require 'retrospec/plugins/v1/module_helpers' require 'retrospec/plugins/v1' require 'retrospec/config' require_relative 'generators' require_relative 'exceptions' require_relative 'spec_object' require 'erb' require_relative 'template_helpers' require 'fileutils' require_relative 'puppet_module' require 'retrospec/exceptions' require_relative 'version' require 'find' require 'logger' require 'puppet' module Retrospec module Plugins module V1 class Puppet < Retrospec::Plugins::V1::Plugin include Retrospec::Puppet::TemplateHelpers attr_reader :template_dir, :context, :manifest_files attr_accessor :manifest_dir def initialize(supplied_module_path = nil, config = {}) super ::Puppet[:environment] = 'retrospec' ::Puppet[:environmentpath] = Utilities::PuppetModule.base_environment_path @manifest_dir = File.join(supplied_module_path, 'manifests') # user supplied a template path or user wants to use local templates @template_dir = setup_user_template_dir(config_data[:template_dir], config_data[:scm_url], config_data[:ref]) end def self.logger unless @logger require 'logger' @logger = if ENV['RETROSPEC_LOGGER_LEVEL'] == 'debug' @logger.level = Logger::DEBUG else @logger.level = Logger::INFO end end @logger end def post_init # before we validate the module directory we should ensure the module exists by creating it # validation also occurs when setting the module path # these are required because the puppet module creates a singleton with some cached values Utilities::PuppetModule.instance.module_dir_name = File.basename(module_path) Utilities::PuppetModule.instance.module_name = File.basename(module_path) Utilities::PuppetModule.instance.module_path = module_path Utilities::PuppetModule.create_tmp_module_path # this is required to finish initialization # setting the context is required to make other methods below work. #TODO lazy create the context @context =, Utilities::PuppetModule.instance, config_data) end # if the module does not exist lets create it # this will create the module directory, manifests directory and basic init.pp file # if the manifest directory already exist but an init.pp file does not we do not creating # anything since it is not mandatory # I thought about using the the module face to perform this generation but it seems like its not # supported at this time, and you can't specify the path to generate the module in def new_module(plugin_data, args) plugin_data = Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::ModuleGenerator.run_cli(plugin_data, args) # the user passed in /tmp/test1 and the name is irrelevent if ! File.exists?(plugin_data[:module_path]) plugin_data[:module_path] = File.join(plugin_data[:module_path]) # if the module path basename is the same as the module name # this is a parent directory or the module already exists elsif File.basename(plugin_data[:module_path]) != plugin_data[:name] plugin_data[:module_path] = File.join(plugin_data[:module_path], plugin_data[:name]) end # we need to set this because the this class is created before we created the new module directory # so we now have to set the manifests and module directory self.module_path = plugin_data[:module_path] config_data[:module_path] = plugin_data[:module_path] self.manifest_dir = File.join(plugin_data[:module_path], 'manifests') f =[:module_path], plugin_data) end # used to display subcommand options to tglobal_confighe cli # the global options are passed in for your usage # # all options here are available in the config passed into the initialize code # this is the only entry point into the plugin def self.run_cli(global_opts, global_config, plugin_config, args=ARGV) template_dir = ENV['RETROSPEC_TEMPLATES_DIR'] || plugin_config['plugins::puppet::template_dir'] || File.expand_path('~/.retrospec/repos/retrospec-puppet-templates') scm_url = ENV['RETROSPEC_PUPPET_SCM_URL'] || plugin_config['plugins::puppet::templates::url'] scm_branch = ENV['RETROSPEC_PUPPET_SCM_BRANCH'] || plugin_config['plugins::puppet::templates::ref'] || 'master' beaker_tests = plugin_config['plugins::puppet::enable_beaker_tests'] || false # a list of subcommands for this plugin sub_commands = %w(new_module new_fact new_type new_provider new_function new_report) if sub_commands.count > 0 sub_command_help = "Subcommands:\n #{sub_commands.join("\n ")}\n" else sub_command_help = '' end plugin_opts = Trollop.options(args) do version "Retrospec puppet plugin: #{Retrospec::Puppet::VERSION} (c) Corey Osman" banner <<-EOS Generates puppet rspec test code and puppet module components. #{sub_command_help} EOS opt :template_dir, 'Path to templates directory (only for overriding Retrospec templates)', :type => :string, :required => false, :default => template_dir opt :scm_url, 'SCM url for retrospec templates', :type => :string, :required => false, :default => scm_url opt :branch, 'Branch you want to use for the retrospec template repo', :type => :string, :required => false, :default => scm_branch opt :enable_beaker_tests, 'Enable the creation of beaker tests', :require => false, :type => :boolean, :default => beaker_tests stop_on sub_commands end # the passed in options will always override the config file plugin_data = plugin_opts.merge(global_config).merge(global_opts).merge(plugin_opts).merge(plugin_config) # define the default action to use the plugin here, the default is run sub_command = (args.shift || :run).to_sym # create an instance of this plugin plugin = new(plugin_data[:module_path], plugin_data) # check if the plugin supports the sub command begin if plugin.respond_to?