for ATK 2.10.0

ATK Library
AtkAction — The ATK interface provided by UI components which the user can activate/interact with.
AtkComponent — The ATK interface provided by UI components which occupy a physical area on the screen. which the user can activate/interact with.
AtkDocument — The ATK interface which represents the toplevel container for document content.
AtkEditableText — The ATK interface implemented by components containing user-editable text content.
AtkGObjectAccessible — This object class is derived from AtkObject and can be used as a basis implementing accessible objects.
AtkHyperlink — An ATK object which encapsulates a link or set of links in a hypertext document.
AtkHyperlinImpl — An interface from which the AtkHyperlink associated with an AtkObject may be obtained.
AtkHypertext — The ATK interface which provides standard mechanism for manipulating hyperlinks.
AtkImage — The ATK Interface implemented by components which expose image or pixmap content on-screen.
AtkNoOpObject — An AtkObject which purports to implement all ATK interfaces.
AtkNoOpObjectFactory — The AtkObjectFactory which creates an AtkNoOpObject.
AtkObject — The base object class for the Accessibility Toolkit API.
AtkObjectFactory — The base object class for a factory used to create accessible objects for objects of a specific GType.
AtkPlug — Toplevel for embedding into other processes
AtkRelation — An object used to describe a relation between a object and one or more other objects.
AtkRelationSet — A set of AtkRelations, normally the set of AtkRelations which an AtkObject has.
AtkSelection — The ATK interface implemented by container objects whose AtkObject children can be selected.
AtkSocket — Container for AtkPlug objects from other processes
AtkState — An AtkState describes a component's particular state.
AtkStateSet — An AtkStateSet determines a component's state set.
AtkStreamableContent — The ATK interface which provides access to streamable content.
AtkTable — The ATK interface implemented for UI components which contain tabular or row/column information.
AtkText — The ATK interface implemented by components with text content.
AtkUtil — A set of ATK utility functions for event and toolkit support.
AtkValue — The ATK interface implemented by valuators and components which display or select a value from a bounded range of values.
AtkWindow — The ATK Interface provided by UI components that represent a top-level window.
Versioning macros — Variables and functions to check the ATK version
Index of all symbols
Index of deprecated symbols
Index of new symbols in 1.3
Index of new symbols in 1.4
Index of new symbols in 1.6
Index of new symbols in 1.12
Index of new symbols in 1.13
Index of new symbols in 1.18
Index of new symbols in 1.20
Index of new symbols in 1.22
Index of new symbols in 1.24
Index of new symbols in 1.26
Index of new symbols in 1.28
Index of new symbols in 1.30
Index of new symbols in 1.32