require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' require 'rest_client' require 'awesome_print' module GeoHydra # Provides client interface to GeoNetwork's REST API # @see XML Services documentation class GeoNetwork # @see Valid status descriptions GEONETWORK_STATUS_CODES = %w{unknown draft approved retired submitted rejected} # @see Valid info tags GEONETWORK_INFO_CODES = %w{site users groups sources schemas categories operations regions status} # @param [Hash] options provides `:service_root` URL def initialize options = {} @service_root = options[:service_root] || GeoHydra::Config.geonetwork.service_root ap({:service_root => @service_root}) if $DEBUG end # @see Site Information: `` def site_info service("", { :type => 'site' }).xpath('/info/site') end # Fetches metrics def metrics service("../../monitor/metrics", { :pretty => 'true' }) end # @yield the UUID (fileIdentifier) for all metadata in the GeoNetwork database def each xml = service("", { :remote => 'off', :hitsPerPage => -1 }) xml.xpath('//uuid/text()').each do |uuid| yield uuid.to_s.strip end end # @see Metadata retrieval: `xml.metadata.get` # @see Metadata status: `xml.metadata.status.get` # # @param [String] uuid the UUID (fileIdentifier) in the GeoNetwork database # @param [Boolean] include_status # @return [Struct] with the following fields: # * `:content` as the XML metadata # * `:status` as the status value, # * `:druid` as the druid identifier def fetch(uuid, include_status = false) status = nil if include_status xml = service('xml.metadata.status.get', { :uuid => uuid }) xml.xpath('/response/record/statusid') do |id| status = GEONETWORK_STATUS_CODES[id.to_i] end end doc = service('xml.metadata.get', { :uuid => uuid }) if doc.xpath('//gmd:MD_Metadata').empty? raise ArgumentError, "#{uuid} not in ISO 19139 format" end doc.xpath('//geonet:info').each { |x| x.remove } # GeoNetwork additions druid = nil doc.xpath( '//gmd:MD_Metadata/' + 'gmd:dataSetURI/' + 'gco:CharacterString[starts-with(text(),"")]/' + 'text()').each do |i| druid = to_druid(i.to_s) end raise ArgumentError, "Cannot extract DRUID: #{uuid}" if druid.nil?, :status, :druid).new(doc, status, druid) end # @see MEF Service # @see CSW service # @param [String] uuid # @param [String] dir directory into which method will save export file(s) # @param [Symbol] format -- Either `:mef` or `:csw` def export(uuid, dir = ".", format = :mef) case format when :mef then export_mef(uuid, dir) when :csw then export_csw(uuid, dir) else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported export format #{format}" end end # @see # System Configuration # @param types [Array] see {GeoHydra::GeoNetwork::GEONETWORK_INFO_CODES} def info(types = GEONETWORK_INFO_CODES) r = {} types.each do |t| if GEONETWORK_INFO_CODES.include?(t) r[t] = service("", { :type => t }) else raise ArgumentError, "#{t} is not a supported type for REST service" end end r end private def service(name, params, format = :default) if format == :default and name.start_with?('xml.') format = :xml end uri = "#{@service_root}/srv/eng/#{name}" ap({ :uri => uri, :params => params, :format => format }) if $DEBUG r = RestClient.get uri, :params => params if format == :xml Nokogiri::XML(r) elsif format == :default r else raise ArgumentError, "service requires format valid parameter: #{format}" end end def export_mef(uuid, dir = ".") res = service("mef.export", { :uuid => uuid, :version => 'true', :relation => 'false' }) fn = "#{dir}/#{uuid}.mef", 'wb') {|f| f.puts(res.body) } raise ArgumentError, "MEF #{fn} is missing" unless File.exist? fn fn end def export_csw(uuid, dir = ".") res = service("csw", { :request => 'GetRecordById', :service => 'CSW', :version => '2.0.2', :elementSetName => 'full', :id => uuid }) fn = "#{dir}/#{uuid}.csw", 'wb') {|f| f.write(res.body) } raise ArgumentError, "CSW #{fn} is missing" unless File.exist? fn fn end def to_druid(purl) purl.to_s.downcase.gsub(%r{^(*)/([a-z0-9]{11})$}, "\\2") end end end