(sub_command) case sub_command when :new_module plugin.send(sub_command, plugin_data, args) plugin.post_init # finish initialization when :run plugin.post_init # finish initialization when :new_type plugin.new_type(plugin_data, args) when :new_function plugin.new_function(plugin_data, args) when :new_fact plugin.new_fact(plugin_data, args) when :new_provider plugin.new_provider(plugin_data, args) else plugin.post_init # finish initialization plugin.send(sub_command, plugin_data[:module_path], plugin_data, args) end plugin.send(:run) else puts "The subcommand #{sub_command} is not supported or valid".fatal exit 1 end rescue Retrospec::Puppet::InvalidModulePathError => e exit 1 rescue Retrospec::Puppet::NoManifestDirError => e exit 1 rescue Retrospec::Puppet::ParserError => e exit 1 rescue Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::CoreTypeException => e puts e.message.fatal rescue Errno::ENOENT => e puts e.message rescue Exception => e puts e.message exit 1 end plugin_data end def new_report(module_path, config, args=[]) plugin_data = Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::ReportGenerator.run_cli(config, args) p =, plugin_data) end # temporary disabling for future version # def new_schema(module_path, config, args=[]) # plugin_data = Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::SchemaGenerator.run_cli(config, args) # plugin_data[:puppet_context] = context # s =[:module_path], plugin_data) # s.generate_schema_file # end def new_function(config, args) plugin_data = Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::FunctionGenerator.run_cli(config, args) f =[:module_path], plugin_data) post_init f.generate_function_file end def function_spec_files(module_path, config) f =, config) f.generate_spec_files end def new_provider(config, args) plugin_data = Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::ProviderGenerator.run_cli(config, args) p =[:module_path], plugin_data) post_init p.generate_provider_files end def provider_spec_files(module_path, config) t =, config) t.generate_provider_spec_files end def new_type(config, args) plugin_data = Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::TypeGenerator.run_cli(config, args) t =[:module_path], plugin_data) post_init t.generate_type_files end def type_spec_files(module_path, config) t =, config) t.generate_type_spec_files end def new_fact(plugin_data, args) f = Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::FactGenerator.run_cli(plugin_data, args) post_init # finish initialization f.generate_fact_file end # generates the fact spec files def fact(module_path, config) f =, config) f.generate_fact_spec_files end # this is the main method the starts all the magic def run run_pre_hook create_files run_post_hook end # the template directory located inside the retrospec gem def template_dir @template_dir ||= File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')) end # runs a user defined hook called pre-hook def run_pre_hook hook_file = File.join(template_dir, 'pre-hook') run_hook(hook_file) end def run_hook(hook_file) return unless File.exist?(hook_file) output = `ruby #{hook_file} #{module_path}` if $CHILD_STATUS.success? puts "Successfully ran hook: #{hook_file}".info puts else puts "Error running hook: #{hook_file}".fatal puts output.fatal end end # runs a user defined hook called post-hook def run_post_hook hook_file = File.join(template_dir, 'post-hook') run_hook(hook_file) end # this is the method that performs all the magic and creates all the files def create_files filter = /nodesets|acceptance|spec_helper_acceptance/ unless context.enable_beaker_tests? safe_create_module_files(template_dir, module_path, context, filter) fact(module_path, config_data) type_spec_files(module_path, config_data) provider_spec_files(module_path, config_data) function_spec_files(module_path, config_data) # FIXME temporary disabling to re-release in future update #new_schema(module_path, config_data) Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::ModuleGenerator.generate_metadata_file(context.module_name, config_data) Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::ResourceBaseGenerator.generate_spec_files(module_path, config_data) Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::AcceptanceGenerator.generate_spec_files(module_path, config_data) if context.enable_beaker_tests? Utilities::PuppetModule.clean_tmp_modules_dir true end def description 'Generates puppet rspec test code based on the classes and defines inside the manifests directory' end def manifest_files @manifest_files ||= Dir.glob("#{manifest_dir}/**/*.pp") end def files @files ||= manifest_files end # the main file type that is used to help discover what the module is def self.file_type '.pp' end end end end end