module Kernel unless method_defined?(:tap) # 1.8.7+ # The tap K-Combinator. This yields self -and- returns self. # # Note, Ruby 1.9+ does not appear to support the zero arity # instance_eval option. # def tap(&b) if block_given? b.arity == 1 ? yield(self) : instance_eval(&b) end self end # == Future definition? # # This is a consideration for a future #tap using Functor: # # require 'facets/functor' # # def tap(&b) # if block_given? # b.arity == 1 ? yield(self) : instance_eval(&b) # self # else #{ |op, *args| self.send(op, *args); self } # end # end # # It would allow a single call, before returning the original. # However there are not very many useful things you can do with # that. end end