cell. This can be useful for reports and GUI presentations when you need to display data exactly as it appears in Excel. Supported formats include currency, SSN, percentages, decimals, dates, phone numbers, zip codes, etc.

Internally, formats will be implemented using subclasses of Format such as DecimalFormat and SimpleDateFormat. Therefore the formats used by this class must obey the same pattern rules as these Format subclasses. This means that only legal number pattern characters ("0", "#", ".", "," etc.) may appear in number formats. Other characters can be inserted before or after the number pattern to form a prefix or suffix.

For example the Excel pattern "$#,##0.00 "USD"_);($#,##0.00 "USD")" will be correctly formatted as "$1,000.00 USD" or "($1,000.00 USD)". However the pattern "00-00-00" is incorrectly formatted by DecimalFormat as "000000--". For Excel formats that are not compatible with DecimalFormat, you can provide your own custom Format implementation via DataFormatter.addFormat(String,Format). The following custom formats are already provided by this class:


If the Excel format pattern cannot be parsed successfully, then a default format will be used. The default number format will mimic the Excel General format: "#" for whole numbers and "#.##########" for decimal numbers. You can override the default format pattern with DataFormatter.setDefaultNumberFormat(Format). Note: the default format will only be used when a Format cannot be created from the cell's data format string.

James May (james dot may at fmr dot com)

Constructor Summary
          Creates a formatter using the default locale.
DataFormatter(java.util.Locale locale)
          Creates a formatter using the given locale.
Method Summary
 void addFormat(java.lang.String excelFormatStr, java.text.Format format)
          Adds a new format to the available formats.
 java.text.Format createFormat(Cell cell)
          Create and return a Format based on the format string from a cell's style.
 java.lang.String formatCellValue(Cell cell)
           Returns the formatted value of a cell as a String regardless of the cell type.
 java.lang.String formatCellValue(Cell cell, FormulaEvaluator evaluator)
           Returns the formatted value of a cell as a String regardless of the cell type.
 java.lang.String formatRawCellContents(double value, int formatIndex, java.lang.String formatString)
          Formats the given raw cell value, based on the supplied format index and string, according to excel style rules.
 java.lang.String formatRawCellContents(double value, int formatIndex, java.lang.String formatString, boolean use1904Windowing)
          Formats the given raw cell value, based on the supplied format index and string, according to excel style rules.
 java.text.Format getDefaultFormat(Cell cell)
          Returns a default format for a cell.
 void setDefaultNumberFormat(java.text.Format format)
           Sets a default number format to be used when the Excel format cannot be parsed successfully.
static void setExcelStyleRoundingMode(java.text.DecimalFormat format)
          Enables excel style rounding mode (round half up) on the Decimal Format if possible.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DataFormatter()
Creates a formatter using the default locale.


public DataFormatter(java.util.Locale locale)
Creates a formatter using the given locale.

Method Detail


public java.text.Format createFormat(Cell cell)
Create and return a Format based on the format string from a cell's style. If the pattern cannot be parsed, return a default pattern.

cell - The Excel cell
A Format representing the excel format. May return null.


public java.text.Format getDefaultFormat(Cell cell)
Returns a default format for a cell.

cell - The cell
a default format


public java.lang.String formatRawCellContents(double value,
                                              int formatIndex,
                                              java.lang.String formatString)
Formats the given raw cell value, based on the supplied format index and string, according to excel style rules.

See Also:


public java.lang.String formatRawCellContents(double value,
                                              int formatIndex,
                                              java.lang.String formatString,
                                              boolean use1904Windowing)
Formats the given raw cell value, based on the supplied format index and string, according to excel style rules.

See Also:


public java.lang.String formatCellValue(Cell cell)

Returns the formatted value of a cell as a String regardless of the cell type. If the Excel format pattern cannot be parsed then the cell value will be formatted using a default format.

When passed a null or blank cell, this method will return an empty String (""). Formulas in formula type cells will not be evaluated.

cell - The cell
the formatted cell value as a String


public java.lang.String formatCellValue(Cell cell,
                                        FormulaEvaluator evaluator)

Returns the formatted value of a cell as a String regardless of the cell type. If the Excel format pattern cannot be parsed then the cell value will be formatted using a default format.

When passed a null or blank cell, this method will return an empty String (""). Formula cells will be evaluated using the given FormulaEvaluator if the evaluator is non-null. If the evaluator is null, then the formula String will be returned. The caller is responsible for setting the currentRow on the evaluator

cell - The cell (can be null)
evaluator - The FormulaEvaluator (can be null)
a string value of the cell


public void setDefaultNumberFormat(java.text.Format format)

Sets a default number format to be used when the Excel format cannot be parsed successfully. Note: This is a fall back for when an error occurs while parsing an Excel number format pattern. This will not affect cells with the General format.

The value that will be passed to the Format's format method (specified by java.text.Format#format) will be a double value from a numeric cell. Therefore the code in the format method should expect a Number value.

format - A Format instance to be used as a default
See Also:


public void addFormat(java.lang.String excelFormatStr,
                      java.text.Format format)
Adds a new format to the available formats.

The value that will be passed to the Format's format method (specified by java.text.Format#format) will be a double value from a numeric cell. Therefore the code in the format method should expect a Number value.

excelFormatStr - The data format string
format - A Format instance


public static void setExcelStyleRoundingMode(java.text.DecimalFormat format)
Enables excel style rounding mode (round half up) on the Decimal Format if possible. This will work for Java 1.6, but isn't possible on Java 1.5.

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